元年者何?君之始年也。春者何?岁之始也。王者孰谓?谓文王也。What does "the first year" mean? It is the first year of a monarch's reign. What does "spring" mean? It is the beginning of a year. Who is referred to as "the king"? It refers to King Wen.
曷为先言“王”而后言“正月?”王正月也。何言乎王正月?大一统也。Why is "the king" mentioned before "the first month"? It is the first month of the king's reign. Why is it called the first month of the king's reign? It is for the sake of the grand unification.
公何以不言即位?成公意也。何成乎公之意?公将平国而反之桓。Why is there no mention of the duke's accession to the throne? It is to fulfill the duke's intention. What is the fulfillment of the duke's intention? The duke was going to pacify the state and then return it to Huan.
曷为反之桓?桓幼而贵,隐长而卑。其为尊卑也微,国人莫知。Why was it going to be returned to Huan? Huan was young but of noble birth, while Yin was older but of humble birth. The difference in their status was slight, and no one in the state knew about it.
隐长又贤,诸大夫扳隐而立之。Yin was older and also virtuous, and the various ministers supported Yin and installed him on the throne.
隐于是焉而辞立,则未知桓之将必得立也;If Yin had declined the offer to ascend the throne at that time, it would not have been certain that Huan would surely be installed on the throne.
且如桓立,则恐诸大夫之不能相幼君也。Moreover, if Huan had ascended the throne, there was a fear that the various ministers might not be able to assist the young monarch.
故凡隐之立,为桓立也。隐长又贤,何以不宜立?Therefore, in general, Yin's ascension to the throne was for the sake of Huan's ascension. Yin was older and also virtuous. Why was he not suitable to ascend the throne?
立適以长不以贤,立子以贵不以长。The legitimate heir is determined by seniority rather than virtue, and the selection of a son is based on noble birth rather than seniority.
桓何以贵?母贵也。母贵,则子何以贵?Why was Huan of noble birth? Because his mother was of noble birth. If the mother is of noble birth, why is the son of noble birth?
子以母贵,母以子贵。The son derives his noble status from his mother, and the mother derives her noble status from her son.