文章名称:The Development and Validation of the Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S)
文献引用:Dowson, Martin, & McInerney, Dennis M. (2004). The Development and Validation of the Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S). Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol 64(2), 290-310. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013164403251335, © 2004 by SAGE Publications. Reproduced by Permission of SAGE Publications.
量表名称:Goal Orientations and Learning Strategies Survey
计分方式:A 5-point Likert-type scale is utilized for each item ranging from 1 (strongly disagree), 3 (not sure), to 5 (strongly agree).
使用许可:Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.
Goal Orienta,ons and Learning Strategies Survey GOALS-S
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Mastery: WanCng to achieve to demonstrate understanding, academic competence, or improved performance relaCve to self-established standards.
Academic Goals
D2. I want to do well at school to show that I can learn new things.
D5. I want to do well at school to show that I can learn difficult schoolwork. D11. I try hard to understand my schoolwork.
D14. I work hard to understand new things at school.
D22. I work hard at school because I am interested in what I am learning. D24. I try hard at school because I am interested in my work.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Performance: WanCng to achieve to outperform other students, aQain certain grades/marks, or obtain tangible rewards associated with academic performance.
Academic Goals
D3. I want to do well in school because being beQer than others is important to me.
D6. I try to do well at school because I am only happy when I am one of the best in the class. D9. I want to learn things so that I can come near the top of the class.
D12. I want to learn things so that I can get good marks.
D15. When I do good schoolwork it’s because I am trying to be beQer than others.
D18. I want to do well in school so that I am one of the best in my class.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Work avoidance: WanCng to achieve with as liQle perceived effort as possible.
Academic Goals
D7. I choose easy opCons in school so that I don’t have to work too hard. D10. At school I want to do as liQle work as possible.
D13. If schoolwork is too hard for me I just don’t do it.
D16. I don’t ask quesCons in school even when I don’t understand the work. D19. I don’t do schoolwork if it looks too hard to learn.
D23. I want to do well at school, but only if the work is easy.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Social affilia8on: WanCng to achieve to enhance a sense of belonging to a group or groups and/or to build or maintain interpersonal relaConships.
Social Goals
C1. I want to do well at school so that I can feel close to my group of friends.
C6. When I want to do well at school it’s so that I can have a lot of friends.
C11. I try to understand my schoolwork so that I will feel part of my group of friends. C16. I try to do well at school so that I won’t feel le[ out if I don’t do well.
C20. I do good schoolwork so that other people will want to be friends with me. C26. I do my best at school so that my friends and I will be able to stay together.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Social approval: WanCng to achieve to gain the approval of peers, teachers, and/or parents.
Social Goals
C3. I want to do well at school so that I can get praise from my teachers.
C8. I do good work at school because I want to be recognized by my teachers. C12. I want to get praise from my teachers for good schoolwork.
C17. I try to do well at school to please my teachers.
C21. I want to do well in my schoolwork to please my parents.
C26. I do good work at school so that I can get praise from my parents.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Social concern: WanCng to achieve academically to be able to assist others in their academic or personal development.
Social Goals
C2. I try to do well at school so that I can I help my friends with their schoolwork when they need it. C7. I do my best at school so that I can give my friends help with their schoolwork.
C14. I want to do well at school so that I can help other students with their work.
C19. I do good schoolwork so that I can help other students do well at school.
C24. I do good schoolwork so that other people can learn things from me if they ask.
C28. When I want to do well at school it’s so that I can help other students.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Social responsibility: WanCng to achieve to maintain interpersonal commitments, meet social role obligaCons, or follow social and moral rules.
Social Goals
C5. I want to do good schoolwork because other people expect it of me.
C10. I want to do well at school to show that I am being a responsible student.
C15. When I do good schoolwork it’s to show that I am being a responsible student. C20. I want to do well at school so that I don’t get in any trouble.
C25. I avoid ge^ng into trouble at school by doing good schoolwork.
