浩天解读 | 境外债务清收:澳大利亚房产禁售登记(二)

文摘   2024-12-20 20:32   北京  

在市场不景气、经济増长乏力的背景下,债务清收诉讼案件不断增加。许多债务人在境外拥有资产(公司、股权或房产等),针对这一情况,浩天律师会根据具体情况,协助客户追回欠款。以在澳大利亚债务清收的经验为例,若发现债务人在澳大利亚有房产或房产正在出售,为防止债务人进一步转移财产或出售该房产后资金难追回等情况发生,债权人可以在澳大利亚的土地局提交禁售登记(Lodge a Caveat)。本文继续以在西澳大利亚为例,来说明针对债务人境外房产提交的禁售登记(Caveat)措施。





任何有权就土地的抵押、租赁或押记进行登记的个人或法人团体(corporate body)均可提交该类型的警示登记;非法人组织(unincorporated bodies)必须由其受托人亲自以个人名义提交登记,而商业合作伙伴(business associates)或公司(firms)则必须由该商业合作伙伴或公司的所有个体成员以其个人身份提交。受托人提交登记时,文件中可以写明“允许将受托人作为……的受托人或以……名义经营的公司成员身份。”



通常来说,上述主体可对该条项下涉及已受该法管辖的2种类型的土地1)永久产权土地(Freehold Land),即私人所有土地;2)公有土地(Crown Land)提交禁售登记。但针对公有土地提交的登记仅限于《土地管理法》(Land Administration Act 1997)第20条[2]中规定的2种情形:1)已登记的权益或依据《土地管理法》第18条[3]经土地部长批准但尚未登记的权益;2)根据管理令(management order)或归属/确权(vesting)设定而产生的未登记权益。











这一纳入过程意味着,将土地从一般法(General Law)系统[5]转换为托伦斯系统(Torrens System)[6],使得以遵循该法案规定的方式对该土地进行转让和管理。








9.由土地部长(the Minister for Lands)本人,由他人代表土地部长,或经土地部长同意提交的;


(1) 从最高法院获得延长禁售登记有效期的命令,可以是:

1) 延长到法院指定的特定期限;或者

2) 直到法院做出进一步的命令;

(2) 向登记官提交法院命令的副本。






1.土地买卖合同的买方(a purchaser under an agreement for the sale of land);

2.有权购买土地的人(a person having an option to purchase the land);

3.地役权的受让人(the grantee of an easement);

4.抵押权人(a mortgagee);

5.享有衡平法权益的抵押权人(an equitable mortgagee);

6.承押人(as chargee);

7.土地租赁的承租人(a lessee of a lease of land);

8.共有权益人(as beneficial co-owner);

9.针对由信托受托人所持有土地的信托的受益人(the beneficiary of a trust, against land held by a trustee for the trust);

10.破产受托人(as trustee in Bankruptcy);

11.未登记票据的持有人(the holder of an unregistered instrument);

12.在土地出售后可获得部分收益的人(a person who is to receive portion of the proceeds of land upon a sale);

13.有权享受土地年金的人(a person entitled to an annuity charged on the land);


被授予从土地上获取某些自然产物(如泥炭、石头或木材),或者在土地上狩猎的权利,并将这些自然产物或猎物带走以供被授予者自己使用或获益的人(the grantee of a right to take from the land some natural product of it, such as peat, stone, or timber, or to shoot game thereon, and to take it away for the grantee’s own benefit);

15.拥有与土地相关的限制性契约权利的人(a person having the right to a restrictive covenant running with the land);

16.基于回归信托/归复信托理论的原告(a claimant who bases his or her claim upon the doctrine of resulting trusts)。回归信托是英美法上的一种法定信托,是指信托设立后由于一定的事由使得该信托没有生效,或设立信托的意愿没有达成的情形下,委托人或者其继承人以受益人的身份享受信托利益时方才承认其成立的信托。




1. 隔离围栏争议:《1961年分隔栅栏法》所管辖的与隔离围栏有关的争议(Disputes relating to dividing fences is covered by the Dividing Fences Act 1961);

2.一般或普通债务:可能受《2004年民事判决法案》所管辖的债务类型(General or Common Debts may be covered by the Civil Judgements Act 2004);

3.物业管理费和税款:作为普通债务的一种,可能落入上条所述法案的管辖范畴(Strata Fees and Levies are a form of Common Debt and may come under the above);

4.律师费(除非纳入法律合同):律师费用通常不包括在内,除非其已被明确纳入相关法律合同之中(Legal Fees, unless incorporated into the legal contract)。




