文章名称:Examining students’ and teachers’ perceptions of differentiated practices, student engagement, and teacher qualities.
文献引用:Chandra Handa, Manoj. (2020). Examining students’ and teachers’ perceptions of differentiated practices, student engagement, and teacher qualities. Journal of Advanced Academics, Vol 31(4), 530-568. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1932202X20931457, © 2020 by the Author(s). Reproduced by Permission of SAGE Publications.
量表名称:Differentiated Learning for Students Questionnaire
计分方式:Items were rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = never to 5 = almost always).
使用许可:Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.
Curriculum Planning and Delivery
I work on tasks of my choice.
I work on tasks/projects in pairs or groups.
I learn key ideas through structured activities or teacher/student developed questions.
I work on challenging tasks.
I am encouraged to evaluate my own work.
I am expected to demonstrate my best effort in all learning areas.
Problem Solving
I brainstorm ideas and define problems.
I find solutions to problems.
Critical Thinking Strategies
I evaluate situations, problems, or issues in my work.
I gain a deep understanding of ideas and concepts from the study of texts.
Creative Thinking Strategies
I explore different ways to think about a situation/object/event.
I offer imaginative and creative solutions to problems.
Research Strategies
I gather information from multiple research sources (e.g., print, surveys, interviews, and internet).
I draw conclusions from a range of data.
I communicate independent research study findings (e.g., written report, oral presentation).
Reflection Questions
How do you know when you are engaged in the classroom?
What are the three (3) most important qualities of an effective teacher?
Any other comments.