《世界政治》(World Politics)创刊于1948年,是享誉国际的政治科学季刊,内容涵盖国际关系和政治科学的各个领域,其主编是Deborah J. Yashar。自 1948 年以来,《世界政治》发表了国际关系、比较政治、政治理论、外交政策和现代化方面的分析和理论文章、评论文章和研究笔记。它不发表严格的历史材料、时事文章、政策文章或新闻性质的叙述。政治学家和国际关系专业的学生转向世界政治以掌握该领域的最新理论发展。过去五年综合影响因子为5.1。
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE: The Twin Challenges of Economic Inequality and Disinformation
Southeast Asia and World Politics
Land/Labor Ratios, Citizenship, and Migrants: Exploring the Hidden Links in the Political Economy of Immigration Regimes
Democracy and Economic Growth: Theoretical Debates and Empirical Contributions
Democratic Backsliding, Resilience, and Resistance
Mutually Assured Disruption: Globalization, Security, and the Dangers of Decoupling
The Evolving Study of Revolution
The Comparative Politics of Inequality and Redistribution in Liberal Democracies
Adaptive Political Economy: Toward a New Paradigm
Historical State Formation Within and Beyond Europe
Government Responses to Climate Change
International Dimensions of Democratization
Unleashing a Monster? Causes and Consequences of the Knowledge Economy in Advanced Capitalist Democracies
CONFLICT: Trajectories and Challenges
Welfare States in Wealthy Democracies
The Study of Political Conflict and Violence Is Dead… Long Live the Study of Political Conflict and Violence!: Resurrecting and Centering Government-Challenger Interaction
题目:GLOBAL GOVERNANCE: The Twin Challenges of Economic Inequality and Disinformation
作者简介:Lisa L. Martin,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校政治学系教授,研究兴趣为国际组织和机构在国际政治中的作用。
Modern international interactions are structured by institutions of global governance, both formal and informal. Most of these institutions are encompassed by the liberal international order. Like domestic institutions, these international institutions are challenged by the prevalence and depth of disinformation. The demand for disinformation, in turn, has been fed by the order’s lack of attention to growing domestic economic inequality. Disinformation and inequality thus present twin challenges to global governance.
题目:Southeast Asia and World Politics
作者简介:Thomas B. Pepinsky,康奈尔大学政府学系教授,布鲁金斯学会非驻高级研究员,研究方向为全球政治和经济系统的互动,研究重点包括东南亚和欧洲民主倒退的政治与政治经济学,以及马来世界中的民族和其他社会类别的演变。
This essay reviews research on Southeast Asia that has appeared in World Politics, with a focus on articles published since the mid-1970s. Drawing on debates about the nature of the region that are commonly found within the field of Southeast Asian area studies, the essay identifies two axes along which Southeast Asian politics research varies: in its emphasis on the connectedness versus autonomy of the region, and in its focus on individual country experiences versus common regional dynamics. Characterizing the Southeast Asia–focused research in World Politics in this way helps us to understand more generally the relationship between area studies and political science over the past fifty years.
题目:Land/Labor Ratios, Citizenship, and Migrants: Exploring the Hidden Links in the Political Economy of Immigration Regimes
作者简介:Melle Scholten,美国弗吉尼亚大学政治学系博士候选人,主要研究兴趣为移民与侨汇的政治经济学和国际与比较政治经济学;David Leblang,某个弗吉尼亚大学政治学系教授,米勒公共事务中心(Miller Center of Public Affairs)主任,主要研究全球移民与金融市场的政治经济学。
Within sovereign states citizenship is arguably the most important political marker of in- and outsiders. As a result, questions about who gets to reap the benefits of citizenship often result in distributional conflict. This conflict becomes inflamed when a country goes through a period of significant inward migration. Given that citizenship is so important and so contentious, from where do the rules governing its acquisition come? Our starting point is the acknowledgment that migrants are mobile labor. From this perspective, countries in which elites benefit from an increased supply of productive labor—that is, those with high land/labor ratios—will be more likely to adopt policies that attract migrants, such as easier naturalization rules, including birthright citizenship. We illustrate the plausibility of our argument with some statistical evidence and suggest some avenues to further explore this crucial question.
题目:Democracy and Economic Growth: Theoretical Debates and Empirical Contributions
作者简介:Joel W. Simmons,乔治城大学埃德蒙·A·沃尔什外事学院副教授,研究兴趣为政治经济学,重点关注经济增长、全球化、社会政策、民主以及性别政治经济学。
Is democracy a boon for economic growth or a hindrance? This brief essay reviews the theoretical and empirical contributions to this age-old question and highlights some potentially fruitful avenues for future research.
