Crossing Art X 西岸艺博览会| 迈克尔·麦格拉思  Michael McGrath

文摘   2024-11-06 17:40   上海  

Crossing Art

展位 | Booth B125

2024/11/07 -11/10

Crossing Art 诚挚邀请您于2024年11月7日至10日莅临第十一届西岸艺术与设计博览会。作为连续第五年参与此盛会的我们,今年将以更加全面的方式呈现艺术盛宴。在展位B125,我们将隆重呈现备受瞩目的纽约艺术家迈克尔·麦格拉思(Michael McGrath)的经典作品。

Crossing Art sincerely invites you to visit the 11th WestBund Art & Design Fair from November 7 to 10, 2024. As we have participated in this event for the fifth consecutive year, this year we will present the art feast in a more comprehensive way. At booth B125, we will grandly present the classic works of the highly anticipated New York artist Michael McGrath.


迈克尔·麦格拉思 Michael McGrath

b. 1977

迈克尔·麦格拉思 Michael McGrath



Michael McGrath

Summertime strolls for souvenirs

Acrylic,colored pencil and soft pastel on canvas

102h x 76w cm

Scroll Down for English version

Michael McGrath is an American artist and painter who lives and works in Rhinebeck, New York, in the Hudson River Valley. He has recently exhibited work in Rhinebeck, New York, Germany, Belgium, and Beijing, China. McGrath’s work is inspired by his contemporary environment in upstate New York and its history, as well as his naive curiosity about mysticism, mythology, and religious worship. The images of skeletons and ghosts often appear in his work, symbolizing thoughts about the afterlife and death, but also containing a hint of joy and hope. Through his art, McGrath invites viewers to embark on a journey to explore the blurred boundaries between life and death, reality and fantasy, the material world and the unreal.

His visual narratives draw on a variety of sources, from pagan rituals to modern spiritualism and folklore, as well as practices such as witchcraft and Ouija boards. By interweaving these diverse influences and reusing symbolic imagery in his work, McGrath encourages viewers to explore the unknown realms of mysticism with curiosity and playfulness, while maintaining an atmosphere of lightness and humor.




Winter gods singing

布面油画和油画棒 Oil & Oil Pastel on Canvas

152 x 102 cm


Night float in time

布面丙烯、彩色铅笔、软粉笔画 Acrylic, Color Pencil &

Soft Pastel on Canvas

61 x 76 cm


Winter stroll,perfectly happy and content,not uptight

Oil and oil pastel on canvas


102 x 76 cm


Adance to wake up gods 

Oil and oilpastel on linen

102 x 76 cm


Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas

102 x 76 cm


Art exhibition


Crossing Art

Crossing Art画廊2008年创立于纽约,旨在连接和扩大当代艺术在不同文化之间的对话。自成立以来我们曾在纽约举办一百多场展览和公共艺术项目,优越的地理位置毗邻美国著名的艺术机构。Crossing Art凭借在北美和亚洲之间的独特地位,通过公共艺术、装置、线上艺术频道为艺术家和客户提供服务。Crossing Art致力于推广和培养中西两国的当代艺术家建构双方的沟通桥梁为艺术市场注入新鲜血液。

了解更多Crossing Art展览及艺术家信息,敬请访问


Instagram: Crossingart

RED:Crossing ART


559 West 23rd Street,New York

Tuesday – Friday:10 am – 6 pm

Monday & Saturday for private appointments only

Crossing Art 艺廊位于纽约切尔西区,自08年成立以来,曾举办百馀项展览,致力于推广当代艺术。Crossing Art另于纽约与上海成立国际艺术咨询公司 Crossing Collective,与设计、时尚与科技等领域跨界结合