
职场   2024-10-23 21:00   中国  

在外企职场中,"take care of" 这个短语经常被使用。

无论是处理工作任务、关注客户需求,还是解决问题,"take care of" 几乎随处可见。比如说,当你听到同事说,“I’ll take care of the client presentation,” 你就知道他们会负责这项工作。这个短语既简单又灵活,是外企沟通中的高频词汇。

Take care of 是一个常用的动词短语,表示处理、照顾、负责某事。它在职场中被广泛用于表达承担某个任务或关注某件事情。

  • Take care of: To deal with or handle something, to attend to something or someone, or to be responsible for a particular task.

  • Take care of: 处理,照顾,负责

Take care of 的同义词和相关表达包括:

  • Handle: 处理

  • Manage: 管理,处理

  • Look after: 照顾

  • Attend to: 处理,照料

  • Deal with: 处理

  • See to: 确保处理


在职场中,take care of 常与以下词汇搭配使用,形成固定表达:


  • Take care of business: 处理事务
    We need to take care of business before the deadline.

  • Take care of clients: 照顾客户
    It’s important to take care of our key clients to ensure long-term relationships.

  • Take care of the problem: 解决问题
    I’ll take care of the problem as soon as possible.

  • Take care of arrangements: 负责安排
    She will take care of all the travel arrangements for the team.

  • Take care of the details: 处理细节
    John is really good at taking care of the details during the project.


场景 1: 处理工作任务

在团队协作中,take care of 经常用于表达某人将负责某项具体任务。

英文: I’ll take care of the presentation for the next client meeting.
中文: 我来负责下次客户会议的演示文稿。

场景 2: 照顾客户需求

在客户关系管理中,"take care of" 被用来表示照顾和满足客户的需求。

英文: Our team always takes care of client requests promptly to maintain satisfaction.
中文: 我们的团队总是及时处理客户的需求,以保持客户满意度。

场景 3: 解决问题

当项目中出现问题时,take care of 是一个表达你将负责处理问题的好用短语。

英文: Don’t worry about the technical issue, I’ll take care of it.
中文: 不用担心技术问题,我来处理。

场景 4: 管理日常事务

在日常工作安排中,take care of 经常用于表达负责某些管理或行政任务。

英文: Mary will take care of all the administrative tasks while you’re away.
中文: 你不在时,玛丽将负责所有行政任务。


围绕 take care of,以下相关词汇可以帮助你更精准地表达工作中的责任和处理方式:

  • Oversee: 监督
    She oversees the entire project to ensure everything is on track.

  • Facilitate: 促进,推动
    He will facilitate the discussion during the meeting.

  • Coordinate: 协调
    I need to coordinate with the marketing team to finalize the plan.

  • Supervise: 监督,管理
    The manager will supervise the implementation of the new system.

  • Delegate: 委派,分配
    It’s important to delegate tasks effectively in large projects.

    希望通过这篇文章,你能够全面掌握 take care of 的用法,并在工作中游刃有余地应用。Remember, taking care of tasks effectively can make a big difference in your professional performance!

Red K, 硅谷外企工程师,致力于外企原汁英语学习干货分享,职场解惑。让每个与职场英语打交道的人,都能从中受益。