The Economist-20241102期「Leaders」Neurodiversity: Think outside the box
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-para4 科学新解👉ADHD各种特征的严重程度差异很大,严重者需药物和疗法治疗。
-para5 科学做法👉而对于大多数ADHD患者,调整环境以适应其优势比使其“正常”更明智和经济。
-para6 实例应用👉英格兰朴茨茅斯教师培训评估儿童神经多样性,通过调整教学方式帮助ADHD特征学生。
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Neurodiversity: Think outside the box
Stop treating ADHD as a disorder. Adapt schools and workplaces for it
Neurodiversity: Think outside the box
Stop treating ADHD as a disorder. Adapt schools and workplaces for it
[5] But for most people with ADHD, the symptoms are mild enough to disappear when their environment plays to their strengths. Rather than trying to make people “normal”, it is more sensible—and cheaper—to adjust classrooms and workplaces to suit neurodiversity.
[6] In Portsmouth, in the south of England, teachers have been trained to assess a child’s neurodiversity profile on characteristics that include speech, energy levels, attention and adaptability. The goal is to find where children need support (being easily distracted) and where they have strengths (being a visual learner), without diagnosing them with anything in particular. Organising lessons to mix sitting, standing and working in groups is one way to make things easier for pupils with ADHD-type traits. Greater freedom to choose when to arrive at school or work can help those who are worn down by sensory overload during the morning rush. Bullet-point summaries of lessons or work memos, noise-cancelling headphones and quiet corners can help, too.
[7] Such things should be universally available at school and at work. Greater understanding of neurodiversity would reduce bullying in schools and help managers grasp that neurodivergent people are often specialists, rather than generalists. They may be bad in large meetings or noisy classrooms, but exceptional at things like multitasking and visual or repetitive activities that require attention to detail. Using their talents wisely means delegating what they cannot do well to others. A culture that tolerates differences and takes an enlightened view of the rules will help people achieve more and get more out of life. That, rather than more medical appointments, is the best way to help the growing numbers lining up for ADHD diagnoses. ■