
文摘   2024-09-17 08:05   中国澳门  



A. The process of removing asbestos and hazardous waste at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

B. The challenges faced by workers in high-temperature environments and the use of wearable technology to monitor heat stress.

C. The history and purpose of Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

D. The impact of extreme heat on productivity and safety in U.S. workplaces.


A. The introduction of new wearable technologies for monitoring heat stress.

B. A 2021 report from the Atlantic Council highlighting the economic impact of heat on productivity.

C. The growing number of deaths caused by heat in U.S. workplaces.

D. The recent rise in global temperatures.


A. Using thermometers to check employees' temperatures.

B. Wearing full-body protective clothing.

C. Swallowing thermometer capsules.

D. Using wearable sensors and armbands to monitor body temperature.


On a hot summer day, workers recently worked to remove asbestos and hazardous waste at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. It is a former nuclear center that the government wants to tear down. The men wore full-body protective clothing and used respirators to clean the air they breathe. But the clothing does not protect them from high temperatures inside the building and inside their heavy clothing. On their arms, they wear devices that record their heart rates, movements and levels of exertion. The aim is to look for heat stress. The issue of heat in the workplace has been getting more attention since a 2021 report from the research organization Atlantic Council. The group said the United States loses an average of $100 billion each year from “heat-induced” reductions in productivity. The Environmental Protection Agency said from 1992 to 2022, 986 people died from heat-related causes in U.S. workplaces. Employers have measured heat-related stress by checking employees' temperatures with thermometers. More recently, firefighters and military members have swallowed thermometer capsules. As the world experiences record-high temperatures, employers are exploring wearable technologies, like sensors and armbands, to help keep workers safe. They collect body temperature and warn workers to take breaks when they get too hot. Experts say the effectiveness of some devices remains unproven although research has shown that some successfully predict body temperature. A 2022 study said age, sex, and the amount of water in the air make it difficult to measure body temperature.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: What has caused an increase in attention to heat-related issues in the workplace?

Question 3: Which of the following methods has NOT been mentioned as a way to measure heat-related stress in workers?


1. hazardous: risky; dangerous 危险的


石棉又称石绵,指具有高抗张强度、高挠性、耐化学和热侵蚀、电绝缘和具有可纺性的硅酸盐类矿物产品。它是天然的纤维状的硅酸盐类矿物质的总称。石棉按其成分和内部结构,分为蛇纹石石棉(温石棉)和角闪石石棉(包括青石棉、铁石棉等)两大类,下辖2类共计6种矿物(有蛇纹石石棉、角闪石石棉、阳起石石棉、直闪石石棉、铁石棉、透闪石石棉等)。石棉由纤维束组成,而纤维束又由很长很细的能相互分离的纤维组成。石棉具有高度耐火性、电绝缘性和绝热性,是重要的防火、绝缘和保温材料。但是由于石棉纤维能引起石棉肺、胸膜间皮瘤等疾病,许多国家选择了全面禁止使用这种危险性物质。 20171027日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构公布的致癌物清单初步整理参考,石棉(各种形式,包括阳起石、铁石棉、直闪石、温石棉、青石棉、透闪石)在一类致癌物清单中。角闪石石棉因为具有较强致癌性,中国已于2002年禁止生产和使用。(背景知识来自于)


Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: B




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