人们为什么喜欢聊八卦?| 人类简史

教育   2025-01-08 10:16   英国  









Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind 
作者:Yuval Noah Harari

What was so special about the new Sapiens language that it enabled us to conquer the world?

It was not the first language. Every animal has some kind of language. Even 
insects, such as bees and ants, know how to communicate in sophisticated ways, informing one another of the whereabouts of food. Neither was it the first vocal language. Many animals, including all ape and monkey species, have vocal languages. For example, green monkeys use calls of various kinds to communicate. Zoologists have identified one call that means, ‘Careful! An eagle!’ A slightly different call warns, ‘Careful! A lion!’ When researchers played a recording of the first call to a group of monkeys, the monkeys stopped what they were doing and looked upwards in fear. When the same group heard a recording of the second call, the lion warning, they quickly scrambled up a tree.

  • insect [ˈɪnsekt]  为可数名词,指「昆虫」。
  • inform sb / sth of sth 指「告知某人某事物」。
  • whereabouts [ˈweərəbaʊts] 指「去向,行踪」。
    the whereabouts of sb / sth 指「…的去向,…的行踪」。
  • A is / was not ... Neither is / was / does / did B. 指「A不是,B也不是」。
    It was not the first language. Neither was it the first vocal language. 
    = It was not the first language.  It was not the first vocal language either.
  • vocal 为形容词,这里指「发声的」。
  • ape 指「猿,类人猿」。
  • 名词+of various kinds 指「各种各样的...,不同的...」。
  • Zoologist [zəʊˈɒlədʒɪst] 指「动物学家」。
  • identify 为动词,这里指「发现,确定」(to recognize something or discover exactly what it is, what its nature or origin is etc)
  • in fear 指「担心地,害怕地」。
  • scramble  这里为动词,指迅速地「爬,攀登」。


Sapiens can produce many more distinct sounds than green monkeys, but whales and elephants have equally impressive abilities. A parrot can say anything Albert Einstein could say, as well as mimicking the sounds of phones ringing, doors slamming and sirens wailing. Whatever advantage Einstein had over a parrot, it wasn’t vocal. What, then, is so special about our language?
  • distinct 为形容词,指「清晰的,清楚的,明显的」(something that is distinct can clearly be seen, heard, smelled etc)
  • mimic 为动词,指「模仿,学…的样子」(to copy the way someone speaks or behaves, especially in order to make people laugh)
  • slam [slæm] 为动词,指「砰地关上」。slam the door 便指「砰地一声把门关上了」。
  • siren [ˈsaɪrən] 为可数名词,指「汽笛,警报器」。
  • wail 指警报等「尖叫,尖啸」。
  • A has an advantage over B 「A比B有优势」。

The most common answer is that our language is amazingly supple. We can connect a limited number of sounds and signs to produce an infinite number of sentences, each with a distinct meaning. We can thereby ingest, store and communicate a prodigious amount of information about the surrounding world. A green monkey can yell to its comrades, ‘Careful! A lion!’ But a modern human can tell her friends that this morning, near the bend in the river, she saw a lion tracking a herd of bison. She can then describe the exact location, including the different paths leading to the area. With this information, the members of her band can put their heads together and discuss whether they ought to approach the river in order to chase away the lion and hunt the bison.
  • supple 为形容词,指「柔软的,灵活的」。
  • infinite 为形容词,本义是「无限的」,用来修饰数字,就表示「无数的」。
  • an infinite number of sth 便指「无数...,无限多的...」。
  • thereby 为副词,指「因此,由此」。
  • ingest 为动词,指「摄入」食物。
  • prodigious [prəˈdɪdʒəs] 为形容词,指「巨大的,庞大的,大得惊人的」(very large or great in a surprising or impressive way)
  • comrade 为可数名词,指「朋友」。
  • bend 为可数名词,指「拐弯,弯道」。
  • a herd of sth 一群...
  • band  为可数名词,指「一伙人,一帮人,一群人」。
  • put one’s heads together指「 一起想办法,共同商量」。
  • approach 为动词,这里指「靠近」。
  • chase awa指「驱逐,赶走」。
  • bison [ˈbaɪsn] 为可数名词,指「野牛」。

A second theory agrees that our unique language evolved as a means of sharing information about the world. But the most important information that needed to be conveyed was about humans, not about lions and bison. Our language evolved as a way of gossiping. According to this theory Homo sapiens is primarily a social animal. Social cooperation is our key for survival and reproduction. It is not enough for individual men and women to know the whereabouts of lions and bison. It’s much more important for them to know who in their band hates whom, who is sleeping with whom, who is honest, and who is a cheat.
  • as a means of doing sth 指「作为做某事的方式」。
  • convey 为动词,指「 表达,传递,传达」(to communicate or express something, with or without using words)
  • as a way of doing sth 和 as a means of doing sth 指「作为做某事的方式」。
  • primarily 为副词,指「主要地」。
  • reproduction 为不可数名词,指「繁殖」。
  • cheat 这里为可数名词,指「骗子,作弊者」。

