俄而子来有病,喘喘然将死。其妻子环而泣之。Soon afterwards, Zilai fell ill and was gasping for breath, on the verge of death. His wife and children surrounded him, weeping.
子犁往问之,曰:“叱!避!无怛化!”Zili went to visit him and said, "Shoo! Get out of the way! Don't be alarmed by the transformation!"
倚其户与之语曰:“伟哉造化!又将奚以汝为?将奚以汝适?以汝为鼠肝乎?以汝为虫臂乎?”Leaning against the door, he said to Zilai, "How magnificent is the Creator! What will it turn you into? Where will it send you? Will it turn you into the liver of a mouse? Or the arm of an insect?"
子来曰:“父母于子,东西南北,唯命之从。阴阳于人,不翅于父母。Zilai said, "Children will obey their parents' orders unconditionally, whether it is to go east, west, north or south. The forces of yin and yang to a person are no less than parents.
彼近吾死而我不听,我则悍矣,彼何罪焉?If it brings me close to death and I don't listen, then I would be too headstrong. What fault does it have?
夫大块载我以形,劳我以生,佚我以老,息我以死。The great earth endows me with a body, toils me with life, eases me with old age, and rests me with death.
故善吾生者,乃所以善吾死也。Therefore, those who value my life also value my death.
今大冶铸金,金踊跃曰:‘我且必为镆铘!’大冶必以为不祥之金。Now, when a master smith is casting metal, if the molten metal jumps up and says, 'I must surely become the Moye sword!', the master smith will surely consider it an inauspicious piece of metal.
今一犯人之形而曰:‘人耳!人耳!’夫造化者必以为不祥之人。Nowadays, once a person assumes the human form and keeps saying, 'I'm a human! I'm a human!', the Creator will surely consider him an inauspicious person.
今一以天地为大炉,以造化为大冶,恶乎往而不可哉!”Now, taking the whole universe as a great furnace and the Creator as a master smith, isn't it okay to go anywhere?"
成然寐,蘧然觉。Then he fell asleep peacefully and woke up as if from a pleasant dream.
子桑户、孟子反、子琴张三人相与友曰:“孰能相与于无相与,相为于无相为;Zisang Hu, Meng Zifan, and Zi Qinzhang became friends with each other and said, "Who can associate with others without any deliberate intention of association, and help others without any trace of purposeful doing?
孰能登天游雾,挠挑无极,相忘以生,无所穷终!”Who can ascend to the heavens, roam among the mists, wander freely in the infinite, forget about life and death, and have no end or limit?"
三人相视而笑,莫逆于心,遂相与友。The three of them looked at each other and smiled, sharing a perfect understanding in their hearts, and thus became friends.
莫然有间,而子桑户死,未葬。孔子闻之,使子贡往侍事焉。After a while, Zisang Hu died and had not yet been buried. When Confucius heard about it, he sent Zigong to attend to the funeral arrangements.
或编曲,或鼓琴,相和而歌曰:“嗟来桑户乎!嗟来桑户乎!而已反其真,而我犹为人猗!”One of them was composing music, and the other was playing the zither, singing in harmony, "Alas, Zisang Hu! Alas, Zisang Hu! You have already returned to your true self, while we are still here as humans!"
子贡趋而进曰:“敢问临尸而歌,礼乎?”Zigong hurried forward and said, "May I dare to ask, is it in accordance with propriety to sing in front of a corpse?"
二人相视而笑曰:“是恶知礼意!”The two of them looked at each other and laughed, saying, "How could such people understand the true meaning of propriety!"
子贡反,以告孔子曰:“彼何人者邪?修行无有而外其形骸,临尸而歌,颜色不变,无以命之。彼何人者邪?”Zigong returned and told Confucius, "Who are those people? They seem to have no cultivation of virtue, and they disregard their physical bodies. They sing in front of a corpse with no change in their facial expressions. I don't know how to describe them. Who are they?"
孔子曰:“彼游方之外者也,而丘游方之内者也。外内不相及,而丘使女往吊之,丘则陋矣!Confucius said, "They are those who wander outside the realm of worldly affairs, while I, Qiu, am one who wanders within the realm of worldly affairs. The two realms are not related. I sent you to offer condolences to them, and I was really being narrow-minded!
彼方且与造物者为人,而游乎天地之一气。They are currently making friends with the Creator and wandering in the single qi of heaven and earth.
彼以生为附赘县疣,以死为决(疒丸)溃痈。夫若然者,又恶知死生先后之所在!They regard life as a redundant growth like a wart or a mole, and death as the bursting of an abscess. For those who are like this, how could they care about the sequence of life and death?
假于异物,托于同体;忘其肝胆,遗其耳目;They borrow different forms and rely on the same essence; they forget about their internal organs like the liver and gallbladder, and neglect their senses like the eyes and ears;
反复终始,不知端倪;芒然彷徨乎尘垢之外,逍遥乎无为之业。They go through cycles from beginning to end without knowing where it starts or ends; they wander aimlessly outside the dust and dirt, and are carefree in the state of non-action.
彼又恶能愦愦然为世俗之礼,以观众人之耳目哉!”How could they bother to perform the worldly proprieties to satisfy the eyes and ears of the common people?"
子贡曰:“然则夫子何方之依?”Zigong said, "Then, sir, which realm do you rely on?"
孔子曰:“丘,天之戮民也。虽然,吾与汝共之。”Confucius said, "I, Qiu, am a punished one by Heaven. Nevertheless, I will share it with you."
子贡曰:“敢问其方?”Zigong said, "May I dare to ask about the way?"
孔子曰:“鱼相造乎水,人相造乎道。相造乎水者,穿池而养给;相造乎道者,无事而生定。Confucius said, "Fish rely on water, and people rely on the Way. Those who rely on water can dig a pool and have enough to sustain themselves. Those who rely on the Way can remain calm without doing anything.
故曰:鱼相忘乎江湖,人相忘乎道术。”Therefore, it is said that fish forget each other in rivers and lakes, and people forget each other in the Way of learning and practice."
子贡曰:“敢问畸人?”Zigong said, "May I dare to ask about the strange people?"
曰:“畸人者,畸于人而侔于天。Confucius said, "Strange people are strange compared to ordinary people but in harmony with Heaven.
故曰:天之小人,人之君子;人之君子,天之小人也。” Therefore, it is said that those who are regarded as small by Heaven are gentlemen among people; and those who are regarded as gentlemen among people are small by Heaven."