Agricultural friendly single-axis dynamic agrivoltaics: simulations, experiments and a large-scale application for Chinese Solar Greenhouses
(1) Analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of light fields under agrivoltaics (APV).
(2) Applying phenotypic and canopy photosynthesis techniques to the study of plants under APV.
(3) Integrating dynamic photovoltaic strategies with crop stubble.
(4) A large-scale case comprising 60 photovoltaic greenhouses was completed.
The concept of agrivoltaics (APV) has made progress in recent years but has not yet been widely promoted and applied on a larger scale. The main hindrance lies in the fact that the effects on crop cultivation have not been optimal. This study establishes two sets of single-axis dynamic tracking photovoltaic (PV) systems utilizing bifacial modules: Solar tracking (ST) employing the maximum power generation strategy, and Reverse tracking (RT) employing the minimum shadow area tracking strategy for ground-mounted tracking. In Xiongan (N39.02°, E116.11°), ST increases power generation by 3.9% compared to fixed-axis PV systems (Tilt=25°), while RT decreases power generation by 34.7%. The discrepancy in power generation between ST and RT is most noticeable on clear sky and partly cloudy days, with minimal difference on cloudy days. We investigate the impact of these systems on crop growth by analyzing changes in canopy area during the lettuce growing period and compare the net photosynthetic rates (Pn) of spring wheat (C3 crop) and millet (C4 crop) using canopy photosynthesis and transpiration measurement systems (CAPTS). The results indicate that lettuce shows a larger leaf area under ST throughout the growing period, millet exhibits a higher net photosynthetic rate under RT, while there is marginal difference in the Pn of spring wheat under both systems. This study integrates the above research configuration with Chinese Solar Greenhouses (CSGs) located in Yufa, Beijing. During the production season, the dynamic PV systems switch to the shadow-free mode to ensure the photosynthesis of crops within the CSGs. Conversely, during the idle season of the CSGs, the system shifts to ST mode to ensure PV power generation. By integrating power generation and planting data, the Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) can reach 1.46, with the Return on Investment (ROI) of 20% based on construction costs. Through experiments and practical case studies, it is evident that dynamic PV systems can be effectively integrated with CSGs, providing sufficient land and space for both PV power generation and crop cultivation.
图1. 实验基地的示意图
图2. APV光场模拟流程及结果
图3. APV光场测量结果
图4. APV下作物表型分析
图5. APV下作物冠层光合作用分析
图6. 动态光伏与中国传统温室结合
张昕昱,中国科学技术大学光学与光学工程系副研究员。主要从事兼顾光合作用及光储直柔的光电农业技术研究。专注于植物光度学、半导体照明、光学传感及智能控制领域,面向能源农业、工厂化农业应用。曾获全国优秀创新创业博士后。以第一及通讯作者在Applied Energy等国际知名期刊发表论文12篇,授权专利27项。近三年主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国科大雄鹰基金等省部级以上项目10余项,成果荣获美国R&D100、国务院国资委双碳案例一等奖、全国博士后双创大赛优胜奖等荣誉。
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