
教育   2024-12-23 10:16   英国  



我们就这样马不停蹄地追逐着一个又一个未来——毕业就好了,找到工作就好了,升职就好了... 眼睛永远注视着前方,一刻也没有停歇,但真正感到幸福与满足的时刻寥寥无几。




Future Tense

作者 | 马特·海洛
原著 | 《焦虑星球笔记》

When progress happens fast it can make the present feel like a continual future. When watching a viral clip of a human-sized back-flipping robot, it feels like reality has become science fiction.
  • the present n.现在时态

  • viral adj.病毒式传播的,爆火的
  • clip n.[C]视频,视频片段
  • continual adj. continuing for a long time without stopping 持续的,不间断的
  • science fiction n.[U]科幻小说,科幻电影

And we are encouraged to desire
this state of affairs. ‘Embrace’ the future and ‘let go’ of the past. The whole of consumerism is based on us wanting the next thing rather than the present thing we already have. This is an almost perfect recipe for unhappiness.
  • state of affairs n.a situation 情况,局势,事态
  • let go of sth to give up an idea or an attitude, or control of something放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制)
  • consumerism n.[U]消费主义
  • be a recipe for sth  to be likely to cause a particular result, often a bad one 可能会造成某事(常指坏的结果)

We are not encouraged to live in the present. We are trained to live somewhere else: the future. We are sent to kindergarten or pre-school, which by its very nature reminds us of what is about to hit us. School school. And once there, from an increasingly early age, we are encouraged to work hard so we pass tests. Eventually, these tests evolve into actual exams, which we know will dictate important future things like whether we pursue further education or decide to get a job at the age of sixteen or eighteen. 
  • by its very nature  从本质而言
  • evolve into sth 逐步发展成...,逐渐演变成...
  • dictate v. to control or influence something 支配,影响,决定
  • pursue further education 继续深造

Even if we go to university, it doesn’t stop there. There will be more tests, more exams, more looming decisions. More where do you see yourself in a few years’ time? More what career path would you like to pursue? More think very carefully about your future. More it will all pay off in the long run.
  • loom v. if a problem or difficulty looms, it is likely to happen very soon (问题或困难)逼近,临近
  • pay off if something you do pays off, it is successful or has a good result 取得成功,奏效

All through our education we are being taught a kind of reverse mindfulness. A kind of Future Studies where – via the guise of mathematics, or literature, or history, or computer programming, or French – we are being taught to think of a time different to the time we are in. Exam time. Job time. When-we-are-grown-up time. 
  • reverse adj.opposite to what has been mentioned 相反的,反面的,反向的

  • mindfulness n.[U] a mental state achieved by concentrating on the present moment, while calmly accepting the feelings and thoughts that come to you, used as a technique to help you relax 正念(指专注于当下的时刻所获得的精神状态,同时从容地接受来到您的感受和想法,这是一种帮助人放松的技术)

  • guise n.[C] the way someone or something appears to be, which hides the truth or is only temporary 伪装,外表,幌子

To see the act of learning as something not for its own sake but because of what it will get you reduces the wonder of humanity. We are thinking, feeling, art-making, knowledge-hungry, marvellous animals, who understand ourselves and our world through the act of learning. It is an end in itself. It has far more to offer than the things it lets us write on application forms. It is a way to love living right now.

  • see sth as... 把...视为...
  • not... but ... 不是...而是...
  • for its own sake if something is done for its own sake, it is done for the value of the experience itself, not for any advantage it will bring 鉴于某事本身的价值,为某事本身的缘故
  • -hungry 渴望...的 
  • knowledge-hungry adj. 渴求知识的,求知若渴的
  • marvellous adj.extremely good, enjoyable, impressive etc 极好的,绝妙的,了不起的
  • an end in itself something you do because you want to, not in order to get other advantages 自发想做的事情,本身就是目的
  • have sth to offer to have qualities, opportunities etc that people are likely to want or enjoy 能提供某物

I am coming to realise how wrong many of my aspirations have been. How locked out of the present I have found myself. How I have always wanted more of whatever was in front of me. I need to find a way to stay still, in the present, and, as my nan used to say, be happy with what you have.

  • come to do sth to begin to have a feeling or opinion 开始感觉到某事,开始有某意见
  • aspiration n. a strong desire to have or achieve something 强烈愿望,志向,抱负
  • find oneself done 发现自己被...
  • stay still 静止的,不动的
  • nan n.外婆,奶奶

The End


幸福是一种选择 | 双语阅读






