2024年6月22日 全球潜动谱 Global Underscore 发生之处
潜动谱(The Underscore)是由接触即兴教母Nancy Stark Smith所发展出来的长篇即兴舞蹈结构,自1990年以来它一直在不断发展,并在全球各地进行。它把接触即兴扩至更阔的即兴舞蹈练习层面,它让人们更自在地在空间中跳舞—独舞或者和他人一起跳;在即兴中整合运动知觉的与组合。它容纳着所有范围的能量与肢体表达,包含多样的形式和变化的状态。这种练习既是熟悉的,又是不可预测的。
The Underscore is a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation into a broader arena of improvisational dance practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space—alone and with others; and for integrating kinesthetic and compositional concerns while improvising. It allows for a full spectrum of energetic and physical expressions, embodying a range of forms and changing states. Its practice is familiar yet unpredictable.
The practice—usually 3 to 4 hours in length—progresses through a broad range of dynamic states, including long periods of very small, private, and quiet internal activity and other times of higher energy and interactive dancing.
There are 20+ phases of the score—each with a name and a graphic symbol—which create a general map for the dancers. Within that frame, dancers are free to create their own movements, dynamics, and relationships—with themselves, each other, the group, the music, and the environment. Each Underscore is unique, providing rich and often inspiring experiences of the human and artistic phenomena of dance improvisation.
全球潜动谱 (Global Underscore)是每年一度的接触即兴舞蹈盛事,全球数十个地方的人在北半球仲夏的同一时间同步练习4个小时的潜动谱。2024的全球潜动谱将于6月22日进行,不同地区亦可选择以同步或非同步方式参与。
Global Underscore is an annual touch improvisation dance event that takes place over a dozen places around the world and takes place for four hours at the same time in mid-summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The Global Underscore of 2021 will happen on June 19, and different regions can choose to participate in a synchronous or non-synchronous manner.
To participate in underscore, it is generally necessary to have experience in contact improvisation. If you participate in contact improvisation for the first time, please contact the leader.
Nancy Stark Smith 在《Caught Falling》一书中提到了潜动谱的由来:
I came to the Underscore-or it came to me-in 1990 after a crisis in my teaching.I had been developing and teaching Contact Improvisation for over fifteen years and had accumulated a tremendous amount of teaching material-exercises,principles,concepts,language-and began to feel hugely claustrophobic in having to follow my own syllabus.Where was the constant sense of discovery,the invention of materials and methods of the early years,when every class posed new challenges to the task of "passing the dance" of CI-and with them brought new solutions.Classes now were too full of "must do's." Internally,I rebell.
My rebellion came in the form of open space, I found myself prolonging open,structureless sections class during which time I would suggest things to focus on-through language and my own movement, As we danced,I would continue to add images and concerns but never stop to form the activity into specific exercises or scores,Over the course of the session,we'd pass through silent depths and lively heights with less and less organized,structured activity and more and more "space",What was I teaching now?Night before these workshops I was uncharacteristically sleepless,I enjoyed the classes immensely while in them,but all around them I was rather bewildered and anxious, I even considered not teaching for a while until I got clear about what I was doing.
但那个夏天,我留意到一些东西。到目前为止,我的课堂是由开放的“对话”部分和一些特别集中练习的舞动部分组成,这两部分看似随意,其实凭直觉决定顺序和组成比例。那是1990年,在我的为期两周的A cappella Motion工作坊上,一个学生说:“你知道吗,在课堂中那个部分,我们会变得非常狂野,失去方向感,充满动力,跌落和跳跃?”是的,我想,我知道学生所指的“状态”,但我不明白他所说的“课堂的那个部分”是什么意思。
But then one summer I noticed something.My classes were by now consisting of a changing proportion of this open "talked" space and a few specifically focused activities/exercises occurring in a seemingly random,intuitively determined order.It was 1990 and a student in my class at the two-week A cappella Motion workshop came up and said, "You know that part of class where we get very wild and disoriented with lots of momentum and falling and jumping?"Yes,I thought,I know what "state" you're referring to,but I didn't understand what he meant by "that part of class." A few days later,another student approached me to talk about "that part of class where we get deep and still, focusing on tiny sensations." Again, I recognized the state of movement and mind she was referring to ,but what was this "part of class" thing? And then it dawned on me that underneath what I was experiencing as a random selection of materials, there was a very consistent score operating all the time, informing my choices, What was this inner, under scor?
我记得这周的某一天,在我去工作室的路上,看到一朵奇异美丽的蓝色花朵,那是在“under score”这个想法诞生后的几天。矩状的花和潜动谱一直都跟我联结在一起。在一丛灌木上,浅蓝色的花瓣紧紧簇拥着(蓝色)黄色的花蕾呈矩状绽放着,花瓣只在矩状的拐角处,一个不寻常的像花朵一样的胸针,我的移民祖母可能会用白蜡镶嵌并戴在她的衣服或羊毛外套上。 颜色很酷,形状出奇的漂亮。
I remember looking at a strange and beautiful blue flower on my way to the studio one day during this week, a few days after the birth of this "under score" thought. The two have always remained linked for me. On a bush,tight rectangular clusters if pale blue/yellow buds were framed by small blue petals spraying out of the corners of the rectangle, only at the corners-on unusual brooch-like flower,something my immigrant grandmother might have worn, in pewter, on her dress or wool coat. The colors were cooling, the form surprising and delightful.
Fleshing out this"under-score" revelation became a compelling focus for me and the students and colleagues in my workshops over the next years. Significant phases or states of movement and mind in the improvisation were identified and named; graphic symbols were created to capture the spirit or energy of the phase without words. And thus the Underscore evolved.
The score didn't have a name for the first ten years of its existence. We used to just call it "the score." I searched for a name for many years but nothing felt right. Until finally I heard myself tell the story of its beginning and heard myself say that there was an "under score" functioning all the time. Voila! I tried it out for a while and it stuck.
The Underscore is still in process-its components, concepts, and applications are still growing, deepening, and clarifying. I imagine that more phases will be added and others further detailed in the future. The Underscore is a form of play and research, not the law. I hope you will approach it in the spirit.
Global Underscore
14:00-14:30 潜动谱讲解 Explain
14:30-17:30 潜动谱练习 Practice
17:30-18:00 分享及交流 Harvest
地点:杭州植物园 集合地点「红亭子」
费用:69 元/人
1. 宽松棉质衣裤,避免佩戴首饰、皮带、拉链等尖锐物品。
2. 注意自己的身体和极限,如有不适请联系带领者。
3. 中等运动量,可能出汗,携带水、衣物等。