BANK|PARIS PHOTO 巴黎影像博览会 2024|迈克尔·耐贾尔 Michael Najjar|展位 D48

文摘   文化   2024-10-29 17:28   上海  

BANK 参加巴黎影像博览会

主单元 Main Sector

 展位 Booth|D48 

迈克尔·耐贾尔 Michael Najjar

开幕 Vernissage

*仅限邀请 Invitation only

2024.11.06 (周三 Wed) 

贵宾时段 VIP Hours

*仅限邀请 Invitation only

2024.11.07 (周四 Thur) - 2024.11.10 (周日 Sun)

10:30 am - 1pm

公众日 Public Days 

2024.11.07 (周四 Thur) 1pm - 8pm

2024.11.08 (周五 Fri)  1pm - 8pm

2024.11.09 (周六 Sat)  1pm - 8pm

2024.11.10 (周日 Sun) 1pm - 7pm

Grand Palais
3 avenue du Général Eisenhower 75008 Paris

Michael Najjar's Greenland expedition, 2024, Courtesy of the artist

BANK 荣幸宣布即将于2024年的巴黎影像博览会(PARIS PHOTO)呈现德国艺术家迈克尔·耐贾尔(b.1966年)的个展。耐贾尔是一位享誉国际的艺术家、探险家和未来的宇航员。他的作品涵盖摄影、录像、雕塑和写作。他以艺术、科学和技术的跨学科实践而闻名,并以复杂的批判性方式探索了当今的技术,这些技术发展正在定义并极大地改变了21世纪初的面貌。贾尔的概念摄影拓展了摄影媒介的可能性,而他的综合学科方法则促进了与科学家、研究人员和工程师之间的合作。



Michael Najjar shooting at Elon Musk's Starbase launch site, 2023. Courtesy of the artist

BANK proudly presents a solo exhibition by Michael Najjar (b. 1966, Germany) at Paris Photo 2024. Najjar is an internationally acclaimed artist, explorer, and future astronaut. His work spans photography, video, sculpture and writing. He is known for working closely at the intersection of art, science, and technology, dealing in complex and critical ways with the technological developments that are defining and drastically changing the early 21st century. Najjar's conceptual photography expands the possibilities of the medium, while his multidisciplinary approach fosters collaborations with scientists, researchers, and engineers.

The Paris presentation focuses on our planetary future in times of climate change and a redefinition of the relationship between humans and nature. In view of the dramatic consequences of climate change for future generations, Najjar urges a rethinking of technology, aesthetics, and culture. The presentation addresses themes like space-based Earth observation, carbon capture and storage, and biophilic architecture. Through his photography and video art, Najjar creates a conceptual space that bridges scientific knowledge with aesthetic expression, inviting viewers to contemplate how we might build a sustainable, post-destructive future.

The performative element is also central to Najjar's work. Over the past decades, he has embarked on expeditions to remote and challenging environments around the world. His artworks often originate from these field explorations, conducted in hard-to-reach, liminal locations. Najjar has summited seven-thousand-meter peaks, scaled skyscrapers, trekked across active volcanoes, glaciers, and deserts, descended into ice caves, and undergone rigorous astronaut training with the aim of becoming the first artist in space. To create his images, Najjar exposes his body to extreme experiences and tests his mental and physical limits in the context of challenging natural or technological environments. In the last 25 years, Najjar´s work has been the subject of solo and group exhibitions at prominent institutions worldwide.

