庄子·大宗师 3

文摘   2024-11-28 15:57   重庆  

南伯子葵问乎女偊曰:“子之年长矣,而色若孺子,何也?”Nanbo Zikui asked Nüyu, "You are advanced in years, yet your complexion is like that of a child. Why is this?"


曰:“吾闻道矣。”Nüyu replied, "I have heard of the Tao."


南伯子葵曰:“道可得学邪?”Nanbo Zikui said, "Can the  Tao be learned?"


曰:“恶!恶可!子非其人也。夫卜梁倚有圣人之才而无圣人之道,我有圣人之道而无圣人之才。Nüyu said, "Oh! How could it be! You are not the right person. Bu Liangyi has the talent of a sage but lacks the Tao of a sage. I have the Tao of a sage but lack the talent of a sage.


吾欲以教之,庶几其果为圣人乎?不然,以圣人之道告圣人之才,亦易矣。I wanted to teach him, hoping that perhaps he would indeed become a sage. Otherwise, to impart the Tao of a sage to one with the talent of a sage should also be easy.


吾犹守而告之,参日而后能外天下;已外天下矣,吾又守之,七日而后能外物;I still adhered to teaching him. After three days, he was able to look beyond the world; having looked beyond the world, I had him continue to practice. After seven days, he was able to look beyond external things;


已外物矣,吾又守之,九日而后能外生;已外生矣,而后能朝彻;Having looked beyond external things, I had him continue to practice. After nine days, he was able to look beyond life itself; having looked beyond life, he was then able to achieve a state of morning clarity;


朝彻而后能见独;见独而后能无古今;无古今而后能入于不死不生。After achieving morning clarity, he was able to perceive the unique; after perceiving the unique, he was able to disregard past and present; after disregarding past and present, he was able to enter into a state of neither death nor life.


杀生者不死,生生者不生。其为物无不将也,无不迎也,无不毁也,无不成也。Those who take lives do not perish themselves; those who strive to preserve lives do not truly experience life. Amidst all things, there is naught that is not seen off, naught that is not welcomed, naught that is not destroyed, and naught that is not accomplished.


其名为撄宁。撄宁也者,撄而后成者也。”Its name is Yingning. Yingning means that it is achieved through being perturbed and then attaining completion."


南伯子葵曰:“子独恶乎闻之?”Nanbo Zikui said, "From whom did you alone hear of this?"


曰:“闻诸副墨之子,副墨之子闻诸洛诵之孙,洛诵之孙闻之瞻明,瞻明闻之聂许,聂许闻之需役,需役闻之于讴,于讴闻之玄冥,玄冥闻之参寥,参寥闻之疑始。”Nüyu said, "I heard it from the son of Fumo, the son of Fumo heard it from the grandson of Luosong, the grandson of Luosong heard it from Zhanming, Zhanming heard it from Niexu, Niexu heard it from Xuyi, Xuyi heard it from Yu'ou, Yu'ou heard it from Xuanying, Xuanying heard it from Sanliao, and Sanliao heard it from Yishi.


子祀、子舆、子犁、子来四人相与语曰:“孰能以无为首,以生为脊,以死为尻;孰知死生存亡之一体者,吾与之友矣!”Zisi, Ziyu, Zili, and Zilai were chatting together. They said, "Whoever can take nothingness as the head, life as the spine, and death as the buttocks; whoever knows that life, death, survival, and extinction are one entity, I will be friends with him!"


四人相视而笑,莫逆于心,遂相与为友。俄而子舆有病,子祀往问之。The four of them looked at each other and smiled, being in perfect harmony in their hearts. Thus they became friends with each other. Soon after, Ziyu fell ill, and Zisi went to visit him.


曰:“伟哉,夫造物者将以予为此拘拘也。”Ziyu said, "How magnificent! The Creator is going to make me into this constrained state."


曲偻发背,上有五管,颐隐于齐,肩高于顶,句赘指天,阴阳之气有沴,其心闲而无事,胼而鉴于井,His back was hunched and his spine protruded, with five vertebrae visible on his back. His chin was hidden in his navel, his shoulders were higher than his head, and his vertebrae pointed to the sky. There was an imbalance in his yin and yang qi, but his heart was at ease and unoccupied, so he went to the well barefoot to look at his own reflection.


曰:“嗟乎!夫造物者又将以予为此拘拘也。he said, "Alas! The Creator is going to make me into this constrained state again."


子祀曰:“女恶之乎?”Zisi said, "Do you dislike it?"


曰:“亡,予何恶!浸假而化予之左臂以为鸡,予因以求时夜;Ziyu said, "No, why should I dislike it! If by chance my left arm is transformed into a rooster, I will use it to tell the time at night;


浸假而化予之右臂以为弹,予因以求鸮炙;If by chance my right arm is transformed into a slingshot, I will use it to hunt owls for roasting;


浸假而化予之尻以为轮,以神为马,予因以乘之,岂更驾哉!If by chance my buttocks are transformed into a wheel and my spirit into a horse, I will use them to ride. Why would I need another vehicle!


且夫得者,时也;失者,顺也。Moreover, what is obtained is due to the right time; what is lost is in accordance with the flow of things.


安时而处顺,哀乐不能入也,此古之所谓县解也,而不能自解者,物有结之。To be content with the times and to go with the flow, neither joy nor sorrow can enter. This is what was called 'untying the knot' in ancient times. Those who cannot untie the knot themselves are bound by things.


且夫物不胜天久矣,吾又何恶焉!Moreover, things have long been unable to overcome heaven. Why should I dislike it!"

