纽约展览|Between the City and Nature somewhere in my mind

文摘   2024-04-03 20:38   上海  

Youkyung Kaycee Woo新展即将开幕!

“Between the City and Nature somewhere in my mind”

在纽约切尔西的Crossing Art Gallery展出


周二-周六 Tue.-Sun. 10am-6pm

地点 | Location

Crossing Art,纽约市

559 West 23rd Street New York, NY, 10011

展览日期:2024年4月4日 至 2024年5月4日

Crossing Art 很高兴地宣布,Youkyung Kaycee Woo 的个展 "城市与自然之间,我心中的某处 "即将开幕。Youkyung Kaycee Woo以其对棱镜色彩、曲线形式和富有表现力的纹理的精通而闻名,她邀请观众踏上一段令人着迷的旅程,进入她充满想象力的异域景观。此次展览将于 2024 年 4 月 4 日至 5 月 4 日在纽约切尔西的 Crossing Art Gallery 举行,展出这位才华横溢的新兴艺术家的一系列非凡纺织品创作。

Woo 的创作汲取了她横跨三大洲的不同经历,打破了地域界限,对城市景观与桀骜不驯的自然之美之间的交集进行了深刻反思。Woo 的作品中错综复杂的图案让人联想到外星植物,她创造了一种逃离城市束缚的超然境界。在最新的系列作品中,她对阴暗、朦胧的色调进行了细致入微的探索,反映了她对单调的城市生活和无处不在的日常影响的沉思。每件作品都是艺术家内心对话的表达,在大胆的反抗和温柔的脆弱之间摇摆。

Exhibition Date: April 4, 2024 - May 4, 2024

Crossing Art is excited to announce Between the City and Nature somewhere in my mind, the solo exhibition by Youkyung Kaycee Woo. Renowned for her mastery of prismatic colors, curvilinear forms, and expressive textures, Woo invites audiences on a mesmerizing journey into her imaginative, alien landscapes. This exhibition will be on view at Crossing Art Gallery in Chelsea, New York, from April 4th through May 4th, 2024, featuring a series of extraordinary textile creations by the burgeoning, multi-talented artist. 

Drawing from her diverse experiences across three continents, Woo’s creative narrative defies geographical boundaries, offering a poignant reflection on the intersection between urban landscapes and the untamed beauty of nature. Through her intricate patterns reminiscent of extraterrestrial flora, Woo creates a transcendent escape from the confines of urbanity. In this latest series, she introduces a nuanced exploration of darker, shadowy hues, reflecting a contemplative response to the monotony of urban life and the pervasive impact of daily routines. Each piece serves as an expression of the artist’s inner dialogue, oscillating between bold defiance and tender vulnerability. 

Woo 的艺术作品如有机挂毯般展开,反映了自然世界的复杂性。她的作品以有机形状和纹理集群为特色,吸引观众深入了解其空灵景观中错综复杂的背景和联系。此外,她还倡导女性魅力和可持续发展的主题,为她的设计注入了永恒的优雅和对环境的关注。通过她富有远见的方法,Woo 将身份元素与她的工艺材料完美融合,在美学形式和实质内容之间建立了深厚的联系。

"城市与自然之间: 我心中的某处 "预示着纺织品设计的新时代,邀请观众沉浸在 Youkyung Kaycee Woo 的无限创意中。通过每件令人着迷的作品,Woo 都在召唤观众超越现实的束缚,发现她想象世界中的深邃之美。

Woo's artistry unfolds as an organic tapestry, mirroring the complexities of the natural world. Her compositions, characterized by organic shapes and textured clusters, beckon viewers to delve into the intricate interplay of context and connection within her ethereal landscapes. Moreover, she champions themes of femininity and sustainability, infusing her designs with a timeless elegance and a commitment to environmental mindfulness. Through her visionary approach, Woo seamlessly integrates elements of identity with the materiality of her craft, forging a profound connection between aesthetic form and substance.

"Between the City and Nature: Somewhere in My Mind" heralds a new era of textile design, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in the boundless creativity of Youkyung Kaycee Woo. With each mesmerizing creation, Woo beckons viewers to transcend the confines of reality and discover the profound beauty that lies within her imagined worlds.


Youkyung Kaycee Woo 出生于韩国,是一位当代纺织品和时装设计师,现居美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。她在纽约帕森斯设计学院获得时装设计学士学位,之后在伦敦中央圣马丁学院学习纺织品设计。毕业后,她开始在纽约和俄勒冈州波特兰市举办簇绒工作坊。在她的设计品牌 MUJER WOO 下,Woo 发掘出纺织品的潜能,以可持续的方式创作出独特、俏皮、女性化的作品。她的设计风格激发了人们对世界的想象力,并通过一种惯用的、古怪的视角折射出自然存在的形式。

自 2021 年以来,Woo 在全球举办了多次个展和联展。最近,Woo 的作品在 Bobblehaus(纽约州纽约市)、Subtitled NYC(纽约州布鲁克林区)和 OA House(韩国首尔)展出。

About Artist

Born in South Korea, Youkyung Kaycee Woo is a contemporary textile and fashion designer who now resides in Portland, OR. She received a BFA in fashion design from Parsons School of Design in New York before studying textile design in London at Central Saints Martin. Since graduating, she started hosting tufting workshops in New York, and now in Portland, OR. Under her design brand, MUJER WOO, Woo unlocks the potential of textile, working to sustainably create unique, playful, and feminine works. Her style inspires imaginative worldbuilding and refracts naturally-occuring forms through an idiomatic, eccentric lens. 

Since 2021, Woo has exhibited globally in solo and group shows. Most recently, Woo’s work has been shown at Bobblehaus (New York, NY), Subtitled NYC (Brooklyn, NY), and OA House (Seoul, South Korea). 


关于Crossing Art

Crossing Art画廊2008年创立于纽约,旨在连接和扩大当代艺术在不同文化之间的对话。自成立以来我们曾在纽约举办一百多场展览和公共艺术项目,优越的地理位置毗邻美国著名的艺术机构。Crossing Art凭借在北美和亚洲之间的独特地位,通过公共艺术、装置、线上艺术频道为艺术家和客户提供服务。Crossing Art致力于推广和培养中西两国的当代艺术家建构双方的沟通桥梁为艺术市场注入新鲜血液。

了解更多Crossing Art展览及艺术家信息



Instagram: Crossingart

Email: info@crossingart.com

559 West 23rd Street,New York
Tuesday – Friday:10 am – 6 pm
Monday & Saturday for private appointments only

Crossing Art 艺廊位于纽约切尔西区,自08年成立以来,曾举办百馀项展览,致力于推广当代艺术。Crossing Art另于纽约与上海成立国际艺术咨询公司 Crossing Collective,与设计、时尚与科技等领域跨界结合