I am pleased to have received your letter.
I know why you remained silent when you came to see me that day.Silence says much. What words fail to say, silence may manage.
You have asked about love and marriage. Love is perfect initself. It desires nothing more. Marriage is the desire for something more. Butwhere will you find this perfect love? Nothing on this earth is perfect. Thatis why love wants to become marriage. This is not unnatural, but it iscertainly going to be troublesome, because love is the freedom of the sky andmarriage is a bondage of the earth.
If one can be fulfilled by love, great! But who has ever beenfulfilled by marriage?
Never escape from life. Escaping is suicide. Live life - itssuccesses as well as its failures. Defeat and victory - both are necessary.Flowers and thorns - passing through everything one reaches the temple ofexistence.
Never ask for anything from existence because there is acontradiction between asking and loving. Love only gives. And a love which givesall - even one‘s self - becomes prayerfulness.
PS. When I come to Ajmer, come too. Your questions are such thatI will be able to answer them more easily if you are sitting in front of me,because then, without anything being said, much is said.