题目:Democratic Backsliding, Resilience, and Resistance
作者简介:Rachel Beatty Riedl,康奈尔大学政府系教授,主要研究兴趣为全球范围内的民主与威权主义,特别关注非洲地区;Paul Friesen,康奈尔大学布鲁克公共政策学院全球民主中心博士后研究员,研究兴趣为全球民主,特别关注撒哈拉以南非洲的选举、政党以及政治行为;Jennifer McCoy,佐治亚州立大学政治学教授,研究兴趣包括民主极化、调解与冲突预防、选举流程及选举观察以及拉丁美洲政治;Kenneth Roberts,康奈尔大学政府系教授,研究兴趣为民主与发展政治经济学,特别关注政治不平等。
This article assesses two next-level questions in the study of democratic backsliding: democratic resilience and political polarization. It first advances a set of methodological decision points to improve clarity in contemporary debates surrounding democratic backsliding measurement and the possibility of identifying moments of democratic recovery. It then moves to a theoretical and empirical assessment of pathways by which democratic backsliding takes place, under what conditions, which specific actors are involved, and what opportunities exist for democratic recovery given sources of resilience and strategies of resistance. The authors examine the role of political polarization in backsliding and highlight the combined importance of political agency and institutional levers for regime outcomes. The authors argue that regime outcomes are not predetermined by antecedent conditions, and particularly not by the level of development.
题目:Mutually Assured Disruption: Globalization, Security, and the Dangers of Decoupling
作者简介:Thomas J. Christensen,哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院教授,研究兴趣包括中国外交、东亚国际关系和国际安全。
The evolution of transnational production in the Asia-Pacific over the past few decades has been a force for peace. Critics of globalization and proponents of US-China economic decoupling advocate policies that would not only harm the global economy but would increase the likelihood of military conflict. This article focuses on the national security benefits of US-China economic engagement and the regional economic integration of East Asia. Government interventions to protect national security and build more resilience in supply chains are needed but should be limited in scope so as to avoid fundamental damage to the complex economic interdependence that has fostered growth and helped to deter war.
题目:The Evolving Study of Revolution
作者简介:Mark R. Beissinger,普林斯顿大学政治学系教授,研究领域包括社会运动、革命、民族主义、国家建设和帝国主义。
As the practice of revolution has evolved, so too have theories of revolution. Much of the current literature on revolutions focuses on contentious processes. But a need exists to take a more holistic approach—one that better incorporates history, thinks across divides in the literature, contemplates what precedes and follows revolution, and places revolutionary processes and the structural factors that underpin them into dialogue with one another.
题目:The Comparative Politics of Inequality and Redistribution in Liberal Democracies
作者:Jonas Pontusson,日内瓦大学比较政治学教授,研究兴趣包括比较政治经济学、国际政治经济学和资本主义的多样性。
Reviewing the debate on why governments have failed to compensate low- and middle-income citizens for rising income inequality, this essay argues for a perspective that integrates demand-side and supply-side considerations and treats income bias in policy responsiveness as variable across countries and over time.
题目:Adaptive Political Economy: Toward a New Paradigm
作者:Yuen Yuen Ang,约翰霍普金斯大学阿尔弗雷德·钱德勒政治经济学教授,研究兴趣包括政治经济学、发展与创新和适应性治理。
The conventional paradigm in political economy routinely treats living, complex, adaptive social systems as machine-like objects. This treatment has driven political economists to oversimplify big, complex social processes using mechanical models, or to ignore them altogether. In development, this has led to theoretical dead ends, trivial agendas, or failed public policies. This article proposes an alternative paradigm: adaptive political economy. It recognizes that social systems are complex, not complicated; complexity can be ordered, not messy; and social scientists should be developing the concepts, methods, and theories to illuminate the order of complexity, rather than oversimplifying it. The author illustrates one application of adaptive political economy by mapping the coevolution of economic and institutional change. This approach yields fresh, important conclusions that mechanical, linear models of development have missed, including that market-building institutions look and function differently from market-sustaining ones.
题目:Historical State Formation Within and Beyond Europe
作者:Lisa Blaydes,斯坦福大学政治科学系教授,主要研究领域为比较政治和国际关系;Anna Grzymala-Busse,斯坦福大学政治科学系教授,主要研究领域为国家历史发展与转型、政党、宗教与政治、后共产主义政治、民粹主义、非正式制度。
State formation is a critical concern for comparative politics. Much of the most influential literature has focused on the politically fragmented setting of early modern Europe, where warmaking fostered state consolidation and the development of institutions of representation and taxation. More recently, scholars have expanded this perspective by emphasizing the state-building implications of alternative forms of competition, interstate cooperation, and emulation, as well as the influence of a broader set of societal actors beyond belligerent rulers. The authors review recent scholarship on state formation that suggests that the canonical bellicist path is only one pathway to state consolidation, both in Europe and beyond. This article draws attention to the importance of geography and to new insights regarding the organization of state-society relations and the influence of regional and global economic engagements on state formation.
题目:Government Responses to Climate Change
作者:Evan Lieberman,麻省理工学院政治科学系教授,研究兴趣为发展政治经济学,尤其是撒哈拉以南非洲;Michael Ross,加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学系和环境与可持续发展研究所教授,主要研究领域为气候变化、自然资源、石油出口国、内战、民主和性别权利的政治。
Social scientists should be more deliberate in how they define and measure government efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The authors highlight key distinctions among three dimensions of climate policy: the commitments made by governments, the actions that governments take, and the outcomes they produce. In turn, the authors detail the challenges of measuring these dimensions, and discuss the tradeoffs of alternative measurement strategies, including how well they meet the accepted standards for measurement validity. The authors also identify promising avenues for further research.
