Crossing Art X 西岸艺博览会| 沈敬东 Shen Jingdong

文摘   2024-11-08 18:26   上海  

Crossing Art

展位 | Booth B123

2024/11/07 -11/10

Crossing Art 诚挚邀请您于2024年11月7日至10日莅临第十一届西岸艺术与设计博览会。作为连续第五年参与此盛会的我们,今年将以更加全面的方式呈现艺术盛宴。在展位B125,我们将隆重呈现备受瞩目的中国艺术家沈敬东的经典作品。

Crossing Art sincerely invites you to visit the 11th WestBund Art and Design Fair from November 7th to 10th, 2024. As our fifth consecutive year to participate in this event, this year we will present the art feast in a more comprehensive way. At booth B125, we will grandly present the classic works of the high-profile Chinese artist Shen Jingdong.


沈敬东 Shen Jingdong

b. 1965

沈敬东 Shen Jingdong






布面油彩 Canvas Oil painting

60 x 80 cm

Scroll Down for English version

Shen Jingdong is one of the most respected contemporary artists of the Chinese New Wave. His unique visual language has become an important symbol of Chinese contemporary art. He was born in Nanjing and served in the frontline art troupe of the Political Department of the Nanjing Military Region in his early years. His 16 years of military service provided him with a wealth of social experience, which he drew upon as a source of inspiration to integrate Chinese history and contemporary reality into his artistic creations. Today, Shen Jingdong continues his artistic exploration in his studio in Beijing, where he expresses his thoughts and perceptions about society through painting and sculpture.

In 2006, the National Art Museum of China incorporated Shen Jingdong's work Hero No. 12 into its permanent collection, marking an important turning point in his career. Since then, his influence in the art world has rapidly grown, and he has become a leading figure in contemporary art, both in Asia and globally. His artistic style is unique, and critics have classified it as a representative style of the "post-pop wave." He is adept at transforming military images into cartoonish, puppet-like, humorous figures. Through this seemingly playful technique, Shen Jingdong infuses his works with deep reflections on human nature and universal values, revealing the artist’s profound sense of innocence. While his works may appear peaceful and gentle on the surface, they carry a deeper deconstruction of artistic narratives.

Shen Jingdong’s works are held in the collections of many renowned institutions, such as the Today Art Museum, the National Art Museum of China, and the Singapore Art Retreat Museum. His works have also been exhibited in prominent galleries in Hong Kong, France, the United States, and other countries, earning him international acclaim. These collections and exhibitions underscore his significant place in the field of contemporary art.


Art exhibition



国际玩笑终结版(鲜花)之一 International Joke’s Fi

nal Edition (Flowers) - 1


布面油彩 Oil on Canvas

100 x 80 cm 

小王子 The Litte Prince


布面油彩 Canvas Oil painting

70 x 50 cm

小王子看日落 The little Prince watching the sunset


布面油彩 Oil on Canvas

80 x 60 cm

十二生肖蛇 Chinese Zodiac-Snake


木刻版画 Woodblock Print

34 x 45 cm,共40版

生日快乐生肖蛇 Happy birthday Zodiac-Snake


布面油彩Canvas Oil painting

150 x 120 cm

龙娃 Dragon Baby


木刻版画 Woodblock Print

34 x 45 cm,共40版

老红军之一 old red army,No. 1

布面油彩Canvas Oil painting

100 x 100 cm

父与子 Father and Son


布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 80 cm

百花齐放 Blossom


布面油画 Oil on Canvas

200 x 200 cm

Crossing Art

Crossing Art画廊2008年创立于纽约,旨在连接和扩大当代艺术在不同文化之间的对话。自成立以来我们曾在纽约举办一百多场展览和公共艺术项目,优越的地理位置毗邻美国著名的艺术机构。Crossing Art凭借在北美和亚洲之间的独特地位,通过公共艺术、装置、线上艺术频道为艺术家和客户提供服务。Crossing Art致力于推广和培养中西两国的当代艺术家建构双方的沟通桥梁为艺术市场注入新鲜血液。

了解更多Crossing Art展览及艺术家信息,敬请访问


Instagram: Crossingart

RED:Crossing ART


559 West 23rd Street,New York

Tuesday – Friday:10 am – 6 pm

Monday & Saturday for private appointments only

Crossing Art 艺廊位于纽约切尔西区,自08年成立以来,曾举办百馀项展览,致力于推广当代艺术。Crossing Art另于纽约与上海成立国际艺术咨询公司 Crossing Collective,与设计、时尚与科技等领域跨界结合