
文摘   2024-09-15 09:36   中国澳门  



A. The development of a vaccine for the Oropouche virus.

B. The identification and spread of the Oropouche virus in people who traveled to Cuba.

C. The history of the Oropouche virus in the Caribbean.

D. The comparison between Oropouche virus and other tropical diseases.


A. Rash, fever, and blurred vision

B. Fever, headaches, and muscle pains

C. Seizures, joint pain, and skin reactions

D. Persistent cough, sore throat, and dizziness


A. Through person-to-person contact

B. By drinking contaminated water

C. Through the bites of small flies called midges and mosquitoes

D. By direct contact with infected animals


American health officials have identified a virus spread by insects in more than 20 people who visited Cuba. The virus is officially called Oropouche. It is also known as sloth fever. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said August 27 it had received reports of 21 cases in the United States. All of the cases – 20 in Florida and one in New York – involved people who had traveled to Cuba. European health officials said they had identified 19 cases of the virus, nearly all of them in travelers. The CDC explains that Oropouche is usually spread through the bites of small flies called midges, as well as mosquitoes. Signs, or symptoms, of the sickness usually start three to 10 days after an insect bite. They can include headache, high temperature, joint stiffness, stomach problems and sensitivity to light. The CDC says most virus cases last from three to six days and people generally recover without any long-term effects. There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for the sickness. The Oropouche virus is native to forested tropical areas. It was first identified in 1955 in the Caribbean island nation of Trinidad and Tobago. The virus was named after a nearby village and water system. The sickness is sometimes called sloth fever because scientists investigating the virus found it in a three-toed sloth. Researchers believed the sloths were important in spreading the virus between insects and animals. The virus is spread to humans by small biting flies called midges, and by some kinds of mosquitoes. Humans have become infected while visiting forested areas and are believed to be responsible for helping the virus make its way to towns and cities. So far, person-to-person transmission, or spread, has not been documented. The virus has recently caused large outbreaks in Amazon areas where it was known to exist. It has also been found in new areas of South America and the Caribbean. About 8,000 local infections have been reported in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and Peru. Most patients returning from Cuba reported their symptoms between May and July. Three of the patients were hospitalized, with no deaths reported, the CDC said in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Symptoms can seem similar to other tropical diseases like dengue, Zika or malaria. The most common ones include fever, headaches and muscle pains. Some infected people also suffer from diarrhea, unsettled stomach, vomiting or skin reactions. Some patients can suffer symptoms repeatedly. And one in 20 people may experience more severe symptoms like bleeding, meningitis and encephalitis. The virus rarely causes death, although there were recent reports of deaths in two healthy young people in Brazil. There are no vaccines to prevent infections and no medicines are currently available to treat the symptoms.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: What are the most common symptoms of the Oropouche virus?

Question 3: How is the Oropouche virus primarily transmitted to humans?


1. stiffness: the quality of being very formal and not relaxed 生硬,拘谨


据央视新闻报道,当地时间827日,美国疾病控制和预防中心官网通报,截至2024816日,美国共报告21例奥罗普切热病例,未出现死亡病例,且患者均有古巴旅行史。奥罗普切热是由奥罗普切病毒(Oropouche virusOROV)引起的蚊媒传染病。奥罗普切病毒,是一种主要影响南美洲和北美洲人类的发热性疾病,该病由吸血的媒介昆虫如蚊、蠓等叮咬传播。”829日,华中科技大学附属同济医院感染科副主任医师郭威告诉人民日报健康客户端记者,目前还没有专门针对奥罗普切热的特效药或疫苗。 据世界卫生组织网站介绍,奥罗普切热其症状与登革热相似,包括高烧、头痛、肌痛、皮疹、关节痛和呕吐,通常持续36天,高达60%的病例会短暂复发。(背景知识来自于https://cj.sina.com.cn/articles/view/1411163204/541ca44402001exga


Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: C




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