Wine Country Barn,美国希尔兹堡

文摘   房产   2024-10-08 07:03   江苏  

Embracing the region’s rustic charm, the firm’s newest commission seamlessly blends nature with modern living.

Nestled into the heart of Northern California Wine Country, this captivating new addition to the landscape by esteemed San Francisco architectural firm, Malcolm Davis Architecture (MDa), is a testament to modern architecture’s ability to blend harmoniously with nature. Known as the Wine Country Barn, the unique building is the result of a close collaboration between Mda and loyal clients who sought to enhance their weekend home.

这座迷人的新景观坐落在北加州葡萄酒之乡的中心地带,由著名的旧金山建筑公司 Malcolm Davis Architecture (MDa) 设计,证明了现代建筑与自然和谐融合的能力。这座独特的建筑被称为“酒乡谷仓”,是 Mda 与寻求改善周末之家的忠实客户密切合作的结果。

The journey began when the homeowners envisioned improvements to their communal living space for weekends with family and friends. Initially contemplating a large addition to the original house, their evolving desires led to the creation of an entirely separate entertainment barn and guest house addition. MDa's architectural design drew inspiration from the region's rustic barns, while incorporating modern detailing to ensure that the new structure harmonizes with its surroundings.

当房主设想改善与家人和朋友共度周末的公共生活空间时,这段旅程就开始了。最初考虑在原来的房子上进行大规模扩建,但他们不断变化的愿望导致创建了一个完全独立的娱乐谷仓和宾馆。MDa 的建筑设计从该地区质朴的谷仓中汲取灵感,同时融入现代细节,以确保新结构与周围环境相协调。

In order to fully integrate the structure into the existing property and estate, MDa worked alongside landscape design team, Lucas & Lucas, with the goal of knitting the building, which features a guest suite, covered parking, and an outdoor kitchen and living space, into the lush surroundings. The result is a design that unites the existing house and pool with the new barn, resulting in a cohesive wine country complex defined by exquisite landscaping and purposeful site lines.

为了将结构完全融入现有的房产和庄园中,MDa 与景观设计团队 Lucas & Lucas 合作,目标是编织这座建筑,其中设有一间客房、有顶棚的停车场、一个室外厨房和起居空间,进入郁郁葱葱的环境。最终的设计将现有的房屋和游泳池与新谷仓结合在一起,形成了一个由精致的景观和有目的的场地线定义的有凝聚力的酒乡综合体。

MDa's design strategy incorporated locally harvested redwood siding, paying homage to the region's mill town history. A harmonious blend of timber, shapes, and volumes further speaks to the local vernacular and seamlessly fits within the picturesque environment. From a sustainability perspective, the team utilized timeless passive techniques that emphasize the use of natural elements for comfort and minimized mechanical and electrical interventions. This environmentally conscious approach ensures that the barn complements the natural climate of the region, contributing to energy efficiency. The interior design, meticulously curated by Grant Gibson Interior Design, also adhered to the concept of timelessness.

MDa 的设计策略采用了当地采伐的红木壁板,向该地区的磨坊镇历史致敬。木材、形状和体积的和谐融合进一步体现了当地的风土人情,并与风景如画的环境无缝融合。从可持续发展的角度来看,该团队采用了永恒的被动技术,强调使用自然元素来提高舒适度并尽量减少机械和电气干预。这种环保方法确保谷仓与该地区的自然气候相得益彰,有助于提高能源效率。由Grant Gibson Interior Design精心策划的室内设计也秉承了永恒的理念。

The project represents the second collaboration between the design-forward homeowners and MDa, who previously designed their San Francisco residence. Contrasting the urban cityscape environment of their primary residence, the Wine Country Barn offers them a necessary reprieve where they can spend more time outdoors, basking in the region's warmth and serene rural setting.

该项目代表了设计前沿的房主与 MDa 之间的第二次合作,MDa 此前设计了他们的旧金山住宅。与他们主要居住地的城市景观环境形成鲜明对比,酒乡谷仓为他们提供了必要的喘息机会,让他们可以在户外度过更多时间,享受该地区温暖而宁静的乡村环境。

Team: 团队:
Architecture: Malcolm Davis Architecture  
Landscape Architect: Lucas & Lucas  
景观设计师:Lucas & Lucas
Contractor: Bettega Construction  
承包商:Bettega Construction
Furniture: Grant Gibson Interior Design 
Photography: Joe Fletcher 




建筑 | 室内 | 设计 | 艺

