*Each Department from Design School will propose a tailored talk under this topic (including in a different date).*设计学院的每个系会围绕该主题举办专门的讲座(具体时间按照各系需求安排)。 THEMATIC TALK 1
讲座1:探索专业的视野 Department of ARCHITECTURE (ES123): Discover how bold creativity, ecological aesthetics, and collaboration with global brands shape the future of Architectural design in visual storytelling, motion design and Game industry!The overall format will follow the well-known TTT and here is the schedule for the talk (1.30 hour): 1) each speaker will have 20 minutes of presentation talking about their professional experience. The idea is to broaden architecture student’s professional path, exploring different opportunities. 2) Then there will be a 30/40 mins talk where a moderator will propose a series of questions to each speaker focusing on your experience/presentation3) Q&A from the participants/students. Speaker 1: Haiyu Zheng, Founder & 3D Artist & Art Director of Zork ArtHaiyu Zheng is a 3D artist, motion designer, and director. Her work explores the ecological aesthetics of the post-Anthropocene, offering a nuanced reflection on societal emotions and a deep resonance with nature and the environment. Skillfully blending the authentic textures of the real world with surreal dreamlike elements, she creates 3D digital art that delivers a fresh sensory and emotional experience. With bold use of color and innovative motion design, she breathes new life into everyday objects.Haiyu Zheng is the founder of Zork Art, a visual art studio that has collaborated with internationally renowned brands such as Mercedes-Benz and SALOMON. Her works have been recognized with numerous awards from prestigious competitions, including CDSA, A' Design Award, Shanghai International Short Film Week, Heracles Independent Film Festival, and GGAC. Her art has also been exhibited in various locations worldwide. 2022-2023: TA(Techical Art), Genshin, MIHOYO2023-2024: Project Manager, Zenless Zone Zero, MIHOYOMain project: 原神-渊下宫
Department of INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (ES120):Speaker 1: Emma Wang, Co-Founder of Automobile Product Consultancy, Zhiyan Tech Consulting, LtdEmma hold a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Design from Purdue University. Emma has over 9 years of experience in automotive and its related industries, previously served as Senior Pruduct Manger at Jidu Auto. She Helped developed long-term Product Strategy for multiple Automotive clients; delivered end to end operational improvement plans for multiple Global Automotive clients through sales, operation, marketing and product functions; lead service design and human-centered experience research & design.Past experience as automotive experience designer/product manager, and its lesson and learns Speaker 2: Yihan Bian/卞艺涵 , Project Manager KISKA DESIGNYihan is a project manager at KISKA Shanghai and has over five years of experience in design thinking, product design, and user experience. With an international education, bilingual proficiency, and a design background, she excels at understanding client needs and bridging the gap between insights and product implementation. Speaker 3: Dinesh Raman, Senior Design Manager KISKA DESIGNRaman is a Senior Design Manager (2-Wheel) at KISKA Shanghai with over a decade of global experience in 2-Wheel design, engineering, and strategy. Specializing in electric mobility and innovation, he delivers impactful, user-centric designs by balancing creativity, practicality, and cost constraints for markets across India, China, ASEAN, and Lat-Am. Department of URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN 董晓江, 中城筑略产城研究院 执行院长, 上海产业转型发展研究院 副院长, 中规院/深规院/中国建筑研究院 特聘产品经理, 产业规划/空间规划/产品规划/三规合一专家参与研究:
