文章名称:Development and validation of Cultural and Academic Experience Questionnaire: A study of East Asian research students at Australian universities
文献引用:Reproduced by permission from: Latif, Yasir, Harrison, Neil, & Chu, Hye-Eun. (2020). Development and validation of Cultural and Academic Experience Questionnaire: A study of East Asian research students at Australian universities. Education Sciences, Vol 10(6), 1-19. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/educsci10060148
量表名称:Cultural and Academic Experience Questionnaire
计分方式:Items are rated using the following response options: strongly disagree (SD =
1), disagree (D = 2), agree (A = 3), and strongly agree (SA = 4).
使用许可:Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.
Cultural Membership
SB1: I feel that I am accepted by students from other cultural groups.
SB2: I socialize with students from other cultures.
SB5: I feel that my research colleagues respect my academic views.
SB15: I feel capable of speaking to and interacting with lecturers and professors at my university.
Cultural Integration
SB11: My behavior and language are becoming accustomed to Australian culture.
SB12: I am adjusting my behavior and language to Australian culture.
SB13: In Australia, I feel more comfortable doing what I want.
Scientific Learning
LS1: I prefer to pose my own questions and work out my own answers.
LS12: I find myself questioning things I hear or read relevant to my research study to decide if I find them convincing.
LS13: When a theory, interpretation, or conclusion is presented in a research meeting or in the literature, I try to decide if there is good supporting evidence.
LS14: I treat the literature review as a starting point and try to develop my own ideas about it.
LS2: Whenever I read or hear an assertion or conclusion relevant to or closely related to my research study, I think about possible alternatives.
Artistic Learning
LS5: I expect that my supervisors guide me in every step of my research process.
LS6: I wait until my supervisors tell me how to solve a problem to save me time.
LS7: I follow the footsteps of academic authority in my domain (e.g., supervisor).
LS11: I expect that my supervisors choose my research topic.
Adaptive Learning
LS2: I learn through repetition.
LS3: I learn through trial and error to solve my research problems.
LS4: I learn when I work (in discussion or collaboration) with other students.
Participative Learning
LS8: I always ask questions when I am unsure.
LS9 (R): I feel embarrassed to ask for help in front of my research colleagues.
LS10: My supervisor’s approach to learning suits me.
Academic Progress
POP5: I think I am confident when I discuss my research with my supervisors.
POP6: I think I am confident when I discuss my research with my fellow students.
POP7: [Statement not provided]
POP8: My critical thinking has improved throughout my studies.
POP9: I can now deliver sound arguments at research events.
POP10: I have a clear idea of how I need to analyze my data.
Research Progress
POP1: I think I have identified the research gap in my area of research.
POP2: I think I know how to address the gap in my research.
POP3: I have been achieving major milestones for my degree.
POP4: Compared to the time when I first started my research study, I am now better at dealing with issues relating to research.
Rating Scale
Items are rated using the following options:
Strongly Disagree (SD) = 1
Disagree (D) = 2
Agree (A) = 3
Strongly Agree (SA) = 4