大使专访·上篇丨安博宁大使回顾2024年使馆大事……Interview with Ambassador Angelet P1

文摘   2025-01-22 17:25   韩国  

2023年8月1日,安博宁大使抵达北京。当时我们发表过一篇文章介绍他:新任大使安博宁:我的任务是在中国代表比利时 Meet Our New Ambassador Bruno Angelet!



On August 1st, 2023, Ambassador Angelet arrived in Beijing. While we have posted many articles on his missions and events he attended, we have seldom highlighted his life beyond his role as the Belgian Ambassador. This upcoming interview, presented in two parts, will provide some insight into that aspect of his life :)



You’ve travelled extensively throughout China during your 1.5 years staying here; which city or region has impressed you the most, and why? 




Pictures taken by Ambassador Angelet


还有其他的,比如沈阳故宫、尤其是它的历史性给我留下了深刻的印象(让我联想起了比利时传教士南怀仁陪同康熙皇帝视察沈阳的情景。关于南怀仁,可以阅读👉我们为什么要将新馆的会议室以南怀仁命名?Why did we name our meeting room after him?。我也喜欢杭州的西湖,喜欢漫步在城市的河畔。上海的外滩也让我印象深刻(白天和夜晚一样令人惊叹)。我还去了南京,探索了它的古城和玄武湖公园。遗憾的是,那天是周一,南京的大博物馆都关门了。我还喜欢广州的历史街区……更不用说,无论何时何地,徒步游览北京的长城总是令人印象深刻!



Ambassador Angelet Visits the Forbidden City of Shenyang


As I love nature and hiking, on top of my “strong impressions-list” I must put the trekking I did with my two sons in Yunnan, during the Lunar New Year in February 2024. We first visited some small historic cities like Lijiang before we moved to the Tiger’s Gorge and up into the mountains. We did close to 80 km up high in the mountains in five days, and in fantastic sceneries. 

I also love Xi'An, it’s old town, the great museums, the food and of course it’s history. Europeans would describe Xi'An as the point of arrival of the Silk Road. But Chinese people kindly reminded me that it is just its point of departure! I went recently with the family to Pingyao: great and charming city, as well as the Wang and the Qiao courtyards (real beauties !) a little further. 

I was impressed by the Forbidden City of Shenyang (Liaoning) and also the historic dimension of it (thinking of the Belgian advisor Ferdinant Verbiest (Nan Huairen in Chinese) who accompanied Emperor Kangxi for an inspection to Shenyang). I loved the West Lake in Hangzhou and to walk on the river sides around the city. I was very much impressed by the Bund in Shanghai, (as impressive during the day as at night). I could visit Nanjing, discover it’s old town, and it’s great Xuanwuhu park. Unfortunately, it was on a Monday so the great museums of Nanjing were closed. I also like the historic quarters of Guangzhou. Needless to say, hiking around Beijing on the Great Wall is always impressive wherever and whenever!


Ambassador Angelet at the memorial statue of Mrs. Qian Xiuling

了解更多关于钱秀玲 To know more about Mrs. Qian Xiuling: 她从盖世太保的枪口下救了近百名比利时人 Qian Xiuling Hall: Why Do We Commemorate Her



How has your impression of the Chinese people evolved since your arrival? What aspects stand out to you? 




Friendliness, openness and willingness to help and communicate, were my very first impressions and more then a year later, they are confirmed. I also understand better now – given the size of the country – the diversity of the people and people’s opinions. Chinese people are eager to learn. Talking to them, it strikes me how many have travelled, but also how far Europe is geographically and culturally, which explains exactly the magnetic attraction of both Chinese to discover Europe and Europeans to discover China. 

Of course, I am every day amused by the love of Chinese people for pictures and selfies and, when asked, I mostly accept to pose and smile to make them happy ! 






What aspects of Belgian culture do you believe resonate most with the Chinese people, and how do you promote these connections ?  





The most commonly known aspects of Belgium. Ambassador would like to introduce much more to China!


What most people know about Belgium is of course the quality of our food, chocolate, beers and diamond. Some go a little further and know also our tradition of strips and cartoons. I regularly meet Chinese citizens who have also travelled to Belgium and remember our beautiful historic cities. Some polls indicate that Chinese visitors are particularly impressed also by the natural scenery, which is surprising given we are a small and densely, urbanised country. But yes, the countryside is wonderful and often well preserved. 

What our Chinese friends are less aware of is the top-quality scientific research and the level of innovation of our country. Who  - apart from experts – would know that Belgium is number one producer of vaccines in the world, or that we have the most validated clinical trials and patents in life sciences per capita on earth? Not many Chinese friends know either that we host the world’s unique  “Olympic Games of classical music” - as a Chinese violinist in Tianjin explained to me, describing our annual “Queen Elisabeth Competition”, the toughest and most prestigious classical music competition on earth! Our plan is to promote also those strong features of Belgium in China as of this year. 





Which mission or event from the past year are you most proud? 






Articles of some important events of the Embassy (click to read):

Moving into the new Embassy, end of 2023, was a complex operation but it ran smoothly. In January 2024, we had the official visit of our Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, which for diplomats is always a challenging but very exciting moment as it allows also to ensure a fruitful engagement with the leadership of China and on which we can build. We organised many public events for the wider Chinese public in our new embassy all over the year. A particular highlight was the grand opening of our Embassy on 1st of June and of course the annual King’s days. I was in particular pleased by the big attendance of our Chinese guests. We also held our first exhibitions in the new premisses of our Embassy, with piece of arts, photo exhibitions and a piano concert.


Ambassador Angelet giving speech on King's Day 2024



- To be continued -


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