 Artwork Preview 


Michael Najjar, CDF-X, 2024

卡斯帕·大卫·弗里德里希(Caspar David Friedrich)是德国浪漫主义时期最重要的画家之一,他的风景画是对所见、所经历和所梦想的世界的一种建构;它们将内在和外在的形象融合成一个全新的风景空间。在弗里德里希1832年的名画《大围墙(The Great Enclosure)》中,无人居住的风景与苍白的河道、田野和泥滩,就像遥远星球的地形一样,显得陌生而又陌生。136年后,随着阿波罗8号任务的首次执行,人类才真正采用了这一视角。弗里德里希这幅画的天才之处在于,它揭示了世界上所有视角的不稳定性,无论是从上方、下方还是从中心。这幅画结合了观察地球的不同维度,隐喻着人们离开地球家园的想法。

耐贾尔的摄影作品《CDF-X》迈出了与弗里德里希时代相似的大胆一步,19世纪初的绘画与21世纪初的照片融为一体。当我们近距离观察这件摄影时,绘画的笔触和裂纹与数码照片图像的精确性融为一体。在地平线上,在天空和大地的交界处,在画面的正中央,现在矗立着一个火箭发射基地。这是美国太空探索技术公司 SpaceX 的巨型 “星际飞船”,该画面拍摄于艺术家在其首次太空试飞发射的前几秒钟。画面上部的金色云彩也是作品中加入的摄影元素。它们与画面底部的水面构成相映成趣,从而让人联想到另一个地球。在弗里德里希的画作中,一艘小帆船位于地平线下方,完美地按照黄金分割比例摆放。它是人类存在及其对景观干预的唯一参照物。它似乎沿着地球的边缘航行,但目的是什么呢?通过我们的全新飞船,我们正在离开地球的边缘,驶向未知的世界。观看作品CDF-X时的时空之旅,将观众从19世纪初的浪漫风景带入了即将到来的双行星文明的未来。

orbital launch mount

Michael Najjar, orbital launch mount, 2024

SpaceX 公司的 “星际飞船 ”将彻底改变太空旅行,并为未来的星际飞行任务铺平道路。发射 “星际飞船 ”的发射台是专门建造的,是工程学的杰作。艺术品 “轨道发射架 ”捕捉到了星际飞船发射系统点火的瞬间。这是一个充满力量和活力的场景。引擎喷射出巨大的火焰,发出强烈的、近乎超凡脱俗的光芒,似乎要将发射台吞没。稳定与动力、冷酷与炽热、坚固与运动之间的奇妙交织。画面的视觉张力来自于静态和动态之间的强烈对比。

观众几乎可以感受到点火产生的热量和震动,画面本身似乎也在震动。然而,看不见的是这一能量时刻的真正触发器--星际飞船。中央圆柱上的圆点为画面增添了更深一层的象征意义,体现了 SpaceX 的终极目标:火星。在画面的整体构图中,火星的融入创造了各元素之间的平衡。圆柱体现了力量和永恒,火焰代表了运动和能量,而火星则象征着将这两种力量结合在一起的目标。它是连接技术进步和科学好奇心的纽带,象征着人类在太空中的未来。它不仅仅是天空中的一个遥远的点,而是一个可以实现的目标,一个人类文明的新地平线。


 About the Artist 


 Michael Najjar 


Michael Najjar is one of the most important international photo artists of his generation. Born in 1966 in Landau, Germany, from 1988 – 1993 Najjar attended the bildo Akademie für Medienkunst in Berlin. In his artworks Michael Najjar deals in a complex and critical way with the technological developments that are defining and drastically changing the early 21st century. Najjar develops his photographic and video works from an interdisciplinary understanding of art. He combines science, art and technology to create artistic visions and utopias of future social orders emerging under the influence of new technologies. Throughout his extensive oeuvre Najjar continually questions the relationship between reality and simulation.

 - 即将展出 Upcoming - 

Bony Ramirez

100 Rabbits Minus 1
2024.11.02 - 2025.01.04
Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai


Chen Ruofan


2024.11.02 - 2025.01.04

Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai

Click to access "THE VAULT" store

BANK创立于前银行工会大楼内,后乔迁至安福路。BANK既是MABSOCIETY 的办公空间,也是商业画廊,展览项目囊括当代国际视角下的艺术文化,旨在引发人们对历史人文,国际热点和当下态度的深入探讨。