The amount of information that one must obtain and store in order to track the ever-changing relationships of a few dozen individuals is staggering. (In a band of fifty individuals, there are 1,225 one-on-one relationships, and countless more complex social combinations.) All apes show a keen interest in such social information, but they have trouble gossiping effectively. Neanderthals and archaic Homo sapiens probably also had a hard time talking behind each other’s backs – a much maligned ability which is in fact essential for cooperation in large numbers. The new linguistic skills that modern Sapiens acquired about seventy millennia ago enabled them to gossip for hours on end. Reliable information about who could be trusted meant that small bands could expand into larger bands, and Sapiens could develop tighter and more sophisticated types of cooperation.
  • track 为动词,指「追踪,跟踪」。
  • ever-changing 为形容词,指「一直在变化的,不断变化的」。
  • staggering 为形容词,指「大得惊人的,令人吃惊的」。
  • one-on-one 指「一对一的」。
  • countless由count(数数)和less(无,没有)构成,指「无数的,数不尽的」。
  • complex 为形容词,指「复杂的,难以理解的」。
  • keen 为形容词,指「强烈的」。
  • show a keen interest in sth 指「展示出对…的强烈兴趣」。
  • archaic[ɑːrˈkeɪɪk] 为形容词,指「古代的,早期的」。archaic Homo sapiens 指「早期智人」。
  • malign 为动词,指「诽谤,诬蔑,中伤」(to say unpleasant things about someone that are untrue)。
  • much-maligned 为形容词,指「备受非议的,备受批评的,饱受诟病的」。
  • have a hard time doing sth 指「做某事很困难」。
  • behind sb’s back 指「在某人背后,背地里」。
  • acquire 为动词,指「学到,获得」知识、技能。
  • for days / weeks … on end 指「连续数天 / 数周」。

The gossip theory might sound like a joke, but numerous studies support it. Even today the vast majority of human communication – whether in the form of emails, phone calls or newspaper columns – is gossip. It comes so naturally to us that it seems as if our language evolved for this very purpose. Do you think that history professors chat about the reasons for World War One when they meet for lunch, or that nuclear physicists spend their coffee breaks at scientific conferences talking about quarks? Sometimes. But more often, they gossip about the professor who caught her husband cheating, or the quarrel between the head of the department and the dean, or the rumours that a colleague used his research funds to buy a Lexus. Gossip usually focuses on wrongdoings. Rumour-mongers are the original fourth estate, journalists who inform society about and thus protect it from cheats and freeloaders.
  • the vast majority of sb / sth指「绝大多数」。
  • in the form of sth 指「以…形式」。

  • sth comes naturally (to sb) 指「某人天生就会...」。

  • quark 指「夸克」,理论上一种比原子更小的基本粒子。

  • catch sb doing sth 指「当场抓住某人做某事」。

  • wrongdoing 为可数名词,指「不法行为,坏事,作恶」。

  • rumour-monger 为可数名词,指「散布谣言的人,造谣的人」。

  • freeloader 指「白吃白占的人,寄生虫,爱占便宜的人」。

Most likely, both the gossip theory and the there-is-a-lion-near-the-river theory are valid. Yet the truly unique feature of our language is not its ability to transmit information about men and lions. Rather, it’s the ability to transmit information about things that do not exist at all. As far as we know, only Sapiens can talk about entire kinds of entities that they have never seen, touched or smelled.
  • valid 为形容词,指「合理的,有根据的,符合逻辑的」(based on what is logical or true)
  • transmit 为动词,指的「传输,发送,传送」电子信号、信息等。
  • entity 指「实体」。

Legends, myths, gods and religions appeared for the first time with the Cognitive Revolution. Many animals and human species could previously say, ‘Careful! A lion!’ Thanks to the Cognitive Revolution, Homo sapiens acquired the ability to say, ‘The lion is the guardian spirit of our tribe.’  This ability to speak about fictions is the most unique feature of Sapiens language.
  • the guardian spirit 指「守护神」。
  • tribe 指「部落」。


It’s relatively easy to agree that only Homo sapiens can speak about things that don’t really exist, and believe six impossible things before breakfast. You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven. But why is it important? After all, fiction can be dangerously misleading or distracting. People who go to the forest looking for fairies and unicorns would seem to have less chance of survival than people who go looking for mushrooms and deer. And if you spend hours praying to non-existing guardian spirits, aren’t you wasting precious time, time better spent foraging, fighting and fornicating?

  • misleading 为形容词,指「误导人的」。
  • distracting 为形容词,指「令人分心的」。
  • fairy 为可数名词,指「精灵,仙子」。
  • non-existing 指「不存在的」。
  • forage [ˈfɔːrɪdʒ] 为动词,指「四处搜寻,觅」食物、补给。
  • fornicate [ˈfɔːrnɪkeɪt] 为动词,指「通奸」。


But fiction has enabled us not merely to imagine things, but to do so collectively. We can weave common myths such as the biblical creation story, the Dreamtime myths of Aboriginal Australians, and the nationalist myths of modern states. Such myths give Sapiens the unprecedented ability to cooperate flexibly in large numbers. Ants and bees can also work together in huge numbers, but they do so in a very rigid manner and only with close relatives. Wolves and chimpanzees cooperate far more flexibly than ants, but they can do so only with small numbers of other individuals that they know intimately. Sapiens can cooperate in extremely flexible ways with countless numbers of strangers. That’s why Sapiens rule the world, whereas ants eat our leftovers and chimps are locked up in zoos and research laboratories.
  • not merely ... but... not only... but (also) 一样,指「不仅...,而且...」。
  • collectively 为副词,指「集体地,共同地」。
  • weave 为动词,指「编织,编造」。
  • myth 为可数名词,指「神话,虚构的故事」。
  • in a …manner 指「以…方式」,相当于in a … way
  • rigid [ˈrɪdʒɪd] 为形容词,指方法、体制等「严格死板的,僵化的」(rigid methods, systems etc are very strict and difficult to change),和flexible相反。
  • chimpanzee [ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː] 指「黑猩猩」。
  • rule 为动词,指「统治,主宰」。
  • leftovers指「剩饭菜」。
  • chimpchimpanzee一样,指「黑猩猩」。
  • lock sb / sth up 指「把…关起来」。

The End








