PLIF 技术在二战期间诞生,通过后方切除椎板,棘突,黄韧带等结构来暴露椎管,解除神经压迫,而后在椎间隙植骨达到椎体间融合的目的。 远古文献记载,Mercer 等人在 1936 年的文献报道中提出了腰椎滑移手术的几个手术入路设想,包括后路棘突间的大块植骨融合,前路椎间隙融合等方式,当时并没有明确的提出腰椎后路椎体间融合的概念。 10 年后,Jaslow 第一次明确提出在椎间盘切除后,在椎体间进行植骨融合的方法,被视为 PLIF 技术诞生元年。 其后经过脊柱外科先驱 Cloward 等人的大力推广,这一技术在世界范围内流行起来。
1. Mercer W. Spondylolisthesis: with a description of a new method of operative treatment and notes of ten cases. Edinburgh Medical Journal 1936;43:545.
2. Jaslow I. Intercorporal bone graft in spinal fusion after disc removal. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1946;82:215-8.
3. Cloward RB. The treatment of ruptured lumbar intervertebral discs by vertebral body fusion: I. Indications, operative technique, after care. Journal of neurosurgery 1953;10:154-68.
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5. Mobbs RJ, Phan K, Malham G, et al. Lumbar interbody fusion: techniques, indications and comparison of interbody fusion options including PLIF, TLIF, MI-TLIF, OLIF/ATP, LLIF and ALIF. J Spine Surg 2015;1:2-18.
6. Wiltfong RE, Bono CM, Malveaux WMC, et al. Lumbar interbody fusion: review of history, complications, and outcome comparisons among methods. Current Orthopaedic Practice 2012;23:193-202.
7. Kim Y-H, Ha K-Y, Rhyu K-W, et al. Lumbar interbody fusion: techniques, pearls and pitfalls. Asian spine journal 2020;14:730.