“撒尿男孩 ”的雕像经历了漫长的、有时甚至是充满挑战的旅程,经受了1695年布鲁塞尔大轰炸以及多年来各种形式的磨损。早在 15 世纪,它就在为城市提供饮用水方面发挥了重要作用。
The "pissing boy" has endured a long and sometimes challenging journey, having weathered the bombardment of Brussels in 1695 and various forms of wear over the years. As early as the 15th century, it served an important role in providing drinking water to the city.
For tourists, this statue ranks among the top attractions, but for many locals, its significance runs much deeper. To some, it embodies a unique spirit of Brussels that is resilient, playful, and distinctly personal. While it no longer functions as a water source, it now enriches the city in a different manner. Additionally, it serves as a reminder of the city's rich history and its continually changing identity.
© Manneken-Pis Official Dresser - Nicolas (https://www.facebook.com/MannekenPisOfficialDresserNicolas)
Brussels was blockaded by a powerful enemy and the siege lasted several days.
The besiegers, seeing that the city was resisting, lit the fuse and set fire to Brussels before leaving.
The population rejoiced at being freed from the enemy's siege.
Fortunately, a young boy passing through the rue de l'Etouffe spotted the lit fuse and, despite his youth, understood the danger lurking in the city.
Not knowing where to find water to extinguish the wick, he didn't hesitate for a moment and began peeing over it, extinguishing the fire immediately.
Onlookers caught sight of this hero who had saved the city of Brussels by his instinct.
The story quickly spread and, in his honour, the citizens erected a statue recreating his
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