
文摘   2023-04-03 11:23   浙江  

编辑 | 小杨

撰文 | 小杨


Photonically active bowtie nanoassemblies with chirality continuum.

Nature 615(7952):418-424.


在这里来介绍一下文章的主要作者,文章来自于美国密歇根大学的Sharon Glotzer团队,Sharon C. Glotzer 其本科毕业于UCLA并在Univ. Boston 拿到了Ph. D学位,是Univ. Michigan Anthony C. Lembke 化学工程系主任,美国国家科学院院士、美国国家工程院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士,美国科学促进会、美国物理学会、美国化学工程师,材料学会会士。Glotzer 教授的主要工作是对Soft mattercolloid matter的自组装科学研究和工程应用。


Chirality /kaɪˈrælɪtiː/ 手性

A property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. The word chirality is derived from the Greek χειρ (kheir), "hand", a familiar chiral object. In chemistry, A chiral molecule is a type of molecule that has a non-superposable mirror image. The feature that is most often the cause of chirality in molecules is the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom.


Cysteine (symbol Cys or C; /ˈsɪstɪiːn/)胱氨酸

A semiessential proteinogenic amino acid with the formula HOOCCH(NH2)CH2SH. The thiol side chain in cysteine often participates in enzymatic reactions as a nucleophile. Cysteine is chiral, only L-cysteine is found in nature.


Chirality is a geometrical property described by continuous mathematical functions.However, in chemical disciplines, chirality is often treated as a binary left or right characteristic of molecules rather than a continuity of chiral shapes. Although they are theoretically possible, a family of stable chemical structures with similar shapes and progressively tuneable chirality is yet unknown. Here we show that nanostructured microparticles with an anisotropic bowtie shape display chirality continuum and can be made with widely tuneable twist angle, pitch, width, thickness and length. The self-limited assembly of the bowties enables high synthetic reproducibility, size monodispersity and computational predictability of their geometries for different assembly conditions6. The bowtie nanoassemblies show several strong circular dichroism peaks originating from absorptive and scattering phenomena. Unlike classical chiral molecules, these particles show a continuum of chirality measures2 that correlate exponentially with the spectral positions of the circular dichroism peaks. Bowtie particles with variable polarization rotation were used to print photonically active metasurfaces with spectrally tuneable positive or negative polarization signatures for light detection and ranging (LIDAR) devices.



首先是关于Bowtie nano-assemblies的合成过程,这里我就直接贴原文的合成部分,以防翻译错误带来误解。

Mixing an aqueous solutions of Cd2+ and l- or d-cystine results in bowties (Methods) with pitch (p), width (w), thickness (t) and length (l) of 4.1, 1.3, 0.5 and 3.1 µm, respectively (1 a).The process is 100% enantioselective with l- and d-CST resulting in correspondingly left- and right-twisted bowties. (1 a&c).

1中间是通过一种rac cystine合成的普通纳米粒子,从图中可以看出不同类型的cystine(胱氨酸)可以带来不同的效果,且能够使得纳米粒子有不同的螺旋效果,a为左旋,c为右旋。

这张图片是纳米粒子的电镜成像图片。a, b, c-SEM, d-TEM, e-cryo-SAED, f-SEM   

文章中讲解了螺旋结构的生成,位于螺旋链外部的胺基和羧基与相邻链形成氢键,稳定结构并促进纳米片堆叠。而粒子生成可变手性性质的原因,主要是两点:一、灵活的氢键允许可变的键角。 二、纳米带状结构的强电离能力导致到纳米级构建块之间(如图k所示)排斥相互作用,可以通过改变 pH 值和离子强度在很宽的范围内进行调整。由于纳米带状扭曲,静电相互作用是手性的,这加强了它们组件的旋向性。 几何挫折和相关的机械变形也是促成因素。纳米带状结构会导致原子、纳米和亚微米尺度的优先几何形状,这可以通过微尺度手性矢量 Ξ 捕获。

 文中采用Monte Carlo method(蒙特卡罗增长算法)用于模拟纳米团簇的蝴蝶结组装(图 2gh)揭示了纳米团簇通过氢键各向异性相互作用的生长方向 纳米团簇组装成纳米片,纳米片长成纳米带,堆叠形成蝴蝶结。 随着组件中构建块数量的增加,纳米带中有序域的大小也会增加(图 i )。 当粒子上的净电荷排斥足以阻止纳米团簇的进一步附着时,纳米带的生长停止,从而平衡吸引力。


