
文摘   2024-09-13 08:42   中国澳门  



A. The Amazon River dolphins are rapidly increasing in population.

B. A team of researchers is studying Amazon River dolphins to protect them from environmental threats.

C. The Amazon River is experiencing colder than normal temperatures, affecting dolphin health.

D. Fishermen in the Amazon River are capturing dolphins for commercial purposes.


A. To relocate them to a safer environment.

B. To perform health checks and study the effects of environmental threats.

C. To breed them in captivity.

D. To use them for public displays and education.


A. They attached GPS collars to the dolphins.

B. They followed the dolphins in boats.

C. They placed microchips in the dolphins.

D. They used drones to track the dolphins.


About 200 freshwater dolphins were found dead in Lake Tefé of the Amazon River in Brazil during a period of severe dry weather last year. That is why a team of biologists, animal doctors, and fishermen temporarily captured some river dolphins recently to study their health. The researchers hope the findings will help protect the dolphins from another weather disaster. One of the captured dolphins was a female with her offspring nearby. Fishermen were careful not to injure her and kept her close to her offspring to avoid stressing the animals. The team took blood from the animals and performed other medical tests. The work included removing a small amount of fat to see if harmful chemicals were in the dolphin's body. They also put microchips in the animals to follow their movements. Thousands of fish also died in the Amazon rivers because of a lack of oxygen in the water. Many Amazon river dolphins are the color pink. They are found only in the rivers of South America, and they are among only a few kinds of freshwater dolphins still living in the world. Because they reproduce slowly, threats to their environment can more easily reduce their populations. The river dolphin research project received financial support from the National Marine Mammal Foundation of California in the United States. That organization's researchers helped examine the dolphins using ultrasound technology. The lake's waters reached 40.9 degrees Celsius during the 2023 dry season, more than 10 degrees higher than the average for that time of year. The water is now at 30 degrees Celsius. Environmental activists have blamed climate change for the severe dry weather that made the river water warmer than normal. However, El Niño, the periodic and natural Pacific Ocean warming weather event could also have brought about last year's dry weather in the Amazon.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: Why were the river dolphins captured by the team of biologists and fishermen?

Question 3: What did the researchers do to monitor the dolphins' movements after capturing them?


1. severe: causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious 非常严重的;剧烈的;惨重的


巴西亚马孙河一条支流上周出现约120具淡水豚的漂浮尸体,专家怀疑,造成淡水豚死亡的原因或与极端干旱和高温有关。 研究人员认为,巴西亚马孙河在严重干旱期间河流水位过低,导致河段水温升高,使淡水豚无法忍受,继而死亡。近期,亚马孙河上还有数千条鱼因水中缺氧而死。 目前,科学家还不能完全确定淡水豚死亡率飙升,是否与极端干旱和高温相关。因此,研究员正在努力排除其他原因,例如支河在流入亚马孙河之前的一个湖里,可能存在能造成淡水豚细菌感染死亡的病毒。 据悉,这处湖水的温度曾在上星期四(928日)一度飙升到39摄氏度,比过去同一季节的平均温度高出10多摄氏度。随后,至少有70具淡水豚的尸体浮出了水面。 马米劳亚环境研究所(Mamirauá environmental institute)的研究员马蒙泰尔(Miriam Marmontel)说:在过去的一周里,我们已经记录了120具淡水豚的尸体。大约每10具尸体中就有八具是粉红淡水豚,巴西人称它为阿拉圭纳河豚(Botos)。(背景知识来自于https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1778718222779444261&wfr=spider&for=pc


Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: C




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