
文摘   2024-09-28 13:48   中国澳门  



A. 20 million metric tons.

B. 35 million metric tons.

C. 52 million metric tons.

D. 70 million metric tons.


A. China.

B. India.

C. Nigeria.

D. Indonesia.


A. Ban plastic production.

B. Create the first legally binding treaty on plastic pollution.

C. Increase plastic recycling rate to 90%.

D. Impose a tax on plastic pollution.


The world creates about 52 million metric tons of plastic pollution every year, a new study says. More than two-thirds of that plastic comes from the Global South – a term that loosely describes developing countries. The amount of pollution is enough to fill New York City's Central Park with plastic waste as high as the Empire State Building, researchers at the University of Leeds in Britain say. They examined waste produced on the local level at more than 50,000 cities and towns across the world for a study released recently in the publication Nature. The study examined plastic that goes into the open environment. It did not examine plastic that goes into landfills or is properly burned. For 15 percent of the world's population, government fails to collect and dispose of waste, the study said. This lack of collection and disposal is a big reason Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa produce the most plastic waste. Lagos, Nigeria, released the most plastic pollution of any city. The other biggest plastic-polluting cities are New Delhi in India, Luanda in Angola, Karachi in Pakistan, and Cairo, in Egypt. India leads the world in producing plastic pollution, with more than 9.3 million metric tons a year. That number is far more than double the next big-polluting nations, Nigeria and Indonesia. China, often criticized for pollution, is in fourth place but is making big improvements in reducing waste. Other top plastic polluters are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia and Brazil. The top eight nations are responsible for more than half of the world's plastic pollution, the study's data suggests. The United States takes 90th place in plastic pollution with more than 47,600 metric tons. And Britain takes 135th place with nearly 4,600 metric tons, the study says. In 2022, most of the world's nations agreed to make the first legally binding treaty on plastic pollution, including in the oceans. Final treaty negotiations take place in South Korea in November.

Question 1: How much plastic pollution does the world create every year, according to the study?

Question 2: Which country produces the most plastic pollution annually?

Question 3: What significant action did most of the world's nations agree on in 2022 to address plastic pollution?


1. plastic: an artificial substance that can be shaped when soft into many different forms and has many different uses 塑料


根据94日发表于《自然》的一项分析,这些人群中大多数会焚烧塑料废物或将其倾倒在环境中。该研究认为,全面的收集服务是减少全球塑料污染的唯一途径。 英国利兹大学的Costas Velis和同事利用地方政府的废物数据与人口普查数据,对世界各地城市地区的塑料废物流动进行了建模。然后,他们根据这些数据训练了一种人工智能算法,以预测全球5万多个城市地区的废物产生及处理方式。 Velis说,这种自下而上的方法提供了一个前所未有的视角,让人们了解塑料废物是如何处理的,以及为什么会在不同国家成为污染。以前没有人这样做过。” Velis团队估计,每年有5210万吨塑料废物成为污染物,占全球总量的1/5,主要产生于垃圾收集不可靠或不存在的较贫穷国家。这些塑料废物大多没有得到妥善处理,而是在家里、街道上或小垃圾场焚烧,整个过程没有经受任何环境控制。(背景知识来自于https://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/discovery/2024-09-05/doc-incnaxxi5266760.shtml


Question 1: C

Question 2: B

Question 3: B




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