Cumulus Regional Seminar|Keynote Speakers

文摘   2024-11-22 17:03   江苏  

Next week, Cumulus Regional Seminar “Design for Intercultural Innovation” will kick-off, and we’re sharing the last round of keynotes speakers!

Join us as we welcome:

1. Daan Van Eijk, Professor Industrial Design Engineering T/U Delft.

2. Joseph Press, Vice-Dean NACAA (L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique + China Academy of Art. 

3. Enza Migliore, Assistant Professor at SUSTech School of Design.

In addition, we are honored to have our VIP guests:

Prof Youmin Xi – Executive President, XJTLU

Prof Zhoulin Ruan – VPAA, XJTLU

Marjo Crompvoets – Consul General of the Netherlands in Shanghai

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired!


Future of Design Education


Daan van Eijk is chair professor in Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He has been working for 15 years in the Industrial Design practice and since 2004 in his current position. His focus is on integrating Human, Technology and Business aspects into product service svstems.

Van Eiik is known as a connector of industry. knowledge institutes and governmental organizations. He is a driving force in empowering the design sector through networking, knowledge development and education.


Generating Intercultural Intelligence: Explorations with GenAI in Designing Sustainable Futures


Joseph collaborates across IFTF to inform and shape meaningful futures for organizations. He works with leaders to change existing situations into preferred futures. He began his career as an architect, designing workplaces in the USA, France, Germany, and Israel. Soon after completing his Master's and Ph.D. in Design Technology at MIT, he pivoted into management consulting. His 16-year career with Deloitte was capped b founding and leading Deloitte Digital Switzerland. an interdisciplinarv team to design and deliver digital innovation for global, cross-industry clients. After witnessing the multitude of failed transformation efforts. Joseph pivoted into developing people to make change happen.


Hybrid Intelligence: Case Studies on the Integration of Material and Digital Practices in Design Research and Education


Enza Migliore is a researcher and educator in design, focusing on materials exploration through interdisciplinary and empirical practices. She holds a Ph.D. in Design and Innovation from the Second University of Naples and received a post-doctoral research fellowship (2017-2019) from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science. Her research is in Materials Exploration Through Design. Bio-Innovation, and Eco-intelligent Design.

During her post-doc at the Metropolitan University of Tokyo, she explored and embraced critical perspectives on the future of materials. She is an Assistant Professor at the School of Design, SUSTech Universitv, in Shenzhen, where she leads the Materialities Research Group, exploring materials through ecology, technology, and culture.

Cumulus Greetings from Prof Lorenzo Imbesi, Cumulus Association President and Full Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome; and Eija Salmi, Cumulus Association Secretary General

Time & Venue

28 - 29 November

ES Building

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