昌邑未下,沛公引兵西过高阳。高阳人郦食其,家贫落魄,为里监门。The city of Changyi had not been captured. Lord Pei led his troops westward and passed Gaoyang. There was a man named Li Yiji from Gaoyang. His family was poor and he was down and out. He was a gatekeeper in the village.
沛公麾下骑士适食其里中人,食其见,谓曰:A knight under Lord Pei happened to be from Li Yiji's village. When Li Yiji saw him, he said:
“诸侯将过高阳者数十人,吾问其将皆握龊,好苛礼,自用,不能听大度之言。"Dozens of generals of the feudal lords have passed by Gaoyang. When I asked about them, I found that their generals are all narrow-minded, fond of petty formalities, self-centered, and unable to listen to broad-minded words.
吾闻沛公慢而易人,多大略,此真吾所愿从游,莫为我先。I have heard that Lord Pei is arrogant but easy to get along with and has great strategies. This is really the person I wish to follow. Don't introduce me first.
若见沛公,谓曰:‘臣里中有郦生,六十馀,长八尺,人皆谓之狂生。生自谓“我非狂生”。’”If you see Lord Pei, tell him, 'There is a Li Sheng in my village. He is more than sixty years old and eight feet tall. People all call him a madman. But he says he is not a madman.'"
骑士曰:“沛公不好儒,诸客冠儒冠来者,沛公辄解其冠,溲溺其中,与人言,常大骂,未可以儒生说也。”The knight said, "Lord Pei doesn't like scholars. Those guests who come wearing a scholar's hat, Lord Pei always takes off their hat and urinates in it. When he talks to people, he often curses. You can't persuade him with the words of a scholar."
郦生曰:“第言之。”骑士从容言,如郦生所诫者。Li Yiji said, "Just tell him." The knight spoke calmly as Li Yiji had told him.
沛公至高阳传舍,使人召郦生。郦生至,入谒。When Lord Pei arrived at the posthouse in Gaoyang, he sent someone to summon Li Yiji. Li Yiji arrived and entered to pay his respects.
沛公方倨床使两女子洗足,而见郦生。Lord Pei was sitting on his bed with two women washing his feet when he saw Li Yiji.
郦生入,则长揖不拜,曰:“足下欲助秦攻诸侯乎?且欲率诸侯破秦也?”As soon as Li Yiji entered, he made a long bow but did not kneel down and said, "Do you want to help Qin attack the feudal lords? Or do you want to lead the feudal lords to defeat Qin?"
沛公骂曰:“竖儒!天下同苦秦久矣,故诸侯相率而攻秦,何谓助秦攻诸侯乎!”Lord Pei cursed and said, "Stupid scholar! The whole world has suffered from Qin for a long time. So the feudal lords have risen up one after another to attack Qin. How can you say that I am helping Qin attack the feudal lords?"
郦生曰:“必聚徒合义兵诛无道秦,不宜倨见长者!”Li Yiji said, "We must gather followers and unite righteous troops to punish the unjust Qin. You should not receive an elder arrogantly."
于是沛公辍洗,起,摄衣,延郦生上坐,谢之。郦生因言六国从横时。Then Lord Pei stopped washing his feet. He got up, straightened his clothes, invited Li Yiji to sit on the upper seat and apologized to him. Li Yiji then talked about the times of the vertical and horizontal alliances of the six states.
沛公喜,赐郦生食,问曰:“计将安出?”Lord Pei was pleased. He gave Li Yiji food and asked, "What is your plan?"
郦生曰:“足下起纠合之众,收散乱之兵,不满万人;欲以径入强秦,此所谓探虎口者也。Li Yiji said, "You have gathered a crowd and collected scattered soldiers. There are less than ten thousand people. If you want to directly enter the powerful Qin, this is like putting your hand into a tiger's mouth.
夫陈留,天下之冲,四通五达之郊也,今其城中又多积粟。臣善其令,请得使之令下足下。即不听,足下引兵攻之,臣为内应。”Chenliu is a strategic place in the world. It is a place where roads lead in all directions. Now there is a lot of grain stored in the city. I am familiar with its magistrate. Please let me persuade him to surrender to you. Even if he doesn't listen, you can lead your troops to attack. I will be your inside helper."
于是遣郦生行,沛公引兵随之,遂下陈留。号郦食其为广野君。郦生言其弟商。So Lord Pei sent Li Yiji on his way. Lord Pei led his troops to follow. Thus, they captured Chenliu. Lord Pei named Li Yiji as Lord Guangye. Li Yiji recommended his younger brother Shang.
时商聚少年得四千人,来属沛公,沛公以为将,将陈留兵以从,郦生常为说客,使诸侯。At that time, Shang had gathered four thousand young men. He came to submit to Lord Pei. Lord Pei made him a general. Shang led the troops of Chenliu to follow Lord Pei. Li Yiji often served as a persuader and made trips to persuade the feudal lords.