
文摘   2024-08-13 23:26   中国香港  




















You have to learn to give more love. This is not only your problem; in varying degrees it is the problem of everybody.

Everyone must be loved;that was a false start.

It begins in childhood, a child cannotlove, cannot speak, cannot do anything, cannot give; he can onlyaccept. The love a child experiences is only the part of receiving:getting love from mothers, fathers, elder brothers, sisters, guests, peoplethey don’t know, in short is receiving. So the first experience deeplyrooted in his subconscious is that he must get love.

Here comes the problem, because everyonehas been a child, everyone has the same urgency to want love; no one is born ina different way. So everyone is asking: Give us love. But no one gaveit, because others also grew up like this.You must be vigilant, such a birth eventshould not stay in your mind forever.

Instead of asking forlove, it is better to start giving love. Don't care if you can get it,just give. I assure you that you will get more.

But you don't do it for the sake of gettinglove; you don't indirectly see if you get it. That alone is enough tointerfere. You just give, because sharing love is so beautiful, andgetting love is not so great. This is one of the secrets.

Sharing love is really a wonderfulexperience, because then you become a king. Getting love is a very smallexperience, and it is the experience of a beggar. Don't be a beggar. Atleast as far as love is concerned, be a king, because that is an inexhaustiblequality within you. You can give as much as you want. Don't worryabout running out, don't worry about one day you suddenly find out, myGod! I don't have any love to give.

Love is not a measure of energy; love is a quality, an established category; if you give it, it willgrow more, if you occupy it, it will wither. If you are stingy with it, itwill wither. So, really squander it. Don't care who it is: I want togive love to special people with certain qualities. That's really a stingyidea. You don't know you have so many...you are the cloud that is about torain.

The cloud that is about to rain will notconsider where it will rain—on the rocks, in the garden, in the ocean—itdoesn’t matter. It wants to unload its own burden, which is a kind ofunspeakable ease.

So, the first secret is: don’t ask, don’twait, give if someone asks you. Give out the love!

Give your love to anyone, even someone youdon’t know. The point is not that you have to give something veryvaluable, just a handy favor is enough. During the twenty-four hours,whatever you do should be done with love, then the pain in your heart willdisappear. And because you will be so cute, people will love you. Thisis a natural law. You get what you give. In fact, you will get more than you give.

Learn to give and you will find that thereare so many people who have never paid attention to you and always ignored youare turning towards you with love. Your problem is that you have a heartfull of love, but you have been stingy in giving, and love has become a burdenin your heart. Instead of letting the heart bloom, you hide it, sooccasionally when you are in a moment of love, you feel that the paindisappears. But why is it just a click? Why not all the time?

Not just forpeople. You can touch the chair with love. It depends on you, not theother party.

Then you will be very relaxed and let theburden of "extreme self" disappear and melt into the whole.

This is of course a kind of disease. TheEnglish meaning of disease is: "dis-ease"-uneasy. It's not sick,so no doctor can help you. That is simply the tightness of your heart, andyour heart wants to give a lot. Maybe you have more love than others,maybe you are more fortunate, but you make yourself extremely miserable by yourluck. Share it, no matter who you share it with.

Just share it, and thenyou will find infinite peace and tranquility. This is your meditation.

Meditation can be reached in many differentdirections, maybe this is your direction.BeyondPsychology




