非国而曰灭,重夏阳也。虞无师,其曰师,何也?以其先晋,不可以不言师也。Referring to the destruction of a place that is not a full-fledged state as "destroyed" shows the importance attached to Xiayang. Yu didn't actually dispatch a proper army, but it is said to have an "army" here. Why? Because Yu took the lead before Jin, and it couldn't be not mentioned as having an "army".
其先晋何也?为主乎灭夏阳也。夏阳者,虞、虢之塞邑也。灭夏阳而虞、虢举矣。Why did Yu take the lead before Jin? Because it played a leading role in the destruction of Xiayang. Xiayang was a strategic border town of Yu and Guo. Once Xiayang was destroyed, Yu and Guo would both be conquered.
虞之为主乎灭夏阳何也?晋献公欲伐虢,荀息曰:“君何不以屈产之乘、垂棘之璧,而借道乎虞也?”Why did Yu play a leading role in the destruction of Xiayang? Duke Xian of Jin wanted to attack Guo. Xun Xi said, "Why don't you use the fine horses from Quchan and the precious jade from Chuiji to ask Yu for a passage through the territory of Yu?"
公曰:“此晋国之宝也。如受吾币而不借吾道,则如之何?”The duke said, "These are the treasures of the State of Jin. If they accept my gifts but don't grant me the passage, what should I do?"
荀息曰:“此小国之所以事大国也。彼不借吾道,必不敢受吾币。如受吾币而借吾道,则是我取之中府,而藏之外府;取之中厩,而置之外厩也。”Xun Xi said, "This is how a small state serves a large state. If they don't grant us the passage, they surely won't dare to accept our gifts. If they accept our gifts and grant us the passage, it would be like taking something from our inner treasury and storing it in the outer treasury; taking a horse from our inner stables and putting it in the outer stables."
公曰:“宫之奇存焉,必不使也。”The duke said, "Gong Zhiqi is there. He will surely not allow it."
荀息曰:“宫之奇之为人也,达心而懦,又少长于君。达心则其言略,懦则不能强谏;少长于君,则君轻之。Xun Xi said, "As for the character of Gong Zhiqi, he is perceptive but timid, being only a few years older than the Duke of Yu. Being perceptive, his words will be concise; being timid, he can't remonstrate forcefully; being only a few years older than the Duke of Yu, he will be looked down by latter.