The Schoenecker Center,美国明尼苏达州圣保罗

文摘   房产   2024-10-13 06:59   江苏  

Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA), in collaboration with BWBR Architects and McGough Construction, has designed the Schoenecker Center for STEAM at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota—one of the first purpose-built centers of its kind in the country. 

Robert AM Stern Architects (RAMSA) 与 BWBR Architects 和 McGough Construction 合作,在明尼苏达州圣保罗的圣托马斯大学设计了 STEAM 舍内克中心,这是美国首批专门建造的此类中心之一的国家。

The LEED Gold (v4) building is a leader among a new generation of higher-education facilities dedicated to interdisciplinary exchange. The 130,000 sq-ft building is designed to foster collaboration, innovation, and creativity among various departments belonging to the university’s School of Engineering and the College of Arts & Sciences. Across five levels, the Schoenecker Center houses an array of spaces for arts, media, sciences, engineering, and innovation. 

LEED 金级 (v4) 建筑是致力于跨学科交流的新一代高等教育设施中的佼佼者。这座占地 130,000 平方英尺的建筑旨在促进大学工程学院和艺术与科学学院各部门之间的合作、创新和创造力。舍内克中心共有五个楼层,拥有一系列艺术、媒体、科学、工程和创新空间。

“Educators increasingly understand that exposure to new ideas or disciplines is conducive to creativity and innovation,” says Melissa DelVecchio, Partner, RAMSA. “As a result, many universities and colleges are looking to move beyond the traditional, siloed departmental model in favor of one that values and encourages convergence. The University of St. Thomas is at the forefront of this shift with the Schoenecker Center.”

RAMSA 合伙人 Melissa DelVecchio 表示:“教育工作者越来越认识到,接触新思想或新学科有利于创造力和创新。” “因此,许多大学和学院正在寻求超越传统的、孤立的部门模式,转而采用重视和鼓励融合的模式。圣托马斯大学和舍内克中心处于这一转变的最前沿。”

Designed for interdisciplinary education & collaboration

Fostering collaboration makes for a complex architectural and programmatic design. Instead of accommodating the needs of a single department or school, the Schoenecker Center responds to the unique needs of departments that rarely overlap in more traditional academic settings. The building houses a range of classrooms, art and media studios, performance spaces, science labs, computer labs, and engineering labs, among others. 


The Schoenecker Center’s ground-level includes a large shared atrium and a central wood-paneled staircase. Various departmental spaces pinwheel around the atrium. These include an art gallery, a 150-person double-height choral performance space, a music rehearsal space, media recording studios, a café, and a 5,000-sq-ft high bay. The high bay, fitted with a 20-ft bridge crane and concrete strong wall, is a working laboratory for engineering students to conduct research and learn through hands-on experiments and demonstrations. 

舍内克中心的地面层包括一个大型共享中庭和一个中央木板楼梯。中庭周围的各个部门空间风车。其中包括艺术画廊、可容纳 150 人的双层合唱表演空间、音乐排练空间、媒体录音室、咖啡馆和 5,000 平方英尺的高湾。高湾配有 20 英尺桥式起重机和混凝土坚固墙,是工科学生通过动手实验和演示进行研究和学习的工作实验室。

The building’s second story houses the Emerging Media department. The upper levels are primarily dedicated to engineering and lab spaces for subjects like robotics, sustainability, physics, and energy. (RAMSA led the design of the building’s massing and exterior character, along with public, arts, music, and media spaces. BWBR led the design of technical engineering and lab spaces.)

该建筑的二楼是新兴媒体部门。上层主要用于机器人、可持续发展、物理和能源等学科的工程和实验室空间。(RAMSA 主导了建筑体量和外部特征以及公共、艺术、音乐和媒体空间的设计。BWBR 主导了技术工程和实验室空间的设计。)

“The Schoenecker Center is technically complex due to how it weaves different departments together,” says DelVecchio. “Engineers smashing things beside a performance hall or a recording studio requires careful design and engineering to ensure that one department’s needs do not impede on another’s experience of the building. It’s a complex design puzzle motivated by the belief that all these disciplines can—and should—inform one another.” 

“舍内克中心由于将不同部门组织在一起,在技术上非常复杂,”DelVecchio 说。“工程师在表演厅或录音室旁边砸东西需要仔细的设计和工程,以确保一个部门的需求不会妨碍另一个部门对建筑物的体验。这是一个复杂的设计难题,其动机是相信所有这些学科都可以而且应该相互告知。”

The Schoenecker Center has proved to be an appropriate home for several of the University of St. Thomas’s most unique classes that explore the intersection of different fields. For example, “Musical Acoustics” investigates how physics shapes music. The university has also hosted workshops that grow art inside petri dishes.


A transparent & flexible interior

To promote collaboration and interaction, the Schoenecker Center puts learning on display. Extensive interior glazing promotes visibility, allowing students to watch other disciplines in action. The double-height high bay can be observed through a series of windows on the building’s second level near the Emerging Media Department. Similarly, performance and rehearsal spaces are visible from inside and around the building’s main atrium. Pedestrians can even observe rehearsal spaces through windows located along Summit Avenue. 


Housing multiple departments, the Schoenecker Center was designed for flexibility. The building’s multi-use spaces can fulfill different functions according to the user and need. The building’s musical performance space, for example, houses retractable seating. This enables it to transform into a classroom setting or a venue for fairs, networking events, or other gatherings that require increased floorspace. 


Team: 项目团队:
Architect: Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA)
Design Architect: Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA)
Associate Architect: BWBR
Builder: McGough Construction
Photo credits: Brandon Stengel




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