Transformer approach to nowcasting solar energy using geostationary satellite data
(1) 提出了基于Transformer的深度学习方法(SolarFormer)用于近实时太阳辐射临近预报
(2) SolarFormer使用静止卫星观测数据作为输入,无需地面站点数据支持
(3) SolarFormer在每小时预测中表现优于其他机器学习模型
(4) 由于其计算高效性,SolarFormer表现出对未来的更长时间预测时间的潜力
Research gap
Unpredicted spatial and temporal variability of global horizontal irradiance (GHI) reaching the photovoltaic panels presents a challenge for integrating solar power into the grid stably and cost-effectively at a regional scale. Therefore, there is a recognized demand for large-scale GHI nowcasting that is both timely and accurate, an area where most existing studies fall short. This study introduces the SolarFormer model, which utilizes satellite data and incorporates a gated recurrent unit for near real-time GHI estimation. It also includes a space-time transformer to provide forecasts with a 3-h lead time at 15-min intervals, maintaining accuracy without significant degradation over extended lead times. SolarFormer requires only the selected satellite band information shared by GOES-16 and Himawari-8 as the dynamic input, enabling near-real-time application across all areas covered by these satellites. This feature makes it accessible and efficient for large-scale energy planning. We validate the forecasting result with the ground-measured GHI over seven SURFRAD stations in 2018. The model achieves an hourly prediction root-mean-square error (relative root-mean-square error) of 93.8 W/m2 (15.0 %), 118.9 W/m2 (19.8 %), and 129.1 W/m2 (24.2 %) with 1–3 h lead time respectively. These results demonstrate lower root-mean-square error compared to existing hourly updated numerical weather prediction modeling, such as High-Resolution Rapid Refresh, and deep learning models, such as ConvLSTM. Moreover, the study highlights the potential of SolarFormer for extended lead-time forecasting due to its high computation and memory efficiency compared with the above-mentioned models, potentially benefiting long-term energy planning and power market bidding and clearing. However, SolarFormer exhibits accumulated bias as the predicted lead time increases and faces challenges in predicting GHI in the early morning due to the invalid visible satellite bands during the night, suggesting areas for improvement in future studies.
Solar energy forecasting
Photovoltaic technology
Deep learning
Near real-time nowcasting
Geostationary satellite
图1 SolarFormer 模型结构
图2 输入、目标值和SolarFormer预测值的一个测试样本
图3 SolarFormer模型和基准模型在每个像素点上的晴空比(CSR)验证结果
图4 SolarFormer模型和基准模型在七个SURFRAD站点上的验证结果
图6在云条件改变或未改变情况下, SolarFormer对不同时长的预报能力
图7 SolarFormer在不同月份下的预报能力
图8 SolarFormer不同输入/输出时间和空间尺寸的消融实验
李若含,博士,马里兰大学地理系博士后。从事通过结合遥感数据和深度学习对地表短波辐射进行估算和预测,在Remote Sensing of Environment, Earth System Science Data, NeurIPS等期刊和会议发表一作论文6篇
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