
文摘   2024-12-20 16:00   江苏  


Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJLTU)’s Department of Urban Planning and Design, in partnership with the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI)’s East Asia Working Group, successfully organised a two-day international workshop on China-Southeast Asia Sustainable Development, aiming to encourage inclusive discussions, provide constructive feedback on research, and build connections among participants from different academic and professional backgrounds.

此次工作坊为促进青年学者、博士生、研究人员和从业人员之间的知识交流、融入式对话和国际合作提供了一个平台,约 50 位参与者来自澳大利亚、柬埔寨、中国、德国、印度、印度尼西亚、荷兰、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国和土耳其等全球不同国家。

This workshop served as a platform to promote knowledge exchange, incorporative dialogue, and international collaboration among young scholars, PhD candidates, researchers, and practitioners. It gathered around 50 participants from different countries around the globe including Australia, Cambodia, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Turkey.

Professor Marc Aurel Schnabel, Dean of Design School

Keynote speaker Dr Yudo Anggorro, Bandung Institute of Technology

本次研讨会包括四场青年学者平行演讲、两场主题演讲以及一场由设计学院可持续发展指导小组支持的“Climate Fresk”工作坊,为参与者提供了拓展中国和东南亚可持续发展知识的机会。

The workshop consisted of four parallel sessions for young scholars’ presentations, two keynote presentations, and a Climate Fresk workshop supported by the Design School Sustainability Steering Group, providing opportunities for participants to expand their knowledge of sustainable development in China and Southeast Asia.

点击查看“Climate Fresk”工作坊回顾视频

Click to view the recap video of Climate Fresk Workshop


The presentations addressed various topics, including international trade, sustainable energy transition, the role of local politics, geoeconomics in the Greater Mekong Subregion, climate change, community resilience, labor dynamics, sectoral wage, and the multifaceted narratives surrounding development and sustainability in Southeast Asia. 

Organiser Dr Daniel Yonto (XJTLU) facilitating discussions with participants


Throughout the two-day workshop, participants actively engaged in discussions, exchanged ideas, and networked. In addition, presenters also received insightful feedback for their peers for improving their papers. The discussion in all sessions allowed participants to explore further areas for future research and partnerships. Following the highly active engagement of all participants, this workshop successfully expanded YSI's network in the region, promoting the initiatives to build a sustainable academic community.


Stay tuned for future updates and initiatives from C-SEASD and YSI!

供稿、部分图片提供/ Daniel Yonto博士

编辑/ 钱懿

摄影/ 李婷

视频/ 钱懿

新媒体/ 钱懿

Story provided by Dr Daniel Yonto

Edited by Yi Qian

Photos by Ting Li

Video by Yi Qian

Social Media Editor: Yi Qian

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