深圳宝安区新桥东工业上楼产品研究 THEMATIC TALK 3
讲座3:打造职业形象 (ES124, 11.00 am -12.30 pm)Speaker: 王丽萍,中亿丰建设集团股份有限公司 人力资源总监 Guidelines for the professional profile: - how to write a resume, - where/how to find the job, - tips for the interview, - do and do not in the professional career INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY 1: CV Clinic
互动1:简历门诊 Students' CV review by experts. Please select the slot in the registration and be there with the CV printed.吕知轩,苏州轩昂工业设计有限公司总经理(工设)
顾中,华发股份 副总经理(建筑 土木)
王华麒(设计学院就业指导老师) THEMATIC TALK 2
讲座2:就业市场分析 Department of ARCHITECTURE (ES123) An insightful session where professionals share insights on the international architectural market, essential skills for top firms, and the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork. Gain valuable knowledge to navigate and excel in today’s competitive job market! The overall format will follow the well-known TTT and here is the schedule for the talk (1.30 hour): 1) each speaker will have 20 minutes of presentation talking about their professional experience. The idea is to make students aware of the current job market in China, how is working in/for international projects/context. 2) Then there will be a 30/40 mins talk where a moderator will propose a series of questions to each speaker focusing on your experience/presentation 3) Q&A from the participants/students. Chiara Dossi, Operation Director of VirtuarchChiara joined Virtuarch Team since a very early stage and shares the Company vision implementing it in the day to day operations. Her Master degree in Oriental Languages and Literature combined with her long life experience in China, help her to deep understanding the local costumes while integrating them with a Western Perspective. She has been in charge of Virtuarch Operations, Human Resources, Financial Supervision and Marketing coordination since 20 years, making sure that the Company keeps running smoothly and according to the corporate values. Department of CIVIL ENGINEERING (ES118) 王曦,重庆智能建造研究院,总经理。重庆智能建造研究院(CQCRC)隶属于松山湖机器人基地(XbotPark机器人基地),是基地智能建造板块内地运营主体,成立于2022年,由重庆市政府重点支持成立。XbotPark机器人基地由李泽湘教授联合高秉强教授、甘洁教授于 2014年发起创立,专注发现、培育、投资勇于革新的早期硬科技创业者和志在培育世界级的硬科技企业。XbotPark智能建造板块孵化培育和投资的团队其产品方向涵盖:三维激光扫描仪、ALC条板搬运及安装机器人、视觉位移计、内墙涂装机器人、瓷砖铺贴机器人、AI设计平台等多个产品类别。 谢卫华,男,硕士研究生,高级工程师,国家电网公司青年岗位能手。现任中国电气装备集团科学技术研究院新能源研发中心负责人副主任,长期从事新能源并网与微电网运行控制研发工作。国家重点研发计划课题负责人,主持和参与国家级项目4项、省部级科研项目10余项,授权国家发明专利18项,出版专著书籍1部,荣获省部技术发明一等奖1项,科技技术进步奖2项。 Department of INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (ES120): Speaker 1: Daheng Chu / 楚大珩, UI/UX consultant for 2B AI platform, kNowledge powered creation (NPC) TechnologyBEng degree from XJTLU (18 level)
