Confined or enclosed spaces are potentially dangerous places. They may be tanks, silos, pipes or anywhere you could be trapped .They are places where you could be affected by lack of breathable air, extremes of temperature, gas or dust, or loose powders, or liquids that might engulf you.
Before entering, you should know what the hazards are, and how they will be controlled? You'll need a permit to work. How can you safely access an egress? Is there adequate ventilation for the work to do? Like welding, painting. If there are adequate lighting?
A safety plan should be in place to rescue an injured person.A safety attendant staying at the entry point, should monitor all activities near to and within the location, but should under no circumstances enter the confined space.
Almost all workers who died in confined spaces are trying to rescue other workers who fainted due to lack of oxygen or exposure to toxic gases.
Don't just step in. Stop and think!
A trained rescue team with breathing apparatus and other suitable PPE should be on standby. Throughout the job, there should be constant visual or voice communication between the safety attendant and the persons working inside the confined space.
Ensure there is adequate ventilation, and ensure you have a personal gas monitor. Be aware that disturbing sludge or water on the ground may release toxic gases. Oxygen levels should be constantly monitored, especially hot work is taking place. Barriers should be placed around all entry points to keep others away. And only authorized and trained persons may enter a confined space or act as a safety attendant.
Are you prepared?