Cumulus Regional Seminar|Keynote Speakers & Workshop

文摘   2024-11-16 12:00   江苏  

We continue sharing the news about the Cumulus Regional Seminar "Design for Intercultural Innovation"! 

Let us Introduce our next round of keynote speakers who will inspire and challenge our thinking on intercultural design and innovation. Join us as we welcome:

1. Annemiek van Boeijen, Assistant Professor, T/U Delft.

2.Li Yicheng, Doctor of Design, Vice Dean of Product Design Department , School of Art, Soochow University. 

3.Francesca Valsecchi 魏佛兰  (PhD) is Associate Professor at College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University.


Culture Sensitive Design Education



Open Education Ambassador Award bestowed by the TU Delft Extension School in recognition of commitment to openly share knowledge and educational resources with the world.


Co-researcher for the PhD in Design research project DoCS4Design.


Author of the book Culture-sensitive design – a guide to culture in design practice.


Co-editor of the 2nd edition of the Delft Design Guide – perspectives, models, approaches, and methods.


Doctoral defence of the PhD thesis ‘Crossing Cultural Chasms: Towards a culture-conscious approach to design’, including the Crossing Cultural Chasms Cards.

2013 – present

Online education: Development and moderation in sofa sessions for the course Product Design: The Delft Design Approach, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at the edX platform, Award of Excellence by the Open Education Consortium. Course development, coordination, and teaching of the double blended ProFed course Culture Sensitive Design. Spring 2023 I received the Open Education Ambassador Award.


What we talk about when we talk about “Design for All”?


Research interests lie at Industrial Design, with extensive experience and long-term practice in field of Design for all, Inclusive Design and Universal Design. Lived in China and Northern Europe during the last decade, working as a designer and teaching in universities.


Intercultural innovation between societies and nature


From participatory design research to immersive artistic practice, the work of Associate Professor Francesca Valsecchi looks at developing the “green sense” as the next liminal space of human perception and cognition. She works in Shanghai at Tongji University, College of Design and Innovation. She established the Ecology and Cultures Innovation Lab to discuss and experiment on more-than-human design and the challenges of post-development paradigms. Researches include published, speculative and exhibition works about mapping ecosystems and ecological data, urban-nature interaction, and urban ecology. Her teaching and research projects cover the areas of Design and Nature, Rural-Urban Innovation, Sustainable Food Systems, and more recently in the direction of Design for Ecosystems. She is an expert in visualization methods and participatory techniques, which she applied largely in artistic and research projects involving citizens and communities. She has an ongoing artistic practice using alternative photographic processes and bio-media. She is an environmental activist.


"Mazha Workshop" by Studio HVN

The "Mazha Workshop" by Studio HVN is an interactive proiect that invites participants to create their own. Mazha stools by hand-weaving the seating area. Inspired by the cultural importance of Mazha stools in Beijing-Where they are traditionally used in community gatherings-this workshop emerged from conversations during Studio HVN'5 Mazha exhibition at Beijing Design Week 2012. The workshops aim to foster a sense of community, enabling participants to connect through the shared experience of crafting their own stools.

Time & Venue

29 November 3:15PM - 6:15PM

ES Building

Registration link

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