资治通鉴·汉纪二 5:权不可豫设,变不可先图。与时迁移,应物变化,设策之机也

文摘   2024-12-02 17:32   重庆  
初,张耳、陈馀说陈涉以复六国,自为树党;郦生亦说汉王。At the beginning, Zhang Er and Chen Yu advised Chen She to restore the six states in order to form their own factions. Li Sheng also gave advice to the King of Han.
所以说者同而得失异者,陈涉之起,天下皆欲亡秦;The reason why the advice was the same but the gains and losses were different is that when Chen She rose in revolt, the whole world wanted to overthrow the Qin Dynasty.
而楚、汉之分未有所定,今天下未必欲亡项也。However, when it came to the division between the Chu and Han states, it was not yet certain, and the world today may not necessarily want to overthrow Xiang Yu.
故立六国,于陈涉,所谓多己之党而益秦之敌也;Therefore, restoring the six states for Chen She was, so to speak, to increase the number of his own allies and add to the enemies of Qin.
且陈涉未能专天下之地也,所谓取非其有以与于人,行虚惠而获实福也。Moreover, Chen She was unable to monopolize the land of the whole country. It was like taking what one didn't own and giving it to others, bestowing empty favors and reaping real blessings.
立六国,于汉王,所谓割己之有而以资敌,设虚名而受实祸也。Restoring the six states for the King of Han was, so to speak, to cut off what one owned and supply it to the enemy, creating an empty reputation and suffering real disasters.
此同事而异形者也。These are cases where the circumstances are the same but the situations are different.
及宋义待秦、赵之毙,与昔卞庄刺虎同说者也。When Song Yi waited for Qin and Zhao to exhaust each other, it was the same idea as Bian Zhuang's plan to stab the tigers in the past.

施之战国之时,邻国相攻,无临时之急,则可也。During the Warring States period, when neighboring states attacked each other and there was no immediate urgency, it might have been acceptable.

战国之立,其日久矣,一战胜败,未必以存亡也;其势非能急于亡敌国也;The existence of the Warring States had lasted for a long time. The outcome of a single battle might not necessarily determine the survival or downfall of a state. The situation was not such that they were urgently trying to overthrow the enemy states.

进乘利,退自保,故累力待时,承敌之毙,其势然也。They advanced when there was an advantage and retreated to protect themselves. Therefore, they accumulated strength and waited for the right moment, taking advantage of the exhaustion of the enemy. That was the nature of the situation.

今楚、赵所起,其与秦势不并立,安危之机,呼吸成变,进则定功,退则受祸。此同事而异势者也。Now, the uprisings of Chu and Zhao were such that they could not coexist with Qin. The moment of safety or danger could change in an instant. Advancing would lead to success, while retreating would bring disaster. These are cases where the circumstances are the same but the situations are different.

伐赵之役,韩信军于泜水之上而赵不能败。During the campaign to attack Zhao, Han Xin stationed his troops on the Zhi River, but Zhao was unable to defeat him.

彭城之难,汉王战于睢水之上,士卒皆赴入睢水而楚兵大胜。During the disaster at Pengcheng, the King of Han fought on the Sui River, and his soldiers all plunged into the Sui River, while the Chu soldiers achieved a great victory.

何则?赵兵出国迎战,见可而进,知难而退,怀内顾之心,无出死之计;Why was this? The Zhao soldiers went out of their state to meet the enemy. They advanced when they saw an opportunity and retreated when they encountered difficulties. They had concerns about their families back home and no determination to sacrifice their lives.

韩信军孤在水上,士卒必死,无有二心,此信之所以胜也。Han Xin's troops were alone on the river, and his soldiers were determined to die and had no second thoughts. This was the reason why Han Xin won.

汉王深入敌国,置酒高会,士卒逸豫,战心不固;The King of Han penetrated deep into the enemy's territory, held grand banquets, and his soldiers were at ease and complacent, with an unsteady fighting spirit.

楚以强大之威而丧其国都,士卒皆有愤激之气,救败赴亡之急,以决一旦之命,此汉之所以败也。Chu, having lost its capital with its powerful might, had soldiers who were all filled with a sense of indignation and the urgency to save the defeat and face the crisis of extinction, ready to stake their lives in a single moment. This was the reason why the Han side lost.

且韩信选精兵以守,而赵以内顾之士攻之;Moreover, Han Xin selected elite troops to defend, while Zhao attacked with soldiers who were concerned about their families.

项羽选精兵以攻,而汉以怠惰之卒应之,此同事而异情者也。Xiang Yu selected elite troops to attack, while the Han side responded with lazy soldiers. These are cases where the circumstances are the same but the mental states are different.

故曰:权不可豫设,变不可先图。与时迁移,应物变化,设策之机也。Therefore, it is said that the expediency and adaptability cannot be preset, and changes cannot be planned in advance. Adapting to the times and changing according to circumstances are the keys to devising strategies.
