A. It is becoming too expensive to produce.
B. Climate change is threatening its quality and availability.
C. There is a lack of interest in kimchi among consumers.
D. Farmers are switching to other crops.
A. Below 15 degrees Celsius.
B. Between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius.
C. Above 25 degrees Celsius.
D. Between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.
A. It will increase significantly.
B. It will remain the same.
C. It will shrink to just 44 hectares.
D. It will double from last year.
One of the most popular foods in South Korea is kimchi. It is a kind of fermented cabbage or other vegetables. Now farmers, manufacturers and scientists say climate change is affecting the quality and quantity of the napa cabbage used to make the dish. Cabbage grows best in cooler climates. Growers usually plant it in mountainous areas where temperatures during the summer growing season used to stay mostly below 25 degrees Celsius. Studies show that warmer weather tied to climate change is now threatening these crops. There may even come a time when it will be too hot for South Korea to be able to grow napa cabbage. Lee Young-gyu studies diseases that attack plants. He said the best temperatures for cabbage are between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. In the fields and in kitchens - both in factories and homes - farmers and kimchi makers are already feeling the change. Spicy, fermented kimchi is made from other vegetables such as radish, cucumber, and green onion, but the most popular form is still mostly cabbage. The government statistics agency reports the area of highland cabbage farmed last year was about 4,000 hectares. That is less than half of what it was 20 years ago. The Rural Development Administration, a state farming organization, predicts that the farmed area for napa cabbage will shrink in the next 25 years to just 44 hectares. They expect there will be no cabbage grown in the highlands by 2090. Researchers point to three reasons for such a small area of crops. They include higher temperatures, unpredictable heavy rains and unwanted insects and diseases that become more difficult to control in the warmer and longer summers. South Korea's kimchi industry is already fighting lower-priced imports from China, which are mostly served in restaurants. Those imports rose by almost seven percent for the year through the end of July. That is the highest level ever. The government is trying to prevent high prices and shortages by storing large amounts of cabbage. Scientists are also racing to develop crop varieties that can grow in warmer climates, handle changes in rainfall and resist fungal infections.
Question 1: What is the main concern regarding napa cabbage in South Korea?
Question 2: What are the ideal temperature conditions for growing napa cabbage?
Question 3: What prediction is made by the Rural Development Administration regarding the area for napa cabbage farming in the next 25 years?
1. fungal: caused by a fungus 真菌(引起)的
Question 1: B
Question 2: B
Question 3: C
在韩国,最受欢迎的食品之一是泡菜。这是一种发酵的卷心菜或其他蔬菜。现在,农民、制造商和科学家们表示,气候变化正在影响用于制作泡菜的 Napa 卷心菜的质量和数量。卷心菜最适合在较凉的气候中生长。种植者通常在夏季生长季节气温大多低于 25 摄氏度的山区种植卷心菜。研究表明,与气候变化相关的气温升高正在威胁这些作物。甚至可能会出现南韩的气温过高,以至于无法种植 Napa 卷心菜的情况。李永圭研究攻击植物的疾病,他表示,卷心菜的最佳生长温度在 18 到 21 摄氏度之间。在田野和厨房——无论是在工厂还是家庭——农民和泡菜制造商已经感受到了变化。辛辣的发酵泡菜还可以用其他蔬菜如萝卜、黄瓜和葱制作,但最受欢迎的形式仍然主要是卷心菜。政府统计局报告称,去年高地种植的卷心菜面积约为 4000 公顷,只有 20 年前的一半。农村发展署,一个国家农业组织,预测未来 25 年,Napa 卷心菜的种植面积将缩减至仅 44 公顷。他们预计到 2090 年,高地将不会再种植卷心菜。研究人员指出,导致作物面积如此小的原因有三个:更高的温度、不可预测的强降雨,以及在更温暖和更长的夏季中更难控制的不必要的昆虫和疾病。韩国的泡菜产业已经在与来自中国的低价进口产品竞争,这些进口产品大多在餐馆中销售。到 7 月底的这一年,这些进口产品的增长幅度接近 7%。这是历史最高水平。政府正试图通过储存大量卷心菜来防止高价和短缺。科学家们也在加紧开发能够在温暖气候中生长、适应降雨变化并抵抗真菌感染的作物品种。
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