Lookout House in Snow,美国加利福尼亚州特拉基

文摘   房产   2024-10-02 07:17   江苏  

© Joe Fletcher

The building site had a significant influence on the design for this house. Layered with intense geologic history at the base of a three-million-year-old volcano, the site is a north-facing 20-degree slope with equal parts refuge and prospect at 6,300 feet above mean sea level. Consisting of volcanic sediment from ancient flows and strewn with boulders up to 15 feet in diameter, the site is in an open stand of second-growth Jeffrey Pine and White Fir trees. The vertical, plumb lines of the tree trunks, stripped bare from years of deep snow fall, reach for the light. Standing upright at an angle to the slope, they provide a constant reference to the perpendicular horizon in the distance. The harsh winters leave the ground sparse yet partially covered with a mat of pine needles and cones. Large waist-high clusters of manzanita group together and climb the slope in an organic, opportunistic pattern.

建筑场地对这座房子的设计产生了重大影响。该遗址位于一座拥有 300 万年历史的火山脚下,地质历史悠久,是一个朝北的 20 度斜坡,海拔 6,300 英尺,既是避难所,又是前景广阔的地方。该遗址由古老水流的火山沉积物组成,散布着直径达 15 英尺的巨石,坐落在一片开阔的再生杰弗里松和白冷杉林中。树干的垂直、铅垂线,由于多年的厚积雪而被剥光,直达阳光。它们与斜坡成一定角度直立,为远处的垂直地平线提供了恒定的参考。严冬使地面变得稀疏,但部分地被松针和球果覆盖。齐腰高的大群曼扎尼塔聚集在一起,以一种有机的、机会主义的模式爬上斜坡。

© Joe Fletcher

To the east, a cleared ski access adjoining the site informed the way the plan is built into the slope: a narrow slot within the house’s massing mirrors the continuous space of the ski run. This slot connects independently zoned territories with various levels of privacy within the house as a whole. This spatial slot begins at the street face as exterior space and is enclosed and partially concealed by a steel plate. The enclosed and darkened exterior entry provides relief from the visual noise of the neighborhood. Red-orange glass suggests the color of cooling magma, referencing the site's geology and offering a warm approach. The glow extends to the interior, bathing the entry and central stair in light. At the top of the stairs is a directional gathering space that both looks down to the valley to the north and up to the mountain to the south from under a sloped steel plate roof that parallels the slope of the land.


© Joe Fletcher

Sleeping rooms are provided via a disciplined plan concealed behind a continuous wood screen and buried into the north slope of the site. In the most private zone of the house, a master suite is perched above with panoramic views to the Martis Valley.


© Joe Fletcher

Insulated 20-inch-thick concrete walls made from local sand and aggregate build a ground form that extends to roofs to enclose space. Full-height openings with structurally glazed sliding doors open the space to the prevailing southwesterly breezes. The concrete walls extend beyond the warm interior environment to give the exterior territories at each end. Angled to conform to the building envelope, the extended walls continue into the slope, nearly closing and connecting, but stopping short to leave a gap. The ten-foot-wide opening allows the sloped grade to pour into the building form. This reciprocity with the slope provides ski access with a dramatic opportunity to show off and end the day.

由当地沙子和骨料制成的 20 英寸厚的绝缘混凝土墙构建了一个延伸到屋顶以封闭空间的地面形式。全高开口和结构玻璃滑动门为盛行的西南风打开了空间。混凝土墙延伸到温暖的室内环境之外,在两端提供外部区域。延伸的墙壁与建筑围护结构成一定角度,继续延伸到斜坡中,几乎闭合和连接,但短暂停下来留下间隙。十英尺宽的开口允许倾斜的坡度倾注到建筑形式中。这种与斜坡的相互作用为滑雪通道提供了一个炫耀和结束一天的绝佳机会。

© Joe Fletcher

The minimal materiality of volcanic basalt floors and walnut from old orchards in the nearby Sierra foothills continues the discipline of material. Consistent through the house, the quiet built environment is muted in color and tonality, which allows the landscape outside to be the focus.


© Joe Fletcher

Sustainability is addressed in this project with a focus on energy retention through the choice of materials and systems. Mass-heavy concrete walls and radiantly heated stone floors, an R80 insulated roof, enhanced glazing, and high-efficiency mechanical and lighting equipment minimize energy loss and use. The exterior of concrete and steel is fire resistant and low maintenance.

该项目解决了可持续性问题,重点是通过选择材料和系统来保留能量。大体积混凝土墙和辐射加热石材地板、R80 隔热屋顶、增强型玻璃以及高效机械和照明设备最大限度地减少了能源损失和使用。混凝土和钢材的外部具有防火性且维护成本低。

© Joe Fletcher

Produced by layer upon layer of sketches and study that first seek to discover the existing attributes and characteristics of the place, this architecture does not reflect a singular concept or idea. The built place, including its appearance, is the product of the making of a series of experiences that together set the stage for life to unfold. The process is about an approach to problem solving on a difficult but epic alpine site. The completed place envelopes the continuous space of the slope up to the south sun and mountain top that has existed for millions of years. 


© Joe Fletcher

Project Team 项目团队
Architecture: Faulkner Architects
Interior and Lighting Design: Concept Lighting Lab, LLC
室内和照明设计:Concept Lighting Lab, LLC
Contractor: Rickenbach Development and Construction, Inc.
承包商:Rickenbach Development and Construction, Inc.
Civil Engineering: Shaw Engineering 
土木工程:Shaw Engineering
Structural Engineering: CFBR Structural Group
结构工程:CFBR Structural Group
Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Engineering: MSA Engineering Consultants
机械、管道和电气工程:MSA Engineering Consultants
Energy Modeling: MSA Engineering Consultants
能源建模:MSA Engineering Consultants
Cabinetry Design/Installation: Henrybuilt

© Joe Fletcher




建筑 | 室内 | 设计 | 艺

