
教育   2024-12-26 19:09   四川  





I was born in 1763, under the reign of Ch’ienlung, on the twenty-second day of the eleventh moon. The country was then in the heyday of peace and, moreover, I was born in a scholars’ family, living by the side of the Ts’anglang Pavilion in Soochow. So altogether I may say the gods have been unusually kind to me. Su Tungp’o said, “Life is like a spring dream which vanishes without a trace.” I should be ungrateful to the gods if I did not try to put my life down on record.

Since the Book of Poems begins with a poem on wedded love, I thought I would begin this book by speaking of my marital relations and then let other matters follow. My only regret is that I was not properly educated in childhood; all I know is a simple language and I shall try only to record the real facts and real sentiments. I hope the reader will be kind enough not to scrutinize my grammar, which would be like looking for brilliance in a tarnished mirror. 



I was engaged in my childhood to one Miss Yü, of Chinsha, who died in her eighth year, and eventually I married a girl of the Ch’en clan. Her name was Yün and her literary name Suchen. She was my cousin, being the daughter of my maternal uncle, Hsinyü. Even in her childhood, she was a very clever girl, for while she was learning to speak, she was taught Po Chüyi’s poem, The P’i P’a Player, and could at once repeat it. Her father died when she was four years old, and in the family there were only her mother (of the Chin clan) and her younger brother K’ehch’ang and herself, being then practically destitute. When Yün grew up and had learnt needlework, she was providing for the family of three, and contrived always to pay K’ehch’ang’s tuition fees punctually. One day, she picked up a copy of the poem The P’i P’a Player from a wastebasket, and from that, with the help of her memory of the lines, she learnt to read word by word. Between her needlework, she gradually learnt to write poetry. One of her poems contained the two lines:

“Touched by autumn, one’s figure grows slender,

Soaked in frost, the chrysanthemum blooms full.”

When I was thirteen years old, I went with my mother to her maiden home and there we met. As we were two young innocent children, she allowed me to read her poems. I was quite struck by her talent, but feared that she was too clever to be happy. Still, I could not help thinking of her all the time, and once I told my mother, “If you were to choose a girl for me, I won’t marry anyone except Cousin Su.” My mother also liked her being so gentle, and gave her her gold ring as a token for the betrothal. 


① 乾隆癸未年冬十一月二十有二日 On the twenty-second day of the eleventh moon, under the reign of Ch’ienlung

② 太平盛世 In the heyday of peace

③ 衣冠之家 A scholars’ family

④ 居苏州沧浪亭畔 Living by the side of the Ts’anglang Pavilion in Soochow

⑤ 东坡云:“事如春梦了无痕” Su Tungp’o said, “Life is like a spring dream which vanishes without a trace.”

⑥ 苟不记之笔墨,未免有辜彼苍之厚 I should be ungrateful to the gods if I did not try to put my life down on record.

⑦ 《关雎》冠三百篇之首 The Book of Poems begins with a poem on wedded love

⑧ 少年失学 I was not properly educated in childhood

⑨ 实情实事 Real facts and real sentiments

⑩ 是责明于垢鉴矣 Like looking for brilliance in a tarnished mirror

⑪ 八龄而夭 Died in her eighth year

⑫ 四龄失怙 Her father died when she was four years old

⑬ 家徒壁立 Being then practically destitute

⑭ 难能成诵 Could at once repeat it

⑮ 十指供给 Providing for the family of three with her needlework

⑯ 渐通吟咏 Gradually learnt to write poetry

⑰ “秋侵人影瘦,霜染菊花肥” “Touched by autumn, one’s figure grows slender, soaked in frost, the chrysanthemum blooms full.”

⑱ 两小无嫌 As we were two young innocent children

⑲ 才思隽秀 Struck by her talent

⑳ 柔和 Being so gentle

㉑ 脱金约指缔姻 Gave her her gold ring as a token for the betrothal





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