艺术家 | Artist :
Katja Loher
展览日期 | Exhibition Date :
2024年5月9日 - 2024年7月3日 (New York Time)
展览时间 | Opening :
10am-6pm, Every Tuseday through Saturday (New York Time)
地址 | Address :
559 West 23rd Street New York NY10011
Crossing Art很荣幸地推出Katja Loher个展“About Invisible Limits”(“关于无形的界限”),该展览于2024年5月9日开幕即获得热烈反响。该展览展出了Katja Loher开创性的艺术创作。在这个空间中,Loher邀请参观者通过视频装置、视频雕塑、雕塑灯箱和橱窗投影,探索她的创作论题,呈现出了一场沉浸式的艺术盛宴。
开幕式上Loher邀请观众坐在球体上沉浸感受她的作品,深入探索她的无限想象力。现场的舞蹈表演更是将开幕式推向了巅峰,这与Loher视频中的内容相呼应,展现出艺术家对躯体表现力的投入精神。她视频中的编舞通常很有趣,例如采用模仿蜜蜂摆动的模式和动作。当鸟瞰和放大表演者的动作交替时,观察点会发生变化,直到观众捕捉到他们脸上的表情。她的大部分工作涉及生态问题和人类的未来,依赖于蜜蜂困境等被忽视的细节。她对每个视频都采用鸟瞰图来模拟通过显微镜或望远镜观察的效果,以激发观众从另一个角度寻找答案。展览正于纽约切尔西区的Crossing Art 画廊举行,展期将持续到2024年7月3日。
Crossing Art is pleased to present Katja Loher's solo exhibition "About Invisible Limits", which opened on May 9 2024 to an overwhelmingly positive response. The exhibition featured her trailblazing approach to art. In the space, Loher invites visitors to explore her creative thesis through video installations, video-sculptures, sculptural light boxes, and a window projection. The exhibition presents an immersive feast of the arts.
Central to the exhibition will be a series of spherical installations suspended throughout the gallery space. These captivating spheres serve as the canvas for Loher's video art, each one a dynamic, sensory fusion of light, sound, and motion. In addition to the immersive video installations, "About Invisible Limits" features a window projection that animates the gallery space using interplays of light and shadow, blurring the boundaries between public and private space.
At the opening Loher invited the audience to sit on the spherical installation to immerse themselves in her work and delve deeper into her infinite imagination. The opening reached its zenith with a live performance, which echoed the content of Loher's video, showing the artist’s commitment to somatic magic. Her choreographies are often amusing, employing patterns and movements that mimic the wiggle of bees for example. The point of observation changes when the bird’s-eye view is alternated with actions of zooming-in on the performers, to the point of capturing the expressions on their faces. Much of her works indeed addresses ecological issues and the future of humanity, dependent on overlooked details such as the plight of bees. She adopt a bird’s eye view for each video to simulate the effect of looking through a microscope or a telescope to inspire my audience to find answers from another viewpoint. The exhibition is on view through July 3, 2024 at Crossing Art Gallery in Chelsea, New York.
Katja Loher
Crossing Art
Crossing Art画廊2008年创立于纽约,旨在连接和扩大当代艺术在不同文化之间的对话。自成立以来我们曾在纽约举办一百多场展览和公共艺术项目,优越的地理位置毗邻美国著名的艺术机构。Crossing Art凭借在北美和亚洲之间的独特地位,通过公共艺术、装置、线上艺术频道为艺术家和客户提供服务。Crossing Art致力于推广和培养中西两国的当代艺术家建构双方的沟通桥梁为艺术市场注入新鲜血液。
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RED:Crossing ART
559 West 23rd Street,New York
Tuesday – Friday:10 am – 6 pm
Monday & Saturday for private appointments only