C30. I do good schoolwork so that I don’t have any trouble with my parents or teachers.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Social status: WanCng to achieve to aQain wealth and/or posiCon in school and/or later life.
Social Goals
C4. I do good schoolwork so that I can get a good job in the future.
C9. I try to do well at school so that I can get a good job when I leave school. C13. I do good schoolwork so that I can have a good future.
C18. I do well at school so that I can get a high-paying job later on.
C22. I do my best in school because I am trying to have a good future.
C27. I want to do well at school so that I can have lots of money later on.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Elabora8on: Making connecCons between present and previously learned informaCon—this may involve paraphrasing, generaCng analogies, and reviewing previous work.
CogniCve Strategies
B6. When learning things for school, I try to see how they fit together with other things I already know.
B16. When learning things for school, I o[en try to remember what I learnt in other classes about the same or similar things.
B22. I try to understand how the things I learn in school fit together with each other.
B28. I try to understand how what I learn in school is related to other things I know.
E2. I try to see the similariCes and differences between things I am learning for school and things I know already.
E3. I try to match what I already know with things I am trying to learn for school.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Organiza8on: SelecCng, sequencing, outlining, reordering, or summarizing important informaCon.
CogniCve Strategies
B5. I try to organize my school notes when I want to learn things for school.
B10. I reorganize my schoolwork so that I can understand it beQer.
B15. I organize what I have to do for school so that I can understand it beQer.
B17. I use summaries to help me organize and learn my schoolwork.
B23. When I want to learn things for school, I try to arrange them so that I can understand them beQer. E6. When I want to learn something for school, I make sure that I am organized.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Rehearsal: LisCng, memorizing, reciCng, and/or naming facts/items to be learned.
CogniCve Strategies
B2. When I want to learn things for school, I pracCce repeaCng them to myself. B8. When I want to learn things for school, I reread my notes.
B14. I try to memorize things I want to learn for school.
B20. I memorize the things I want to learn for school.
B26. I repeat things to myself when learning things for school.
B32. I reread my books when I want to learn things for school.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Monitoring: Involves self-checking for understanding, self-tesCng, and organizing reviews of learned material—implies systemaCc aQempt to evaluate the assimilaCon and organizaCon of learned material.
Meta-cogniCve Strategies
B12. I o[en ask myself quesCons to see if I understand what I am learning.
E8. I try to decide what parts of my schoolwork I don’t know as well as others. E10. I o[en check to see if I understand what I have read.
E30. I o[en try to decide what parts of my schoolwork I don’t know well.
E36. I check to see if I understand the things I am trying to learn.
E42. I try to make sure that I understand what I am learning.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Planning: Involves prioriCzing, Cme management, scheduling, se^ng realisCc goals, and arranging work environments appropriately—implies thoughdul preparaCon for compleCng work.
Meta-cogniCve Strategies
E4. I o[en look through books to see how they are arranged before I start reading.
E5. When I want to learn things for school I pick out the most important parts first.
E7. Before trying to learn things for school I try to decide what the most important parts of what I am trying to learn are.
E9. I o[en plan ahead so that I can do well in my schoolwork.
E11. I o[en try to decide first what are the most important parts of what I have to learn for school.
E14. I try to plan out my schoolwork as best I can.
Construct (Goal or Strategy)
Regula8ng: The strategies put in place to recCfy deficits idenCfied while monitoring—specific strategies include aQempCng different ways to learn material, seeking explanaCons from teachers, and idenCfying mistakes in reasoning.
Meta-cogniCve Strategies
E13. If I don’t understand my schoolwork, I ask the teacher to help me.
E18. If I am having trouble learning something at school, I ask for help.
E25. When I don’t understand something at school, I try to get someone to help me. E34. If I get confused about something at school, I go back and try to figure it out. E37. If I get confused about something at school, I try to work it out later.
E40. If I don’t understand something in school, I go back and try to learn it again.