MA from Royal College of Art & Msc from Imperial College of LondonTaught and graduated from XJTLU, Imperial Collage and Royal College of Art, I am approach technology with a human-centered lens, blending creative insight with a rational design process to seamlessly bridge the gap between innovation and human perception.My talk will discuss with industrial design students the importance of creativity, adaptability, and interdisciplinary thinking, while also sharing personal job-seeking insights to help them secure fulfilling careers. Speaker 2: Riku / 陆爽天, PARTNER & CHIEF DESIGNER WY&P / HOLISTIC DESIGNLu Shuangtian Riku WY&P Design Consulting Partner & Chief Designer Distinguished Guest Lecturer at the School of Visual Arts, Fudan University He has won many domestic and international design awards such as the Red Dot Award, IF Award, A-Design, IDA, and commercial creativity awards such as the Golden Reed and Golden Investment Awards. He has many personal invention patents and new utility invention patents.He has participated in the design of more than 100 products and brands that have been launched. Department of URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN 陈启宁,男,58岁,新加坡邦城规划顾问有限公司(SCP)中国区执行董事 / 邦城规划顾问(苏州工业园区)有限公司董事长。曾获得南京大学理学学士、华东师范大学区域经济学硕士、中欧国际工商学院工商管理硕士。具有高级工程师、注册规划师等专业资格。目前是新加坡规划师协会会员、江苏省城市规划研究会常务理事。 具有36年的城市与区域规划丰富经验。早年在南京大学城市与区域规划专业学习,后分配在江苏省城乡规划设计研究院从事规划设计工作,积累了区域规划、总体规划、详细规划等多个层面规划设计的经验。1994年入职苏州工业园区规划建设局,参与中新合作苏州工业园区的规划建设管理工作,积累了公共管理经验,历任规划处长、局长助理、副总规划师等职务,分管测绘和地理信息工作,创办了苏州工业园区测绘地理信息有限公司和苏州工业园区新艺元规划顾问有限公司。2004年起担任新加坡邦城规划顾问有限公司中国区总裁,带领团队为中国及东南亚、南亚、非洲规划设计市场提供一流的战略咨询和城市规划服务。在印度、越南、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日利亚等10多个国家以及中国的31个省(市、自治区)的200多个城市完成了众多项目。擅长的领域包括:战略咨询、产业规划、区域规划、总体规划、详细规划、营运规划等。参加的主要项目包括:苏州市中新苏州工业园区总体规划、详细规划及城市设计、新加坡-苏州城市规划软件转移计划、天津市京津中关村科技城规划、南宁市五象新区规划及城市设计、西安市航天科技新城规划、昆明市经济技术产业开发区总体规划、南通市中新苏通科技产业园规划、洋口港经济开发区规划、滁州市中新苏滁现代产业园规划、宿迁市中新苏宿工业园区规划、成都市天府动力新城规划、宜宾市临港经济技术开发区规划、中国-尼泊尔友谊工业园规划、印度万达产业新城控制性详细规划、中国龙邦-越南茶岭跨境合作区规划、中缅瑞丽跨境合作区规划、缅甸曼德勒大海德工业园区规划等。主持完成的贵州省黔东南州凯麻新城规划荣获2015年度新加坡规划师协会城市规划金奖。发表论文“借鉴新加坡的经验——促进我国城市规划管理的制度创新”等10多篇。出版的书籍包括:《城市规划信息技术开发及应用》、《苏州城市转型》、《规划让城市更健康》等。 钮卫东,苏州规划设计研究院股份有限公司董事、院长,国家注册城乡规划师、研究员级高级工程师,江苏省产业教授。江苏省工学4类教指委委员,江苏省城市规划研究会详细规划专委会副主任委员、城市设计专委会委员,江苏省土地学会空间规划分会委员,苏州市勘察设计协会副理事长,苏州市城市规划协会常务理事。 相秉军,研究员级高级工程师,北京清华同衡规划院总工程师兼长三角分院院长。 同济大学硕士,师从我国著名历史文化名城保护专家阮仪三教授。曾任苏州市规划局总规划师,中国城市规划学会城市设计专业委员会、城市规划历史与理论专业委员会委员;中国城市科学研究会历史文化名城委员会历史街区学部、城市设计学部委员扬州市、孝义市人民政府城市规划专家委员会委员;抚州市、常熟市、高邮市、兴化市历史文化名城保护专家委员会委员;苏州科技学院兼职教授。专业研究方向:历史文化保护、城市设计、城市总体规划。获部省级优秀规划设计二十余项,发表专业学术论文二十余篇,出版学术专著三部。 INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY 2:
Job interview simulation
互动2:模拟面试 (ES 125, 11.00 am-12.30 pm) Made-up interviews to show/simulate the process of a job interview徐田田 ,中衡设计集团股份有限公司 集团人力资源部总监(建筑)
Sophia Slingerland, Ateliers Phi Founder and managing partner(建筑)
曹沛,江苏美的清洁电器 工业设计主任(工设)
王华麒(设计学院就业指导老师) INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY 3: Talk with Companies
互动3:企业面对面 (ES 1st floor atrium, 2.00-5.00 pm)ARCHITECTURE
CATS Studio
Atelier FUN
swoop studio
Area 17 studio
Chapman Taylor studio Industrial Design
ItaldesignUrban Design and Planning THEMATIC TALK 2
讲座2:畅想设计未来 Department of CIVIL ENGINEERING苏州大学建筑学院讲师、博士后 Lecturer and Post Doctor, Soochow University
英国利物浦大学建筑学博士 PhD inArchitecture, University of Liverpool
英国皇家特许注册建筑师 RIBA Charterted Architect
美国绿色建筑认证专家 LEED AP, BD+C
西交利物浦大学校外导师 External Mentor, XJTLU孔启明, 2007年加入奥雅纳,现为奥雅纳华中大区副总工程师,一级注册结构工程师。从事结构工程设计和管理工作近二十年,积累了较丰富的结构设计和工程管理经验。在大跨度结构、复杂商业综合体结构的设计有深入的理解和认识,擅长结构分析和优化。主持和参与多个 200 米以上超高层、大跨以及复杂商业超高层综合体标杆项目、大型文体项目。获得多项国际奖项以及多项省级以上科技进步奖。
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