1.Donald Kerr 编著的The Principles of the Australian Land Titles (Torrens) System;

2.法学学士Mrs S Boyle撰写的论文Caveatable Interests, The Common Lore Distinguished;

3.Shannon Lindsay编著的Caveats Against Dealings in Australia and New Zealand。



[1] 137 of Transfer of Land Act 1893 Lodgment of caveat where land already under Act

(1) Any beneficiary or other person claiming any estate or interest in land under the operation of this Act or in any lease mortgage or charge under any unregistered instrument document or writing or under any equitable mortgage or charge by deposit without writing or by devolution in law or otherwise may lodge a caveat with the Registrar in an approved form forbidding the registration of any person as transferee or proprietor of and of any instrument affecting such estate or interest either absolutely or until after notice of the intended registration or dealing be given to the caveator or unless such instrument be expressed to be subject to the claim of the caveator as may be required in such caveat. Every such caveat shall state the name and address of the person by whom or on whose behalf the same is lodged and (except in case of a caveat lodged by order of the Supreme Court or by the Registrar pursuant to the direction of the Commissioner as hereinafter provided) shall be signed by the caveator or by his agent. The person lodging such caveat shall if required by the Registrar support the same by statutory declaration stating the nature of the estate or interest claimed and the title thereto and may withdraw any such caveat. If such declaration when required by the Registrar be not lodged with him within 7 days from the date of such requisition the caveat shall be absolutely null and void. A caveat under this section cannot be lodged unless it contains an address, or a number for a facsimile machine, in Australia for the service of notices in relation to the caveat.

(2) A person claiming an interest in a proposed carbon right, carbon covenant or plantation interest may, before the relevant carbon right form, carbon covenant form or tree plantation agreement is registered, lodge a caveat under subsection (1) as if the person were claiming an interest in land.

[2] 20 of Land Administration Act 1997 Certain interests in Crown land, caveats as to

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person claiming an interest in land the subject of a certificate of Crown land title or a qualified certificate of Crown land title may lodge a caveat with the Registrar under Part V of the TLA.

(2) A caveat can only be lodged under subsection (1) in respect

of —(a) a registered interest; or(b) an interest approved by the Minister under section 18, but not registered; or(c) an interest referred to in section 18(8).

[3] 18 of Land Administration Act 1997 Crown land transactions that need Minister’s approval

[4] 133 of ransfer of Land Act 1893 Property (seizure and sale) order, registration of etc.

[5] 一般法系统是指在托伦斯系统之前的土地所有权登记系统,它基于古老的土地所有权原则和优先权规则。在这个系统中,土地所有权的证明依赖于一系列文件和交易记录,即所谓的“产权链”(chain of title),这些记录了土地的所有权历史。这种系统往往复杂且难以验证,因为需要检查和验证大量的历史文件,以证明所有权的有效性。

[6] 托伦斯系统是由Sir Robert Torrens创立的一种土地登记系统,旨在简化和绝对化土地所有权的转让。该系统首次在1858年的南澳大利亚引入,并迅速在其他州推广。托伦斯系统的核心在于“登记即产权”(title by registration),一旦土地所有权在系统中登记,就获得了绝对的安全保障,不再担心产权存在缺陷或受到之前权益的影响,因为登记行为本身就赋予了新所有者一个新的有效产权

[7] 176 of Transfer of Land Act 1893 Person objecting to application being granted may lodge caveat

Any person claiming any estate or interest in the land in respect of which any such application shall be made as hereinbefore provided may before the granting thereof lodge a caveat with the Registrar forbidding the granting of the application; and every such caveat shall in all other respects be in the same form shall be subject to the same provisions and shall have the same effect with respect to the application against which it is lodged as an ordinary caveat against bringing land under the operation of this Act.

[8] 223A of Transfer of Land Act 1893 Caveat against application

A person claiming an estate or interest in the land in respect of which any such application is made, may before the granting thereof, lodge a caveat with the Registrar forbidding the granting of such application. Such caveat shall in all other respects be in the same form and shall have the same effect with respect to the application against which it is lodged, and be subject to the same conditions as an ordinary caveat against bringing land under the operation of this Act.

[9] 140 of Transfer of Land Act 1893 Compensation for lodging caveat without reasonable cause

Any person lodging any caveat with the Registrar either against bringing land under this Act or otherwise without reasonable cause shall be liable to make to any person who may have sustained damage thereby such compensation as a judge on a summons in chambers shall deem just and order.


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