金属有机笼,Nature Chemistry!

学术   2025-01-19 20:00   浙江  
通讯作者:Jonathan R. Nitschke


合成纳米笼可以根据特定客体调整腔体大小和形状,在化学纯化等各个领域都有潜在应用。一种灵活的拟立方金属有机笼现已被开发出来,它可以通过翻转笼面,动态地将空腔从初始体积的46% 扩大到 154%。






Fig. 1 | Preparation and characterization of cage 1.a, Synthesis of pseudo-cube 1 from tetramine subcomponent A. b,The two conformations of each face, as a result of the 2,6-naphthalyl rotational units. c, 1H NMR and 1H DOSY spectra of pseudo cube 1, revealing a diffusion coefficient of 3.34×10-10 m2·s-1 (400 MHz, 298 K, CD3CN).


Fig. 2 | Single crystal structure of cage 1.a, Oblique view of the crystal structure of 1, showing the Molovol-calculated cavity in cyan and a cartoon representation of its all-endo conformation. b, Front view of the crystal structure, showing its all-endo conformation. Color codes: C = gray, N = blue, fac-Δ-Zn = yellow, fac-Λ-Zn = purple. Hydrogens, counterions and solvent molecules have been omitted for clarity.


Fig. 3 | The range of guest molecules used in this study, all of which exhibited 1:1 binding with 1. The sphericity-corrected volumes of guests ranged from 178 to 599 Å3 (summarized in Supplementary Table 2), with larger guests flipping more faces of 1 from endo to exo during dynamically adaptive guest encapsulation. The all-endo structure here used for illustration is the single crystal X-ray diffraction structure of 1. The all-exo structure is a structure of B(p-Cl-C6H4)4Cl4-⊂1 optimized with GFN2-xTB, which gave six exo faces in the minimization. Colour codes: C = grey, blue (for endo faces), or orange (for exo faces), fac-Δ-Zn = yellow, fac-Λ-Zn = purple. The host hydrogen atoms in both conformations and the guest in the all-exo structure are omitted, and the vertices have been simplified, for clarity.

通过一系列的实验,研究人员发现,笼子可以结合多种中性和阴离子客体分子,客体的体积范围从178 ų(例如金刚烷)到599 ų(例如四氯苯基硼酸盐)。其中,最小和最大客体之间的体积差异达到接近四倍,这与传统的灵活笼子相比,显示出其显著的适应性。

Fig.4| 1D NOESY spectra of host-guest complexes, showing the host conformational changes upon guest binding. a, b Illustration of different naphthalene protons to show NOEs between guest molecules and host panels in endo vs exo configurations: When a small guest is bound in proximity to an endo panel, protons f, g and h will exhibit NOEs with the guest. Larger guests will show NOEs with protons i, j and k with an exo host panel. c,1H NMR spectrum and d, 1D selective gradient NOESY spectrum (irradiated as highlighted at 7.03-6.69 ppm) of B(p-Cl-C6H4)4Cl4-Ì1. e,1H NMR spectrum, and f, 1D selective gradient NOESY spectrum (irradiated at 2.08-2.00 ppm) of diamantaneÌ1.

通过1H NMR和核Overhauser效应(NOESY)谱等技术,研究人员探讨了笼子在结合不同客体时的构象变化。较小的客体(如双金刚烷)使笼子面部分保持在“内向”构型而部分翻转到“外向”,而较大的客体(如四氯苯基硼酸盐)则促使笼子面转向“外向”构型,这表明笼子能够根据客体分子的大小变化自适应其结构。

Fig.5|Mass spectrometry and NMR reveal how cage 1 increases its size in discrete increments upon binding progressively larger guests. a, Normalized mobilograms of ions corresponding to cage 1 with varying numbers of counterions. b, Stacked, normalized mobilograms, and c, Collisional cross section (CCS) values of the [1·(NTf2)11]5+ ion from cage 1 and its host-guest complexes, showing how larger guests lead to larger CCS values that cluster into tiers, which we infer to correspond to increasing numbers of exo cage faces. Guest volumes are corrected for sphericity. Data are presented as mean values ± standard deviation from the CCS values of ~1000-3000 distinct ion peaks, with details provided in Supplementary Table 3 and section 5.4 of the Supplementary Information. d, Solvodynamic diameter of cage 1 and its various host-guest complexes from 1H DOSY data. Data are presented as mean values ± standard deviation from the solvodynamic diameters, calculated from ~20-40 individual NMR signals with the Stokes-Einstein equation. For details please see Supplementary Table 4 and section 5.5 of the Supplementary Information.

Fig. 6|Illustration of possible conformations of cage 1.a,Enumeration of the 10 possible states that cage 1 can adopt, with differing face conformations. A blue color and “0” denote endo faces, while orange and “1” represent exo faces. b, GFN2-xTB model of B(p-Cl-C6H4)4Cl4-Ì1, which minimized to give 6 exo faces (111111 in a above, ‘all-exo’ in b below). Color codes: C = grey or orange (guest), N = blue, fac-Δ-Zn = yellow orange, fac-Λ-Zn = purple, Cl = green, H = white. Hydrogen atoms of the cage are omitted for clarity. c, Illustration of the pathway for conversion between the all-endo to the all-exo conformation of 1, calculated with the GFN-FF potential and computational tools from the energy landscape framework (See Supplementary Video 1). The metal vertices are simplified for clarity. Blue, lime and orange denote endo, intermediate and exo states of the structure, respectively.






本文通讯作者Jonathan R. Nitschke是于2001年博士毕业于加州大学伯克利分校T. Don Tilley课题组。2001年到2003年在法国斯特拉斯堡大学Jean-Marie Lehn组从事博士后研究。2003年开始在日内瓦大学任瑞士国家科学基金会助理教授,2007年开始在英国剑桥大学化学系任教,2014年,正式升为剑桥大学教授,主要研究方向为多重亚组分自组装(Subcomponent Self-Assembly)的金属有机分子笼及其主客体化学。

本文第一作者是剑桥大学化学系博士生Houyang Xu(徐厚扬),2017-2021年本科期间在中山大学朱克龙课题组从事研究,2021年起加入Nitschke课题组。

