Jones和Annie是来自太阳马戏团的一对艺术家夫妇,他们在杭州创立了自己的工作室Center Gravity,在太阳马戏团表演的同时,他们也带领一些很有趣的舞蹈课程。这篇文章,是Jones写给他的学生们,来帮助他们理解接触即兴。Jones在洛杉矶跳接触即兴很久了,他曾提议也许可以发生一个共时的舞酱,杭州+洛杉矶,甚至有VR的加入。在杭州舞酱的人可以看到洛杉矶接触即兴舞者的视角。这个奇妙的想法也许和在Center Gravity你能体验的各种空中的可能性有共鸣哈。 ——晓玲
接触即兴是我从舞蹈生涯开始就喜欢上的一种舞蹈风格。Contact Improvisation (CI) is a style of dance I have come to love since the beginning of my dance career. 在我尝试正式的舞蹈训练之前,一位演员把接触即兴介绍给我。I was introduced to it by an actor, before I tried any formal dance training. 我对芭蕾、当代、爵士和杂技的兴趣,都来自我和接触即兴的经验。
My interest in ballet, contemporary, jazz, and acrobatics, all sprung from my experience with Contact. 我深深地相信,我在接触即兴的学习中所生长的理解和觉知,塑造我今天成为一位专业的表演者。I truly believe that my understanding and awareness I developed within the teachings of Contact Improvisation have shaped me into the professional performer I am today. 接触即兴里所发生的深刻的连接和趣味性,最初把我像风帆上的微风一样拉了进来,此刻和20年前我第一次跳接触即兴一样鲜活。The deep connection and playfulness of this dance that initially pulled me in like a breeze in my sail, is just as alive as when I first tried it 20 years ago. I felt like I was tumbling on ocean waves, as all the nerve endings in my body became lit with a gentle tingling of electricity, my brain quickened in response to each light touch and pressure, which felt like two spiders sending subtle communications through its web, partners connected through vibration. 今年夏天,我们安排了杭州最好的两位老师来Center Gravity授课:This Summer, we have arranged two of the best teachers in Hangzhou to teach at Center Gravity: Daniel and Xiaoling, Saturday nights 18:00-20:30. I want to encourage you all to try it. 我也想让你们所有人都为分享重量、平衡、托举、甚至舞蹈中的一些杂技的可能性感到兴奋,不要被它吓倒。I also want you all to be excited by the possibilities of weight sharing, counter balance, lifting, even acrobatics in the dance, do not be intimidated by it. 别担心,他们会慢慢开始,从基础开始,教你建立与地面的联系和关系。Don’t worry, they will start slow and teach foundations of connection and relationship with the floor.欢迎来 Center Gravity 体验接触即兴,Please experience Contact Improvisation at Center Gravity, 或者参加在杭州的接触即兴舞酱,或者他俩带领的其他工作坊。or the Hangzhou Jam, or any other workshops that these two are teaching. 你会立刻感觉到自己置身于一个无限学习、成长和玩耍的社群。You will instantly feel related to a community of infinite learning, growth, and play.
Elite Gymnastics & Tumbling CoachUniversity of Washington BAAmericas Got Talent Finalists "Diavolo"
CENTER GRAVITY 是Annie & Jones 创立的空中和舞蹈工作室,不仅专注于空中艺术的力量和技术,同时探索运动背后的激情。脊柱材料2 Material for the Spine | 杭州接触即兴8月活动安排
杭州接触即兴 Contact HZ,开启于 2016 年 12 月,致力于推广和传播接触即兴,倡导人人皆可舞。组织常规课程及自由舞酱、定期高品质国内外导师集中工作坊,同时参与一些公共艺术空间的演出及与艺术共创。作为全球接触即兴的一员,为本地接触即兴创造一个开放、平等、自由的交流与探索平台。