题目:International Dimensions of Democratization
作者:Jon C.W. Pevehouse,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校政治科学与公共事务系教授,主要从事美国外交政策、国际关系理论、国际合作理论以及国际组织研究;Caileigh Glenn,麻省理工学院安全研究项目和哈佛肯尼迪学院国际安全项目博士后,主要研究经济方略与外交政策,并聚焦于经济胁迫的政治影响。
Since the 1970s, international influences on democratization have received increasing attention from scholars and policymakers. Scholars pointed to multiple mechanisms by which international factors could influence the transition to and the consolidation of democracy. While the arguments mostly pointed to positive influences, the optimism of the post–Cold War era have given way to concern about international sources of authoritarianism and democratic backsliding. The authors provide a framework for thinking about what we know about international forces and democratization, outlining several unanswered questions. Several research challenges remain, including how to best assess mechanisms linking international processes and actors to democracy (and democratization); while others concern threats to those democratic transitions via democratic backsliding. The article concludes by calling for more integration of existing theoretical frameworks on international factors and democracy with the current wave of research on authoritarianism and democratic backsliding.
题目:Unleashing a Monster? Causes and Consequences of the Knowledge Economy in Advanced Capitalist Democracies
作者:Torben Iversen,哈佛大学政治经济学教授,主要研究兴趣为比较政治经济学和选举政治。
The rise of economic inequality and right-wing populism in the last three decades has produced a lively debate about the relationship between democracy and advanced capitalism. A prominent view is that the troubles are rooted in the growing power of global capital and the rich, first reflected in the broad sweep of neoliberal reforms in the 1980s and ’90s. This view is a story about capitalism subverting democracy. This piece instead argues that it was democracy that transformed capitalism, and that this transformation laid the foundation for unprecedented prosperity. Yet it also unleashed inequalizing economic and political dynamics that are now proving difficult to reverse.
作者:Christina L. Davis,哈佛大学政治系教授,研究兴趣包括日本和东亚的政治与外交政策以及国际组织的贸易政策。
The social context of relations between states provides the foundation for cooperation within international institutions. In a departure from theories that focus on rational design of contracts and functional demand for institutions, increasingly scholars emphasize geopolitics. Both as a component of power and social context, geopolitics shapes multilateral cooperation. This article examines theories that bring new perspectives on cooperation as a process embedded within international society. It highlights innovative developments to include relational variables in empirical analysis to measure how geopolitical alignment between states impacts the design and effectiveness of international institutions. The relational politics that undergird multilateral cooperation also contribute to the proliferation of institutions as states build new clubs for cooperation.
题目:CONFLICT: Trajectories and Challenges
作者:Stathis N. Kalyvas,牛津大学政治与国际关系系教授,目前的研究重点是全球政治暴力趋势和希腊历史与政治。
How has the field of conflict studies evolved over the past three decades? This essay suggests an answer by posing three questions: Why do we study conflict? What do we understand as conflict? And how do we study conflict? The article proceeds with critical remarks, illustrated with articles that have appeared in World Politics during the past five years. It concludes by highlighting three key challenges for the future evolution of the field: the theoretically driven broadening of our understanding of conflict; the development of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical links between micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis; and a theoretically informed way of specifying the scope conditions that apply to findings.
题目:Welfare States in Wealthy Democracies
作者:Jane Gingrich,牛津大学社会政策与干预系(DSPI)社会政策教授,格林·坦普尔顿学院高级研究员,研究领域包括比较政治经济学和比较社会政策,特别关注当代福利国家的重组以及制度变革的政治学。
The contemporary study of the welfare state began, along with World Politics, in the immediate postwar era, inspired by the near-collapse of democracy and the crucial role envisaged for public spending in stabilizing it after war. Over the following decades key scholarly questions focused on the normal welfare politics of the era—distributive politics, the effects of government policy on growth, and the capacity of social policies to create their own political constituencies. In a new era of more uncertain democratic resilience, we may need to return to older questions: of the coercive function of the welfare state, of its ability/inability to conserve democracy, and of the weaknesses of welfare policies to maintain political support.
题目:The Study of Political Conflict and Violence Is Dead… Long Live the Study of Political Conflict and Violence!: Resurrecting and Centering Government-Challenger Interaction
作者:Christian Davenport,密歇根大学政治学教授,主要研究兴趣包括政治冲突与暴力、种族主义以及流行文化。
The study of political conflict and violence has grown immensely over the past fifty years, but it has also fragmented as many now explore only single branches of the ever-larger tree. This article attempts to reflect on the paths that scholars have taken and discusses one particular path that could help to reunify the field. This path would provide key insights into what has transpired in the field as well as into how scholars should approach trying to understand the study of political conflict and violence moving forward.
编译 | 崔馨月
审校 | 赖永祯
排版 | 郭洪纾
本文源于《世界政治》(WP),75th Anniversary, Advanced Access,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。