Crossing Art is pleased to present Cary Hulbert's solo exhibition "Liminal Horizons" , which opened on January 18, 2024 to an overwhelmingly positive response. This solo exhibition showcases the most iconic works of the last two years by American interdisciplinary visual artist Cary Hulbert, who is known for her ability to navigate the gap between reality and fantasy, leading viewers on an imaginative exploration of fascinating landscapes.Each of the artworks on display is an exquisite testament to her exceptional talent, sculpting ethereal landscapes woven from daydreams, weaving elements of nature, myth and symbolism to create a mesmerizing canvas of art.
In this unique space, each piece of artwork contains the unique insights and deep emotions of the artist. Each viewer patiently stops in front of the work, looks at it carefully, gets different feedback and feelings, and the energy that the work puts into the outside world flows back to itself in a full flow.At first glance, these paintings exude an aura of joy and romance, giving the viewer a sense of comfort. However, upon closer examination, the viewer is gradually revealed to the different hidden dimensions of the images - the mountainous lines, the mysterious multi-headed animals. The beauty of these works lies not only in the artist's meticulous attention to detail, but also in the artist's intention to entice the viewer to experience a multi-dimensional experience.The exhibition is on view through March 2, 2024 at Crossing Art Gallery in Chelsea, New York.
Crossing Art
Crossing Art画廊2008年创立于纽约,旨在连接和扩大当代艺术在不同文化之间的对话。自成立以来我们曾在纽约举办一百多场展览和公共艺术项目,优越的地理位置毗邻美国著名的艺术机构。Crossing Art凭借在北美和亚洲之间的独特地位,通过公共艺术、装置、线上艺术频道为艺术家和客户提供服务。Crossing Art致力于推广和培养中西两国的当代艺术家建构双方的沟通桥梁为艺术市场注入新鲜血液。
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RED:Crossing ART
559 West 23rd Street,New York
Tuesday – Friday:10 am – 6 pm
Monday & Saturday for private appointments only