外平不书,此何以书?大其平乎己也。何大其平乎己?External peace negotiations are usually not recorded. Why is this one recorded? It is to praise those who achieved the peace on their own initiative. Why praise those who achieved the peace on their own initiative?
庄王围宋,军有七日之粮尔!尽此不胜,将去而归尔。King Zhuang of Chu had laid siege to the State of Song, and his army had only enough provisions for seven days! If they couldn't win within this period, they would have to withdraw and return.
于是使司马子反乘堙而窥宋城。宋华元亦乘堙而出见之。At that time, Sima Zifan was sent to climb the siege mound to spy on the city of Song. Hua Yuan of the State of Song also climbed the siege mound and came out to meet him.
司马子反曰:“子之国何如?”Sima Zifan asked, "How is your state?"
华元曰:“惫矣!”Hua Yuan replied, "We are exhausted!"
曰:“何如?”Sima Zifan asked further, "In what way?"
曰:“易子而食之,析骸而炊之。”Hua Yuan said, "People are exchanging their children to eat and breaking up bones to cook."
司马子反曰:“嘻!甚矣,惫!虽然,吾闻之也,围者柑马而秣之,使肥者应客。是何子之情也?”Sima Zifan exclaimed, "Oh! How extremely exhausted! However, I've heard that those under siege would tether their horses tightly and feed them to make them look fat when receiving guests. Why are you being so honest with me?"
华元曰:“吾闻之:君子见人之厄则矜之,小人见人之厄则幸之。吾见子之君子也,是以告情于子也。”Hua Yuan said, "I've heard that a gentleman would show compassion when seeing others in distress, while a villain would take pleasure in others' misfortune. I see that you are a gentleman, so I'm telling you the truth."
司马子反曰:“诺,勉之矣!吾军亦有七日之粮尔!尽此不胜,将去而归尔。”揖而去之。Sima Zifan said, "Alright, do your best! My army also has only provisions for seven days! If we can't win within this period, we'll withdraw and return." Then he bowed and left.
反于庄王。庄王曰:“何如?”He returned to King Zhuang. King Zhuang asked, "How is it?"
司马子反曰:“惫矣!”Sima Zifan replied, "They are exhausted!"
曰:“何如?”King Zhuang asked further, "In what way?"
曰:“易子而食之,析骸而炊之。”Sima Zifan said, "People are exchanging their children to eat and breaking up bones to cook."
庄王曰:“嘻!甚矣,惫!虽然,吾今取此,然后而归尔。”King Zhuang exclaimed, "Oh! How extremely exhausted! However, I'll take this place first and then return."
司马子反曰:“不可。臣已告之矣,军有七日之粮尔。”Sima Zifan said, "No. I've already told them that our army has only provisions for seven days."
庄王怒曰:“吾使子往视之,子曷为告之?”King Zhuang was angry and said, "I sent you to spy on them. Why did you tell them?"
司马子反曰:“以区区之宋,犹有不欺人之臣,可以楚而无乎?是以告之也。”Sima Zifan said, "Even in the small State of Song, there are still ministers who don't deceive others. Could it be that there are none in the State of Chu? That's why I told them."
庄王曰:“诺,舍而止。虽然,吾犹取此,然后归尔。”King Zhuang said, "Alright, set up camp and stop here. However, I'll still take this place and then return."
司马子反曰:“然则君请处于此,臣请归尔。”Sima Zifan said, "In that case, Your Majesty, please stay here. I'll ask to return."
庄王曰:“子去我而归,吾孰与处于此?吾亦从子而归尔。”引师而去之。King Zhuang said, "If you leave me and return, who will stay here with me? I'll also follow you and return." Then he led the army away.
故君子大其平乎己也。此皆大夫也。Therefore, the gentleman praised those who achieved the peace on their own initiative. These were all ministers.
其称“人”何?贬。曷为贬?平者在下也。Why are they referred to as "people"? It's to show disapproval. Why show disapproval? Because those who achieved the peace were of lower rank.