
文摘   2024-12-01 11:12   重庆  
灵枢·寒热 Febrile and Chilly Disorders
黄帝问于岐伯曰:寒热瘰疬在于颈腋者,皆何气使生?The Yellow Emperor asked Qi Bo, "What kind of qi causes the occurrence of febrile and chilly scrofula in the neck and armpits?"
岐伯曰:此皆鼠瘘寒热之毒气也,留于脉而不去者也。Qi Bo replied, "These are all the toxic qi of rat fistula with febrile and chilly symptoms, which remain in the vessels and do not dissipate."
黄帝曰:去之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How can they be removed?"
岐伯曰:鼠瘘之本,皆在于脏,其末上出于颈腋之间,其浮于脉中,而未内着于肌肉,而外为脓血者,易去也。Qi Bo said, "The root of rat fistula lies in the internal organs. Its manifestations appear on the surface between the neck and armpits. When it floats in the vessels and has not yet adhered to the muscles inside and only shows pus and blood on the outside, it is easy to be removed."

黄帝曰:去之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked again, "How can it be removed?"


岐伯曰:“请从其本引其末,可使衰去而绝其寒热。Qi Bo said, "Please start from its root and guide its manifestations. This can make it decline and eliminate the febrile and chilly symptoms.
审按其道以予之,徐往徐来以去之,其小如麦者,一刺知,三刺而已。Examine carefully along its pathway and apply the treatment accordingly. Manipulate the needle slowly, going in and out slowly to remove it. For those as small as a wheat grain, one needling will bring about a noticeable effect, and three needlings will completely cure it."
黄帝曰:决其生死奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How can we determine life and death?"
岐伯曰:“反其目视之,其中有赤脉,上下贯瞳子,见一脉,一岁死;见一脉半,一岁半死;Qi Bo said, "Let the patient look up with the eyes turned back. If there are red vessels running through the pupil from top to bottom, seeing one vessel indicates death within one year; seeing one and a half vessels indicates death within one and a half years;
见二脉,二岁死;见二脉半,二岁半死;见三脉,三岁而死。见赤脉不下贯瞳子,可治也。”seeing two vessels indicates death within two years; seeing two and a half vessels indicates death within two and a half years; seeing three vessels indicates death within three years. If the red vessels do not run through the pupil downward, it can be treated."
