e.g. A taciturn man, he replied to my questions in monosyllables. 他是一个沉默寡言的人,回答我的问题也是往外蹦单字。
e.g. A slight frown and a laconic 'Yes,' were the answer. 回应就是淡淡地一皱眉和一句简短的“是的”。
e.g. He becomes inarticulate when angry. 他生气的时候会说不出话来。
e.g. He became positively garrulous after a few glasses of wine. 他几杯葡萄酒下肚,就会絮絮叨叨说个没完。
e.g. His frequent use of clichés made his essay seem banal. 他总是使用些陈词滥调,这使得他的文章显得十分陈腐。
e.g. His writing is difficult and often verbose. 他的文字很晦涩,而且常常篇幅冗长。
e.g. Bert is a voluble, gregarious man. 伯特是一个能说会道,善于交际的人。
e.g. The normally loquacious Simpson had nothing to say. 通常话多的辛普森那次却无话可说。
e.g. She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan. 她举出了一些很有说服力的理由,来解释为什么要放弃那一计划。
e.g. They were supported by a vociferous group in the union. 一群吵吵嚷嚷的工会人员在为他们撑腰。