A. The Greek village of Kallio has reappeared due to a drop in lake water levels.
B. Greece is suffering from severe wildfires caused by heatwaves.
C. The Greek government is planning to rebuild the village of Kallio.
D. Lake Mornos is a tourist attraction that has recently become more popular.
A. It was destroyed by wildfires.
B. It was flooded to create Lake Mornos.
C. The residents abandoned it due to drought.
D. The Greek government demolished it to build new infrastructure.
A. Former residents of Kallio requested the lake to be drained.
B. Satellite images showed the lake shrinking in size.
C. A new dam was constructed, diverting water away from the lake.
D. The Greek government reduced water supply to Attica.
A sunken Greek village has begun to reappear after water levels dropped in the lake that covered it. Extreme hot, dry weather is blamed for the disappearing Lake Mornos. The village of Kallio was flooded in 1980 to create the lake. The plan aimed to help supply the ever-increasing water demands of the national capital about 200 kilometers away. Now, long stretches of dried soil mixed with old bricks surround the ruins of the Kallio. Last winter brought little snow to Greece. This summer brought heatwaves but little rain to the country. Last winter was Greece's warmest on record. Greece's dry climate makes it especially susceptible to the effects of a warming planet. The conditions worsened summer wildfires including some that reached outer areas of Athens last month. Scientists say extreme weather is now driving the dropping lake level. Satellite images suggest the lake's surface area shrank from around 16.8 square kilometers in August 2022 to just 12 this year. In addition, water supplies at three other water bodies dropped to 700 million cubic meters in August. This water supplies Attica, an area of around 4 million people that includes Athens. That was down from 1.2 billion cubic meters in 2022, the country's environment ministry said. The Greek government says the state-run Athens water company had begun supplying those areas with additional sources of water. Former residents of Kallio were surprised to see the village again. But some said they were saddened by its current state.
Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?
Question 2: Why did the village of Kallio disappear in 1980?
Question 3: What evidence is provided in the passage to explain the decrease in Lake Mornos' water levels?
1. resident: a person who lives or has their home in a place 居民;住户
据英国《都市报》9月3日报道,因创纪录的高温和持续的干旱,曾经沉没于雅典主水库中的村庄重现于世。 希腊水务运营商EYDAP称,近几个月来该水库的水位下降了约30%。正如希腊一个环保组织所说,这样的水位基本上可以说是“灾难性的”。在20世纪80年代,为了建造水库,为希腊首都提供更稳定的供水,卡利奥村做出了牺牲了,大概有80户人家、一座教堂和一所当地小学被淹没。但随着希腊高温天气的持续,越来越多的水下建筑开始露出水面,成为该地区水资源日趋减少的标志。卡利奥社区的负责人Apostolis Gerodimos说:“当第一批房屋开始露出水面时,缺水的钟声就敲响了。” Gerodimos表示,该地区在1993年经历了类似的干旱天气,在冬季开始下雨后,干旱才得以缓解。他担心,如果冬天没有足够的雨雪,情况会进一步恶化。“如今已经过去了30年,水库的水位下降了。在冬天下雪下雨时,水量会得到补充。现在的情况非常糟糕。随着水位下降,被淹没的村庄建筑物将会显露出来。如果冬天不下雨,问题会变得更严重。”Gerodimos称。多里达市的市长Dimitris Giannopoulos表示:“水位每天都在下降。33年来从来没有出现过类似的情况。”Gerodimos称,水面上高耸的恩吉奥纳山曾经被白雪覆盖,但去年冬天山上却没有雪,这是希腊有史以来最温暖的冬天。在水退去的地方,附近的树木呈现出淡黄色。(背景知识来自于https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1809251856946634596&wfr=spider&for=pc)
Question 1: A
Question 2: B
Question 3: B
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